Necromancer in another world

Chapter 924 Karazhan

Chapter 924 Karazhan

Medivh's Tower, or Karazhan, is located at the end of Deadwind Pass. It is the witness of Medivh's brilliant life, the greatest mage of mankind, and it is also the place where Medivh and Sargeras fought most fiercely.

Don't think that after being possessed by the soul of Sargeras, Medivh was completely controlled. This is not the case. From the moment when Sargeras' soul invaded his body, Medivh's soul never gave up fighting against him.It was Medivh's unremitting efforts that made Sargeras unable to act as he wanted, causing his act of destroying the world to fail again.

Speaking of which, Sargeras, who commanded the Burning Legion, was tragic enough. Although he had a powerful and unparalleled power, he was defeated one after another in this world. He was caught by Aegwynn when he was weakest, and in the end, the son of Aegwynn, who was possessed by his soul, was harassed by Medivh. He failed again and again. With his disheveled appearance, how can there be a dark demon who destroyed countless worlds? half shadow?
With Khadgar's help, Grand Duke Lothar led a raid on Karazhan.

After Medivh died, an unknown horrible curse polluted a large area of ​​land centered on Karazhan.

The Deadwind Pass was covered with a dark curtain of unknown effect, and the forest west of Karazhan was also affected, turning into the Dusk Forest today.

Before Leo and his party came to Karazhan, it was not that no one came here. In fact, since the moment it was abandoned, people came to Karazhan every year with various purposes. Among these people were not only humans, but also dwarves. , and there are various races such as elves and orcs.

After all, Karazhan is the place where Medivh studies spells. If he can gain something there, it will definitely have a great impact on various forces. Even blood elves such as Liadrin and Rommath have come here in person. It can be seen that How attractive is it.

It is a pity that although there are many people who come to Karazhan, they have never heard of anyone who has succeeded, and there are not even people who have entered Karazhan.

The magic that sealed Karazhan completely isolated everything inside, and also blocked all those who tried to spy on it.

The closer he was to Karazhan, the more strange Leo felt. He always felt that something would happen, and this feeling made him more alert.

With Leo's strength, there are very few things in the world that can threaten him, and Karazhan is one of them.

Who knows exactly what Medivh did in Karazhan?
Who knows what trap Sargeras controlled Medivh and set up in Karazhan?
Who knows what is going on in Karazhan now?
It's not that Leo is suspicious, but that he has to be cautious.

Medivh was resurrected by Aegwynn after his death. At that time, he had already got rid of Sargeras' control. It stands to reason that he should come back to take care of Karazhan, but this guy just turned a blind eye to Karazhan. This majestic mage tower that he has devoted countless efforts to is deserted. Isn't there a problem?

Could it be that there is something sealed inside that Medivh can't handle?
Leo was scratching his head. He only hoped that Karazhan would not be much different from the situation in Yamaguchi in his memory. He just hoped that the real world would be the same as a game. Is this realistic?Ever since he came to this world, how many people and things did Leo encounter that don't match the positioning in the game?
"Sarah, are you okay?"

Leo is worried about his trip to Karazhan, but Scarlett is worried about Sarah.

After learning that Leo and the others were going to explore Karazhan, Sarah immediately joined in. As for the report back, she handed it over to her deputy, who led the soldiers under his command to Night City.In Sarah's words, as a member of Nightshade Town and the Kingdom of Stormwind, she cannot let an unknown factor like Karazhan stand in the heart of the kingdom.

From the bottom of his heart, Leo disapproved of Sarah going to Karazhan with him, but in reality he had to do so.Because the little girl said that even if Leo and the others did not allow her, she would follow them.

In this way, Leo can't do anything, he can't imprison Sarah and take her back to Night City by force.

Instead of letting her act alone, it is better to bring her by your side, and provide her with a little protection when she is in danger.

The debt must be repaid. Who told Leo to be a clone of the paladin created by Sarah's father Morgan Ladimore? If there is no Morgan, how can there be Izual?
Whether others know it or not, at least in Leo's heart, he knows that he has benefited greatly from Morgan, so how can he see Sarah in danger and not help her?


Sarah forced a smile at Scarlett. The first time she got close to Karazhan, she didn't understand what had happened to her. When she got close to Karazhan, she felt a little dazed.

The golden holy light sprinkled on Sarah. It turned out that Scarlett saw that her face was a little pale, and thought that she should be affected by the invisible curse power emanating from Karazhan, so she protected her with the power of the holy light.

It has to be said that the Holy Light has an advantage in expelling negative forces that other forces cannot match. The golden holy light shone on Sarah, and her face gradually returned to ruddy. It was obvious that Sarah was fine.

Feeling full of energy, Sarah smiled at Scarlett, who responded with a kind smile. Leo didn't pay attention when Sarah was fine, which prevented him from noticing the doubt that flashed in Scarlett's eyes. .

What Leo is concerned about now is how to enter Karazhan, which is covered by magic and can only vaguely see a trace of outline.

Is it my illusion? Why didn't I feel the influence of any negative spells in Sarah's body when I cast the spell? Instead, I felt that her body was weak because of the emptiness in her body?
Scarlett shook her head slightly to remove the doubts in her mind, because that feeling was only for a moment, maybe it was her illusion.

Even if Sarah's face was pale due to the lack of power in her body, it should be due to the consumption of too much power in the previous battle with the ogre.

When Scarlett was healing the soldiers of the Stormwind Kingdom, these soldiers led by Sarah had been fighting with the group of ogres for a long day. Pressure, the ogres are a group of undisciplined mobs, and the soldiers of the Stormwind Kingdom have long been dragged down by the opponent.

"Mage Khadgar, do you have any solution to the magic shield blocking Karazhan?"

Rommath asked what everyone was thinking. When the blood elf grand magister tried to enter Karazhan, he failed in front of this magic shield. Hearing that Khadgar had a way to enter Karazhan, he had long wanted to ask It's clear.

Khadgar did not answer Rommath's question immediately, but looked at Leo and Kael'thas.

Kael'thas, who is a demigod mage, and Leo, a demigod warlock, are both spellcasters standing at the pinnacle of the mortal world. They are very interested in the helpless magic shield of Rommath and Liadrin. People are exuding their spiritual power to explore the secret of the magic shield in front of Karazhan.

This is the result of Leo's exploration, and it is also the most puzzling thing for Leo.

As we all know, magic is rigorous. There is a complete set of magic power operation methods for small fireballs for cooking and forbidding spells for massacring cities and countries.At the beginning of the investigation, Leo believed that the reason why Liadrin and Rommath failed was because they could not sort out the complicated clues. In other words, the method of blocking the operation of Karazhan's magic shield was extremely complicated.

But after a real investigation, this idea was overturned, and it was pushed to the point where there was not even a scum left.

In Leo's perception, the magic shield in front of him has no rules at all, just like a child's scribbled graffiti, how can there be any beginning and end?
It stands to reason that such a chaotic method of magic power operation is impossible to successfully fabricate a magic shield, but the problem is that the shield in front of me exists, and it actually blocks their way, with it lying across Karazhan In addition, even if it is as strong as Leo, it can't go beyond the thunder pool, which has to be amazing.

This magic shield is simply an existence that subverts common sense. Its appearance completely disrupted Leo's understanding of magic, making him understand that even if he has mastered the power of law, there are still mountains and mountains in the field of magic. His strong man still exists.

"The person who cast this magic shield is really powerful, I am far inferior to him."

As proud as Kael'thas, he had to admit that he couldn't solve this stumbling block, but judging from his excited and thoughtful expression, the appearance of this magic shield benefited Kael'thas a lot.Maybe it opened a new door in the field of magic for Kael'thas, but it's not necessarily true.

Seeing that the blood elf princes thought they were inferior, Khadgar's face was a bit smug, and he said: "The magic of Karazhan is Master Aegwynn's masterpiece, and outsiders want to rely on breaking this magic protection. Unless the hood is comparable to Lord Aegwynn in terms of magic attainments. Fortunately, my teacher Medivh told me a secret passage through which we can enter Karazhan without fighting against Lord Aegwynn's seal."

It turned out to be the masterpiece of Aegwynn, the god of law, so it's no wonder.

There is a bit of fanaticism in Rommath's eyes. No wonder countless strong people have been unable to enter Karazhan for so many years. With the magic seal arranged by Aegwynn, who has that ability?
It would be nice if there was a secret way in and out of Karazhan!
Leo heaved a sigh of relief, and competed with Aegwynn in magic attainments. Neither he nor Kael'thas had the ability. If they had to break the formation, they had no other choice but to break through violently.

"Follow me, it's my first time walking that secret path, everyone be careful."

After Khadgar finished speaking, he walked towards a certain corner, and with Leo's eyesight, he vaguely saw an object in the shape of a small door in a hidden corner in the direction he was going.

(End of this chapter)

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