Necromancer in another world

Chapter 925 What kind of luck

Chapter 925 What kind of luck

The small door that Khadgar led the crowd to was not really hidden, anyone with a little heart could find it.

That being the case, why no one can enter Karazhan?
The key is in the mantra.

If the place where Khadgar led the crowd is compared to a locked passage, then the spell Khadgar mastered is the key to open the lock. There is no way to use the channel.

The magic arranged by Medivh himself is enough to stump all mages in this world.

"Master Khadgar, is this secret path okay?"

It's not that Leo is too busy, but Khadgar said before that he has never used this secret path before, and its safety is worthy of concern.

Khadgar knew what Leo was worried about, and he said confidently: "This secret passage was arranged by Teacher Medivh when he established Karazhan, many years before he was controlled by Sargeras. Think it will be no problem."

With Medivh's magical attainments, no one is worried that this secret path will fail, and even if it does, it will be tens of thousands of years later.The real worry is whether it has been tampered with by Sargeras. Seeing Khadgar's confidence, it is obvious that such a thing has not happened.

"Pay attention, I will activate the magic circle right now."

After Khadgar finished speaking, he chanted the spell in a low voice. The magic spell chanted at a special frequency combined with the surge of magic power caused a ray of light to shoot out from the ordinary small door, covering everyone.

The secret passage to Karazhan has been activated!

"Everyone, we just need to wait for the magic circle to teleport us in."

Khadgar meant just one word—wait!

"The teleportation of this magic circle is very unusual."

Kael'thas sounded in amazement, and the blood elf prince noticed that when the magic circle started to teleport, their locations changed. This change was not in position, but in plane.

"This is astral transmission."

Khadgar had a look of pride on his face.

Hearing what he said, everyone suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Khadgar was so confident in this secret path that he could even pass through the magic barrier set up by the magic god Aegwynn himself. It turned out that this is an astral teleportation array.

Medivh is also generous enough, isn't it just a secret passage in and out of Karazhan?

He actually used astral teleportation!
It should be noted that this kind of teleportation array is not an ordinary item, it is used to communicate with the plane, not to mention the magic knowledge involved in the array formation, the materials for the array formation alone are enough to be worth a Stormwind City, and the cost is priceless. It is not an exaggeration to describe it.

"This astral teleportation array has a characteristic. In order to prevent someone from using it to sneak into Karazhan, the teacher specially added some other means. If an outsider uses it, once the teacher finds out, he will activate another in Karazhan." A teleportation circle will send these people to the dungeon in Karazhan."

Khadgar made a rare explanation, and everyone didn't think there was anything excessive about Medivh's actions.Although Medivh's magical attainments were unmatched by the world, he was not afraid of anything but just in case, and some precautionary measures should be taken.

"So where does this teleportation array lead to?"

Leo was a little curious. Anyway, he had nothing to do now, so he might as well find out.

"It leads directly to the teacher's magic laboratory. In fact, you don't have to worry about it. Not to mention that it is unlikely that there are creatures in Karazhan, even if there are, it is not scary. Not everyone understands the astral teleportation array, especially when the teacher is still in the law. Even a master who is proficient in teleportation magic will have to spend years of study before he can understand a little bit."

It can be seen that Khadgar admires Medivh very much, and the last guardian does have some abuses, which makes people have to accept it.

After all, there are still hidden dangers in this magic circle, but the probability of this happening is extremely small.

Leo shrugged, but he didn't say that, things couldn't be so coincidental.

When Khadgar activated the teleportation circle, something happened in the mysterious Karazhan.

A group of ethereals gathered together, they are doing something.


Didn’t the world where humans live have never had ethereal spirits? Why do they exist in Karazhan, and there are quite a few of them.

"Despicable Draenei, I will settle accounts with them after I go back this time!"

A void spirit commanding other companions was full of resentment. Obviously, he was the leader of this group of void spirits, but why did he appear in Karazhan, and why did he hate the Draenei so much? What happened in the middle?
If Leo knew that a group of ethereal spirits were unhappy seeing the draenei, he would be very happy, but if he knew what these ethereal spirits were doing, his happiness would be thrown into the sky immediately.

Astral teleportation array!

This is what the ethereals are activating.

Khadgar believed that there would be no one in Karazhan who was proficient in astral teleportation, and even if there were, it would be impossible to activate the magic circle that Medivh added private goods to, but things in the world happened to be so coincidental.

Void Spirits, races that travel between different worlds in the universe, use the astral teleportation array as an ordinary teleportation array. Their understanding of the astral teleportation array is no worse than Medivh, Khadgar thinks it is impossible for others After understanding the teleportation array in Karazhan, I met the Void Spirit, which makes people feel that things in the world are really so coincidental.

"Hurry up, don't make mistakes, otherwise we will never leave this dangerous place."

The leader of Void Spirit kept reminding his subordinates for fear of accidents.

Although he has the knowledge of the astral teleportation circle, it's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. How do you ask him to build a magic circle without materials?
The current magic circle was snatched from the demons after sacrificing nearly one-third of their fellow clansmen. It was their only hope of escaping from this place, and there was no room for mistakes.

"Spread out, I'll activate the magic circle."

When all the preparations were completed, the leader of the virtual spirits started to activate the magic circle, and the magic circle shone with colorful light under the nervous eyes of all the virtual spirits.

It worked!
The leader of Void Spirit was about to let go of the big stone in his heart, but when he saw the light of the magic circle flickering suddenly, his expression changed drastically.

not good!

"No, someone is using the astral teleportation array in Karazhan!"

The moment the ethereal leader activated the astral teleportation array, Khadgar and others who were teleporting into Karazhan were immediately affected. The originally stable astral passage began to shake, and space cracks appeared one after another.

I'm really afraid of what's coming.

Leo lamented, what kind of luck is this, it's really bad luck.

"What should we do now?"

There was a bit of panic on Sarah's face, she had never seen such a scene, space cracks, what a terrifying existence, any one that appeared was enough to kill her more than a hundred times.

"Don't worry, it'll be alright."

Don't say that Sarah didn't believe Scarlett's words, even she didn't believe it herself.

If something happens during the astral teleportation, even if they can survive the void collapse, they will fall into the endless void. How long can they last in the endless void with their strength?
Leo and Keir Saqiqi took action and temporarily protected everyone. They didn't know much about the astral world, so they could only count on Khadgar at this time.

"Stupid, didn't fully understand the teacher's magic circle and started it rashly. Is that guy in Karazhan crazy?"

Khadgar really wanted to yell, the guy who activated the teleportation array inside Karazhan can do it if he wants to die, why drag them into the water, it's really hateful.

Now is not the time to complain and curse, okay?

Leo is in a hurry, there are too many space cracks, even if he and Kael'thas join forces, it is impossible to last too long, every second is extremely precious at this time, Khadgar has time to complain, it is better to think of a way, see how we can out of danger.

Leo is in a hurry, why is Khadgar not in a hurry?
He was the one who led this trip to Karazhan. Leo, Scarlett, Kael'thas and other powerhouses gathered on this trip. Once something unexpected happens, the strength of humans and blood elves will inevitably decline greatly. At that time, not to mention rising, even survival will be difficult.

Fortunately, Khadgar has also considered the possible dangers. An accident in the astral teleportation array is under his consideration, and he will not be at a loss when it is critical.

"Hold on, I have a way."

After finishing speaking, Khadgar took out a prepared scroll and tore it into pieces forcefully. After the scroll was split, a powerful wave of magic spread rapidly to the surroundings. Under the influence of this magic power, the astral channel gradually stabilized.

Everyone heaved a sigh of relief seeing that the situation had improved, but after only one second passed, the astral passage began to shatter again.

"Quick, throw in the materials for me, this time you must not fail."

The Void Spirit leader yelled at his subordinates, although the Void Spirits had taken the fastest action, this obviously did not satisfy him.

The Void Spirits trapped in Karazhan were desperate this time. The teleportation array could not be activated this time and they had no materials for the next activation. Seeing that the light of the teleportation array was gradually dimming, the Void Spirits immediately threw all the prepared materials into it.

"The person on the opposite side who activated the teleportation array was obviously prepared, and now he can only take a risk."

Seeing that the situation was not right, Khadgar immediately made a decision. Although it was dangerous to do so, it was better than everyone being buried in the endless void, not to mention he was very confident in the strength of everyone.

As for Sarah, who is not strong enough, Khadgar can only do her best and obey the fate, I hope she is lucky enough.

In any case, it is better to have hope than to have no hope, and this is the only way to fight at this critical moment.

Quickly took out another scroll, Khadgar tore it open, and the glaring magic light flashed across the collapsing astral passage, and the figures of everyone in the collapsing astral passage disappeared at this moment.

At the same time, the sound of the explosion reverberated in Karazhan, and the berserk energy shattered the Void Spirits guarding the vicinity of the teleportation, and the leader of the Void Spirits even fainted from the impact.


We want this damn place to stay forever!
The moment the teleportation array exploded, the minds of the ethereals went blank, and their hope of leaving Karazhan was shattered.

 I don’t know what happened when I was coding, my eyes suddenly blurred, and I saw things as double images. Rest your eyes today, please forgive me.If there is no problem with the eyes, I will watch the fourth watch tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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