Chapter 926 Tristan
Places like the basement have always been inseparable from being gloomy and oppressive, no matter how big or magnificent the basement is.

In the dead and deserted basement, the sound of trampling footsteps resounded regularly, as if a human heart was beating, which made one's hair stand on end.

Walking alone in an unfamiliar environment, Leo didn't feel the slightest sense of fear, but only a ray of anxiety.

Khadgar pretended to be an archmage, and vowed to persuade everyone to come to Karazhan, but something happened before they entered, causing everyone to disperse.


Indeed, the moment the astral passage collapsed and Khadgar took out the scrolls to send everyone out, Leo knew they were scattered, and the group was sent out irregularly, and the place where they were sent was Karazhan, that is, Said that they were scattered to all corners of Karazhan, and it was not easy to reunite.

The place of Karazhan is too mysterious, and with Leo's current ability, there is nothing he can do. His spiritual perception is hindered by a mysterious force and can only extend to a radius of [-] meters. It is not easy to find his lost companions.

Are you really going to force me to make a fuss in Karazhan?
Scratching his face depressed, Leo called out Immotar.

The double-headed catastrophe dog is also a dog. Leo decided to ask Immotar to help him find someone because of the dog's sharp nose. That magical power can suppress people's spiritual perception, and it must not even suppress the sense of smell.

Facts have proved that the trick of releasing dogs works miraculously in many cases.

No, not long after Immotar was released, the two-headed disaster dog discovered the situation.

Immotar's low growl replaced the sound of Leo's forward footsteps. Seeing him baring his teeth in front of him and warning some kind of lurking creature, Leo stopped.

It looks like there is an ambush.

Someone blinked and patted the pet dog as a reward.

Leo's mental perception did not detect the ambush in front of him, but Immotar did. This shows that while Karazhan suppressed his spiritual perception, he did not have a way to suppress his sense of smell. With Immotar by his side, Leo is not afraid of being attacked .

No wonder some people say that powerful warlocks always bring their dogs. It is indeed much safer to bring a dog by your side in a strange place.

Someone wants to harm his owner. As a good dog, how should he react at this time?

Of course it was roaring and rushing to bite fiercely!

Leo didn't put a muzzle on Immotar, and he didn't tie the dog leash, so the two-headed disaster dog turned his heart into action without hindrance.

There is a good saying that impulse is the devil.

Immotar didn't know the opponent's strength, so in order to show his loyalty, he rushed forward as soon as his brain became hot, and the result was that he went faster and returned faster.

The moment Immotar pounced, a big paw appeared in the void, and it slapped Immotar on the head, knocking the forward double-headed disaster dog backwards and flying back.

With Immotar's weight and forward momentum, his strength is more than [-] catties, but the opponent seems to knock Immotar into the air with a single slap. His strength and power are far beyond human reach.

Strength is not bad.

Repelling Immotar easily, the sneak attacker got Leo's evaluation.

Before Immotar's body fell to the ground, the sneak attacker who had not fully revealed his figure rushed towards Leo. It seemed that he also knew that killing Immotar would not solve the problem at all. Only by killing O can it be done once and for all.

Being able to repel Immotar easily doesn't mean that he can deal with Leo, and even getting close to Leo's body is a difficult thing.

In Lei Ao's eyes, the strength of the sneak attacker was only good, but it was still far from allowing him to make a move.

Facing the strange claw that was shot, Leo didn't even move his eyelids, a huge bear's paw slashed out, just in front of the strange claw.

The sound of Immotar's body falling to the ground and the clash of monster claws and bear's paws sounded at the same moment, and repeated echoes echoed in the dead basement, with endless impacts.

The giant bear priest Nalorak stood in front of Leo, stopping the attackers.

Goat horns, lion paws, ox hoofs... Sartre?
Leo recalled a bit, and it seemed that there was only one person in Karazhan who could match him—Tristan Evilhoof.

There are quite a few satyrs in Karazhan, but the only one who can knock Immotar back with a single claw is Teresta Evilhoof. Of course, this is the situation in Karazhan that is different from what Leo knows. In minor cases.

"Testa Evilhoof?"

In order to confirm the identity of the other party, Leo made a sound to test.

Hearing Leo's opening, the satyr on the opposite side paused slightly. From his expression, Leo already knew the answer. This guy is the leader-level satyr hiding in the secret room of the library in Karazhan——Trestan. evil hooves.

I went directly to the secret room of the library, no wonder the environment here gave me a feeling of entering the basement.

The sneak attack failed, and Tristan did not act rashly any more. He stared closely at Nalorak who was putting a lot of pressure on him, and took two steps back cautiously. Just when Nalorak thought he was about to gather momentum and charge again, Two portals appeared beside Tristan.

"This guy is a warlock."

Leo's words cleared Nalorak's doubts, and the bear priest rushed forward with the revived Immoltar, trying to stop Tristan.

Seeing the enemy rushing up, Tristan raised his hand and cast a banishment spell on Immotar, temporarily banishing the two-headed disaster dog into the endless void. Poor Immotar wanted to avenge that claw. Who would have thought it would be another tragedy.

Temporarily removing Immotar's threat, Tristan charged forward again. Does this guy want to compete with Nalorak in strength?
If you want to compete with me in strength, I will let you know what it means to be overwhelmed!

Nalorak snorted coldly. He could feel it from the previous fight. Although Tristan's strength was great, he was far from his opponent. It must be Tristan who would suffer a head-on confrontation.

Just, could Tristan be so stupid?
Just when the two sides were about to collide again, two black magic chains bound Nalorak tightly, and with the strength of the giant bear priest, he couldn't break free for a while.


When passing by Nalorak, Tristan cursed in a disdainful tone, making Nalorak very angry. The giant bear priest struggled angrily, but the magic chain that locked him was too strong. Can't get out anytime soon.

Immotar was exiled first, and then Nalorak was imprisoned by surprise. The two subordinates summoned by Leo failed to stop Tristan, and the satyr leader quickly rushed to Leo.

"Humans, die!"

Tristan smiled cruelly at the human in front of him. In his opinion, the human must have been petrified. The two pets he summoned were destroyed by him one after another. This scene must have exceeded his expectations. The human in Lord Tristan's territory was at a loss.

Oh, what a pity!
There was a hint of teasing in Tristan's eyes. In his eyes, Leo was already a dead man who was about to be brutally killed by him.He, Tristan, a powerful satyr warlock, will tear the human body apart and take a bath with the hot blood flowing from the human body.

The ideal is full, but the reality is very skinny.

Tristan's wish to bathe in human blood was never fulfilled, because he met Leo.

Being able to occupy a place alone in Karazhan, Trestan is undoubtedly very powerful, which can be proved by his ability to shoot Immotar away with one paw, but this kind of strength is not enough in Leo's eyes Look.

As Leo commented before, Tristan's strength is not bad, but it is only good, not worth his shot.

Just as Tristan's sharp claws were catching Leo, a large sword struck swiftly.

Someone else is making trouble!

First, Immotar saw through his ambush, and then Nalorak stopped him from attacking Leo for the first time. Seeing that he was going to be destroyed again this time, Tristan was very upset.

Sartre was not some patient monster, and he, Trestan, was not.

A human being with a weak body can make him return without success twice or three times, what is this?
The sudden irritability in his heart made Tristan make a wrong decision. His right paw was still grabbing Leo, and his left paw was stretching out for the big sword that was coming.

The claws are the hardest part of Sartre's body except the horns on the head. It is not easy to split Tristan's claws with one blow.

Out of confidence in the strength of his body, Tristan decided to resist the sword forcefully. In his thinking, even if the sword wielder was not weak, it would at most cause him a slight injury.

Tristan thought it was worth it to kill Leo with a little trauma.

It's a pity that things didn't work out as expected. The big sword easily broke through Tristan's claws like cutting tofu, and then slashed through his chest and abdomen under the unbelievable gaze of the leader of Satyr, cutting Tristan in two. The particularly stinky blood sprayed out several meters high.

"A little satyr dares to offend the master of Taragaman, it's really courting death."

Standing behind Leo, Taragaman the Hunger held two swords, and it was he who killed Tristan with a single blow.

"The host killed Tristan Evilhoof... The item was successfully extracted, and the host obtained: Enchanting formula-Soul Frost! Do you want to extract?"

The hint given by Goldfinger was beyond Leo's expectation, he actually gave Leo an enchanting formula for the first time, why is it not surprising?

What does this guy want to do, maybe he will get some clues after reading Soul Frost's enchanting formula.

With doubts, Leo chose to draw.

"Ordered to kill!"

Taragaman rushed out with two swords in hand. It turned out that after Tristan's death, the two demon gates were not closed, and groups of demon imps entered Karazhan through these two portals.

It can summon foreign objects into Karazhan. The demon gate cast by Tristan is obviously not a normal summon, but a special summon that can connect to the twisting void. When Leo checked the enchanting formula of Soul Frost, Tara Garman had already wrought a killing spree among the demonic imps.

Neither Leo, who buried himself in the mystery of the soul frost formula, nor Taragaman, who only cared about killing, found that the demonic portal leading to the Twisting Nether had some abnormal changes, but Nalorak, who discovered the abnormality, was unable to appear at this time. Voice.

Danger is approaching quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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