Chapter 928
"All the world is open to me!"

The deep voice of Prince Malchezaar echoed in the secret room of the library. Under the joint attack of the four of Nalorak, he still had the strength to speak. This demon prince is indeed not weak.

A strange power fluctuation spread in the secret room of the library along with the voice of Makzaar, and the space of the whole secret room was distorted under the fluctuation of this power.

Space spells!
Leo was on guard. In his memory, Makzaar didn't know space spells, but now this demon prince distorted the space, making him less vigilant?

In fact, Makzaar is not good at space spells. If he is in an open place, he really can't use it. But now he is in a secret room with limited space, so the situation is different.

Due to the different environments, the strength that the devil prince can display is naturally different. It can be seen that environmental factors have a great impact on the battle.

Malchezaar's space spell has only one effect - to change the environment!
Leo found that under the spell of the devil prince, their environment was no longer a gloomy and depressing library room with limited space, but an empty foreign space beyond sight.

Twisting void?

As soon as he entered this space, several waves of turbulent energy flowed over him. Fortunately, Leo's protective shield was strong enough, otherwise he would be injured if he couldn't defend against it.The emergence of these turbulent energy flows let Leo know where this place was, and Malchezaar moved the battlefield to the Twisting Void he was familiar with, taking advantage of the geographical advantage.

Knowing space magic is good for this. It can change the combat environment, and can transfer the battle to a place you are familiar with anytime, anywhere. Even if you encounter an ambush from the opponent, you can turn passive into active.

The change of the environment has had a great impact on the battle. Originally, the four of Nalorak did not have the upper hand, but now they are in the Twisting Void where they have never been before, and the situation suddenly becomes worse. The turbulence brought great trouble to Nalorak and the others.

No matter who suddenly enters an environment where you will be injured by energy turbulence if you don't pay attention, it will be extremely uncomfortable to fight. Unless you are strong enough to ignore these energy turbulences, your combat effectiveness will definitely be greatly reduced.

"A group of lowly reptiles, let you know how powerful I am, Prince Malchezaar."

Just having the upper hand doesn't satisfy Malchezaar. If he can't turn his advantage into victory, everything he's doing now will be useless.

In the battle of life and death, the process is not as important as the result.

If it is true that heroes are not judged by success or failure, then why is there such a saying that the winner is a prince and the loser is a bandit?

Nalorak, who was fighting with Malchezaar, saw the demon prince shoot a beam of energy at him. After being hit by the beam, Nalorak felt his strength drop suddenly.

Although there was enough power in his body but he couldn't use it, he could only use three points out of ten, which made Nalorak extremely uncomfortable.

Not only him, Immotar, Taragaman and Mallorak also felt the same way.

Energy is weak!

This is the ray of light emitted by Makzaar. You can tell what this thing is for just by looking at the name - to suppress the energy in the opponent's body and make it difficult for the opponent to exert power.

The environment has become unfavorable to him, and the power he can display is only [-]%, how can Nalorak and the others resist Makzaar?

bang bang...

Malchezaar shot continuously with both hands, and easily sent Nalorak and Taragaman flying with a hard blow, and he rushed towards Malalok and Immotar without any hindrance.

In the Twisting Nether, it is not difficult for Makzaar to defeat Nalorak and the others, but if he wants a quick victory, he must first get rid of the nurse Malorak.

In the Twisting Nether where energy turbulence was raging, without Malorak's healing technique, Taragaman and the others might not even be able to survive for 2 minutes.

As for Leo, a human being, Makzaar had already ignored him.

A human whose aura has only reached the epic stage, let alone fighting him, even if Makzaar stood up and asked him to hit him, he would not be able to hurt him at all.


Completely ignore.

This is Malchezaar's attitude towards Leo.

Therefore, sometimes it is not a good thing to be low-key, and it is easy to be regarded as a pig to be slaughtered by others.Of course, this is a happy thing for some guys who prefer to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, but it is not so happy for Leo.

Makzaar wanted a quick victory, so why didn't Leo want to?

The Twisting Nether is not a good place, and Leo doesn't know anything about it. This means that there are too many variables in the Twisting Nether, and things can easily go out of his control. Leo doesn't like this feeling at all.

Just when Makzaar was only five steps away from Mallorak, a barbed bone whip hit his ankle.

The demon prince's body is extremely hard, but this body, which can survive the turbulent energy flow of the Twisting Nether without any damage, could not withstand the blow of the bone whip. Going inside, a large piece of flesh and blood was brought out as the whip was pulled away.


The sudden pain made Malchezaar unable to hold back, and the howling of the demon sounded in the twisting void.

The scream was the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground. Makzaar, who was hit by the bone whip on his ankle, lost his balance and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

When the pain-eating demon prince looked at his painful right foot, a scene that shocked him appeared—the sole of his right foot was broken from the ankle.The bad situation didn't stop there, a layer of green liquid wrapped his calf, making his right foot slowly melting like a burning candle.

How many people can bear the fact that their feet melt like candles?
If an ordinary person sees this scene, he will definitely faint from fright. After all, Makzaar is a devil prince, and his endurance is above the standard line. It only took him a second to react to this scene and immediately action taken.

Ignoring the attacks of Mallorak and Immotar, Makzaar slapped his right knee heavily.


Amid the crisp cracking sound, the Demon Prince's right leg shattered to the knee.

Makzaar actually broke his right leg!
An expression called Pain occupied Makzaar's face. The demon prince promptly reported the loss of his car, which destroyed his right calf but saved his life, and prevented the poisonous gas from invading his body along his right leg. It can't be said that he was not decisive, but it was hard for him to do so.

The knee was broken, even if the devil's nerves were strong, it was hard to avoid the pain. If Malorak and the others were not able to exert any strength due to energy weakness, they would be able to kill him when Malchezaar broke his knee. kill.

Being cruel to others is nothing, but being cruel to yourself is really cruel.

Leo nodded secretly. Makzaar's approach was undoubtedly correct. If he hesitated for a second or two, the toxin attached to Ilsa's bone whip would invade his body, and he would be able to stop it if he wanted to. It was too late.

It's one thing to know, but another to be able to do it. A strong man cuts his wrist, and it's just four words. How many people can we find if we really want to do it?
I felt a little bit of appreciation for Maquezaleo, but appreciation is nothing but appreciation, the killer he deserves will not be less, but it will be more powerful because of the ruthlessness and decisiveness shown by this guy .


Hundreds of whip shadows covered Makzaar, who was moaning in pain. Ilsa twisted her sexy water snake waist and approached the devil prince. With this demigod succubi's sneak attack, Makzaar was not wronged.

"You lowly succubus, you..." Seeing that the attacker was a succubus, Makzaar blurted out contemptuous words, which earned him a shadow whip from Ilsa, distorting the void The scream of the demon prince spread far away, "Ah..."

"Is the eredar demon noble?" Ilsa winked at the screaming Makzaar, and the demon prince couldn't help but be stunned by the succubus's coquettish attitude, "Come on, let my sister I love you so much!"

The sound of slapping and whipping was more than twice as dense as before. The more charming Ilsa's expression was, the faster she swung the whip in her hand, and the more Makzaar was beaten.

The succubus is indeed a goblin. On the surface, she winks at you to let you experience the coquettishness that was born that day, but secretly, she is ruthless and beats you to death. I really answered that sentence—I thought it was all kinds of coquettish She is pretty and pretty, but she turns out to be a deadly pink poisonous skeleton.

The devil's vitality is tenacious, which is something to be proud of, but Makzaar has discovered that strong vitality is not all a good thing. Now he would rather his vitality be weaker, so as to shorten the time of his pain.

Leo twisted his neck, he didn't bother to pay attention to the battle at Makzaar's place, and he knew the battle was over the moment Ilsa successfully attacked.

It is true that Makzaar's strength is not weak, even Leo's demigod's hand can resist, but who made him meet Ilsa?

It is too easy for Ilsa, who has obtained the inheritance of Andariel among the four demon kings of hell, to kill Makzaar with mental arithmetic and unintentional calculations. The power of the poison law in her hands is beyond the power of Makzale. confrontation.

With Andariel's poison combined with the succubus' talent for hiding and deceiving people's hearts, Ilsa's frontal attack may not be satisfactory, but how many people can guarantee that they will not be caught in a sneak attack while hiding in the dark?
Wasn't your kid quite capable before?
Aren't space spells and energy decay going smoothly?

What's the matter, can't play now?
Since you don't play, then it's our turn to avenge those who are wronged, and those who have vengeance to avenge, everyone beat this kid in!

There is a word called "to add insult to injury", and another saying is to kill you while you are sick. When Makzaar was tortured to death by Ilsa, Nalorak and the others were not idle. These guys rushed forward and surrounded Makzaar beat him desperately, poor Makzale became a sandbag and was beaten to death.

"The host killed Makzaar...the item was absorbed successfully, and the host got: Gorehowl! Do you want to absorb it?"

(End of this chapter)

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