Necromancer in another world

Chapter 929 Karazhan's Basement

Chapter 929 Karazhan's Basement

Gorehowl - Grom Hellscream's ax has terrified enemies on countless battlefields.

Leo found that Goldfinger would give him problems, and this guy gave him Bloodhowl for whatever reason.Leo dared to slap his chest with 1 guarantees. If he went out with Gorehowl, countless orcs would definitely come to him for a friendly 'communication'.

Trouble, big trouble!

What the Bloodhowl Ax means to the orcs, Leo is too clear. Its status in the hearts of the orcs is no less than that of the Doom Hammer in Thrall's hand. In the eyes of some orcs, the status of the Gorehowl is even higher. Many, holding it is not to make trouble for yourself, what is it?
These orcs refer to the Warsong clan, the main war faction among the orcs who advocate waging war.

This soul just doesn't want me to live in peace!
Leo's evaluation of Goldfinger has only two words - shameful.

Even if you gave me the longbow of Phoenix Sun Fury, why did you give me the hot potato of Blood Howl?

Leo was puzzled, but now was not the time to study the intention of Goldfinger, because he was still in the Twisting Void.

This guy Makzaar is really not kind at all, you said you got me into the Twisting Nether, why don't you get me back?
Looking at the empty surroundings, Leo who didn't know which direction to go was depressed.

What I wanted was a round-trip ticket, but why did I get a one-way ticket?

Why didn't this guy Makzaar know how to send me back when he died? It's not kind, it's really not kind.

No matter whether he is depressed or happy, the fact that Leo is trapped in the Twisting Void cannot be changed. At this moment, he can only calm down and think of a way out.

Leo is in trouble here, and the situation of the others is not much better, especially Sarah, the human female warrior who is expected to become a paladin.

In the gloomy and oppressive basement, Sarah is advancing cautiously. She is separated from her companions and can only rely on herself at this time. However, with her little strength, can she have the power to protect herself in the dangerous Karazhan? Demons or magic guards are stronger than her.

Fortunately, she didn't encounter any aggressive creatures. To be precise, Sarah didn't encounter any creatures.

In the Karazhan, which was killing every step of the way, Sarah didn't encounter any danger at all. Is she really lucky?

If Leo were replaced in Sarah's position, he would be able to discover the problem right away—it wasn't that Sarah was not in danger, but that the danger had already arrived, but with Sarah's strength, he didn't notice it.

Sarah, who didn't know much about the power of the soul, didn't know that strands of invisible soul power were quietly invading her body, and the combined power of these soul powers surprised even Leo. Two souls are not 1000 or [-] souls, but hundreds of thousands or even millions of souls.

What's even more frightening is that the intensity of resentment carried by these souls is not an exaggeration to describe it as soaring resentment.

Where in Karazhan would there be such a terrifying number of resentful souls, and why do these souls have such strong resentment?

"Strange, why can't I see a single figure?"

After walking for a long time but found nothing, Sarah couldn't help muttering.The place where she is now feels very uncomfortable to her, her heart has been beating violently, and she can't calm down no matter what, making her always feel that something is about to happen.

Isn't Karazhan the mage tower built by Medivh? Why is there an underground secret room that is so empty that it can't be seen at a glance?
Sarah was very strange. She continued to walk forward with doubts. The sound of her boots stepping on the stone slabs aroused echoes, breaking the dead silence in the basement. In such an environment, the sound of footsteps is very easy. To bring about panic.


Sarah screamed suddenly, what did she see?
Why is there a bone mountain made up of countless bones in Karazhan?

Is it a hallucination?

Sarah shook her head vigorously, trying to wake herself up through this action, but unfortunately when she opened her eyes, the scene she saw remained unchanged.

The bone mountain remained the same, and Sarah's body was trembling.

She is not afraid, but angry.

She could tell that there was nothing else in the pile of bones, it was all human bones!
How many people would have to be killed to pile up a mountain of corpses?

Not only that, but when Sarah discovered Bone Mountain, Sarah also discovered another scene that made her angry-it turned out that the basement floor where she was located was not paved with stone slabs, but was forcibly rubbed on the floor by someone in an unknown way. bones together.

How many people have to be killed, how many crimes have to be committed, and how crazy is it to do such a thing?
Sarah was trembling with anger. She clearly saw the bones of many children among the bones. As a soldier who believes in protecting his homeland and regards protecting his compatriots as his duty, how could Sarah not be angry when she saw this scene?
Don't let me know who you are, or I will cut you to pieces!

Sarah, who was extremely angry, did not realize that when her emotions fluctuated violently, those souls with soaring resentment were pouring into her body frantically.

If Leo encountered such a situation, he would either desperately resist or run away. As a warlock, he would never let these resentful spirits invade his body. Unfortunately, Sarah didn't know anything, so the horrible thing happened. Happened unknowingly.

"Don't let me know who you are, I will definitely kill you by the sword, and swear in the name of Sarah Morgan."

Sarah, who swore angrily, didn't know what consequences her words would bring.




The moment Sarah finished her oath, there was an echo in the basement, as if thousands of people were responding to Sarah. As time went by, Morgan Morgan's response not only did not weaken but became stronger and stronger. The sound wave is like a mountain whistling and a tsunami.

Under the sound wave, Sarah didn't hold on for too long. The female warrior's mind became dizzy and her body weakened. She fell to the ground with a bang, and she completely lost consciousness.

At the moment Sarah fell down, thousands of condensed grievances shot out from the bones in the basement, and the target was Sarah, and the grievances, enough to make the gods tremble, invaded Sarah's body If Sarah can control this power, she will be able to kill the gods alone, but unfortunately, this powerful resentment is beyond Sarah's control, so she has only one ending - to be dominated by this terrifying resentment, Become a puppet of power.

When the last ray of resentful spirit power entered Sarah's body, the basement returned to the dead silence before. If it wasn't for the extra Sarah lying on the ground, she would really think that what happened before was just an illusion.


The crisp sound of shattering objects echoed in the dead basement, and a crack about three meters long and two meters wide was opened in the space, and Leo walked out from this crack.

Basement, see basement again!
Leo was helpless, why did he have a relationship with the basement after entering Karazhan?
He was sent to the Twisting Nether by Malchezaar, and he was thinking of a way to escape. A wave of soul that was so powerful that it could pass through the space shocked him. Leo, who was suffering from being unable to determine the coordinates, immediately followed the source of the wave of the soul and broke through the space. , out of the Twisting Nether.

What made him depressed was that after continuing the library in the Karazhan Chamber of Secrets, he entered another basement.It's just that this basement is very different from the previous library secret room. Leo's eyesight is much higher than Sarah's. As soon as he entered here, he found something wrong - the ground under his feet was paved with bones.

This discovery surprised Leo, there was no such place in Karazhan in his memory.

Did I leave Karazhan?


Leo quickly denied this idea. Although he was not proficient in space magic, he could still tell where he was. He was [-]% sure that he had not left Karazhan.

From Attumen the Hunter to the Opera House, and then to the Shadow of Elam, Leo thought for a long time, but he still didn't think of such a place in Karazhan.

"How strange, I am clearly in Karazhan, why can't I remember such a place?"

Leo scratched his face depressedly, and suddenly, his movements stopped.

Strictly speaking, Karazhan really has something that fits here perfectly.

What people usually refer to as Karazhan is the part above the ground, not including the underground, but Leo is currently in the basement.

Where is the basement built?
Of course it is built underground.

Could it be that I have entered the abyss of hanging upside down? If this is the case, then it will be troublesome.

The Inverted Abyss is a mysterious place. Leo, who climbed the mountain pass, once came here out of curiosity by taking advantage of the loopholes in the game. However, because the Inverted Abyss in the game has not been fully developed, Leo does not know what will be here. .If you're playing a game, it's no big deal if you don't know, but the problem is that Leo has crossed over and came to this place, and the situation has become very bad.

The sound of trampling footsteps came from a distance. Leo glanced at Immotar. The two-headed disaster dog did not warn this time. Could it be that the dog's nose is not working here?
Leo's doubts were quickly dispelled, because he saw the person walking towards him clearly.

It turned out to be Sarah, no wonder Immotar didn't warn.

Sarah was not an enemy, so Immotar naturally wouldn't warn him, but this dog was too lazy, and didn't even react when he found out that it was his own.

Just as Leo was about to greet Sarah, a thought suddenly flashed in his mind. With a flick of his finger, the purple twilight energy enveloped Sarah.

Even my companion, Immotar, couldn't have reacted at all. The only explanation is that the two-headed disaster dog noticed something but didn't dare to make a sound.

As the demon lord, Immotar was so frightened that he didn't even have the courage to bark his teeth at him!

Seeing Sarah who was covered by twilight energy but expressionless, Leo's heart sank.

Sarah obviously encountered an accident, so that she became what she is now, which is not what Leo wants to see.

Without Leo's call, Izual suddenly appeared beside him, and the golden holy light dispelled the gloom in the basement.

"There is a force in Sarah that is powerful enough to destroy you and me. This force controls her. We must save her."


Yes, it is necessary.

Izual's soul core is the soul fragment split by Leo, and his body is Morgan, Sarah's father Morgan Ladimore.Now that Sarah is in trouble, how can Izual not save her?

"The power that is so powerful that it can destroy you and me, the Hanging Abyss gave me a big surprise!"

(End of this chapter)

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