Necromancer in another world

Chapter 933 One day, the hunter will become the prey

Chapter 933 One day, the hunter will become the prey

The bones turned into fine crystal particles, and the number of corpses stored by Leo increased with the appearance of these crystal particles.

Sarah expressed to Leo that the skeletons hanging upside down in the abyss are useless to her after surrendering. Leo will not waste them shamelessly. The sea of ​​skeletons depends on the quantity. No necromancer will dislike his own skeletons. Too many.

The resentful souls in the abyss had been cleaned up long ago, and Goldfinger absorbed the corpses extremely quickly without any resistance, but within a few words, not even a single bone could be seen in the abyss.

At this time, something surprising happened.

The sound of cracking and cracking kept coming to the ears, and space cracks appeared one after another. These cracks continued to expand and formed space black holes one after another. The space where the hanging abyss was located was rapidly collapsing.

The collapse of the space is a devastating disaster for the people in this space. Even with Leo's ability, he can't guarantee his safety. This is the first time he encounters this kind of situation, his brows are frowned.

What the hell is this guy, Goldfinger, doing?

Leo was not good at space spells, and he was helpless in the face of the collapsed space. At this time, Sarah had the opportunity to perform.

The long sword slid across, and a gap was split in the space. Sarah made a gesture to Leo and stepped in first. The latter did not hesitate, and followed her closely. Dare to delay, followed Leo and rushed in at the fastest speed, only the poor Immotar had no time to leave, and was swallowed by the black hole of space after a whine.

Fortunately, after signing the contract with Leo, the two-headed disaster dog will not really die as long as Leo does not die, otherwise Immotar is the real tragedy.

Standing at the gate of Karazhan, Leo stared blankly at the closed gate, and he found that the magic barrier covering Karazhan was collapsing.

Could it be that the Hanged Abyss is related to the magic barrier in Karazhan?

Leo, who was in a daze, didn't know that less than ten seconds after he left the Abyss of Hanging, a certain tyrannical spiritual force from the endless void came to this collapsing space. After multiple planes, he is still extremely strong, at least Leo is far from his opponent on the spiritual level.

"Who destroyed this place?"

The mental power that came with anger explored every corner of the inverted abyss, but unfortunately this place was already empty, and he couldn't find the answer.

The Upside Down Abyss is a chess piece he laid out. Originally, no one in this world could destroy this chess piece with his own ability, but now the Upside Down Abyss has not only been destroyed by others, but what is even more annoying is that he has even found the culprit. No, the master of the spiritual power is very angry, and the consequences are very serious.

No one could be found to destroy the Hanging Abyss, and the anger contained in the mental power was getting stronger and stronger. If he couldn't come here now, the world would have been destroyed in his anger.

Suddenly, the anger in the mental power disappeared, replaced by ecstasy.

"Hahaha... Code of Light..."

Amidst the crazy laughter, the spiritual power exited the abyss of hanging upside down, coming with anger but leaving with joy, I really don't know what this guy is thinking.

"That little guy really didn't disappoint me."

In Dustwallow Marsh, a female human mage looked in the direction of Karazhan, her wrinkled face, which rarely revealed her inner thoughts, was filled with joy from the bottom of her heart.

"Without the restraint of Morgan's cemetery, I can finally regain my power..." As she spoke, the female mage touched her wrinkled cheek, "I'd better get the crown back first."

At the same time as the Hanging Abyss collapsed, the magic barrier set by Aegwynn also disappeared. Karazhan opened the door to everyone, as long as you are not afraid of losing your life inside, you can enter at any time.

Why do I have bad premonitions?
Standing at the gate of Karazhan, Leo scratched his face depressedly. His intuition told him that once he stepped into this magic tower reopened to the world, disaster would befall him, but he had to enter again because Scarlett And Kael'thas they are still inside.

"Master, shall we go in?"

Hearing Sarah's words, Leo nodded. The former did not move after receiving an affirmative answer, but looked at Faltola and Mallorak. The latter two ran up with great interest and closed Karazhan for many years. The door opened.

In a world where power is paramount, the truth is the big fist.


As soon as he stepped into Karazhan, the noisy neighing of horses came to Leo's ears, and a group of ghost horses rushed out from nowhere, and Leo happened to be standing on their path.

Mallorak hurriedly unleashed an arcane storm, while Faltola summoned a horde of sand knights.

The purple and white arcane rays of light exploded in the ghost horses, and immediately knocked out most of the ghost horses. The remaining ghost horses barely withstood the arcane storm, but before they had a chance to breathe, Sand Knight's saber belt With the sound of breaking wind, they slashed at them.

Ordinary physical attacks are useless against the ghost horses, but the sand knight's attack has magical attributes, and the ghost horses all fell under the sword amidst the sad horses' screams.

"I knew that one day, the hunter would become the prey!"

A deep sigh echoed in Karazhan, and Leo got a hint.

"Kill Attumen...the item was successfully absorbed, and the host obtained: the reins of the fiery war horse! Do you want to absorb it?"

Whoa, what luck!

Leo blew a whistle, and got a good thing just after entering Karazhan, a good start.


There was another long neighing sound of the fierce horse. Faltola and Nalorak were carefully guarding against possible attacks, but they saw Danas running out panting. Behind him was a war horse stepping on the evil flame. Can't give up.

It turned out that Danas killed Attumen.

Leo secretly thought that was the case, and saw Danas who found him standing at the gate of Karazhan, his eyes lit up, and he rushed over with all his strength.

Being able to kill Attumen under the attack of Midnight and Attumen, Danas has done his best, so that he is unable to kill Midnight.When Leo stepped into Karazhan, Danas was delaying Midnight so that he could kill him after recovering his strength.


Leo threw the reins of the fiery warhorse over, and Faltola immediately understood that it was Leo who wanted him to use this magical rein to subdue the warhorse that stepped on the evil flames.

Midnight is not an ordinary nightmare. This is a leader-level nightmare horse. Its strength cannot be underestimated. If Faltola can own a mount like Midnight, his strength will definitely increase greatly.

As a knight, subduing the mount is a basic skill that must be possessed. Taking advantage of Midnight's attention on Danas, Faltola approached it quietly, and then rushed out when he saw the opportunity, and jumped onto it. Midnight's back.

Sensing something strange on its back, Midnight rose up with manpower, intending to throw the person on its back off, but its reaction had been expected by Faltola. Instead of throwing Faltola off, Midnight's lift failed to shake Faltola off. The opponent seized the opportunity and put the reins of the fiery war horse on its head.

Midnight is not stupid, on the contrary it is very smart.The moment the rein was put on its head, it knew Faltola's intentions, and gave up trying to kill Danas. Midnight shook his head vigorously, and Faltola's actions were hindered by his resistance.

"Marshal Danas."

Leo nodded to Danas, but his eyes did not leave Faltola and Midnight, and if Faltola could not subdue Midnight alone, he would shoot.

Danas's face was so gloomy that water dripped out. He looked at the open door of Karazhan and asked Leo, "The magic shield under Aegwynn disappeared?"


"Did you do it?"

Leo answered casually, while Danas seemed very excited. In his words, Leo could hear an anger that was about to explode.


Leo's answer was still so brief, Danas' tone was not good, and Leo's answer was already giving him face.Before a certain guess is confirmed, Leo's attitude towards him will not change easily.

Hearing Leo's answer, Danas yelled at him, "Do you know what you did?"

"Watch your words!"

Sarah stood up, her hand was on the hilt of the sword, and the two sharp eyes made Danas feel fearful.

What's the matter with this woman, but why did she make me feel so terrible after half a day?
Danas was very puzzled. In his memory, Sarah's strength was not strong. He only needed to use three points of strength to defeat her easily, but now that he was targeted by Sarah, he unexpectedly gave birth to the fact that he was not her opponent. How could it not surprise Danas?

"You...forget it. Hurry up and find Her Majesty the Queen, we have to leave here immediately, I hope Scarlett won't be like the Grand Duke..." Danas seemed extremely anxious, and after whispering something in a low voice, he immediately turned to Karazhan. Running deep, "I hope there is still time."

The Grand Duke in Danas’s mouth is of course the Grand Duke of Lothar. Leo didn’t know what Danas said, but he knew it was definitely not a good thing. With a wonderful premonition, his heart twitched.

"Mallorak stay, Sarah follow me!"

After Leo finished speaking, he went to the interior of Karazhan first. He left Malorak to help Faltola tame Midnight. I believe that with him and the group of sand knights, there will be no accidents in Faltola, just There will be a longer delay in time.

Midnight is really nothing compared to Scarlett's safety.

"Go away!"

The voice of Danas came from inside Karazhan. Leo rushed forward and saw a group of ghosts entangled with him. Danas, who was anxious to find Scarlett, was very angry with these pestering guys. Well, as a fighter, he has a natural disadvantage in dealing with ghosts.

Leo stretched out his hand, and a cloud of poisonous mist exploded in the ghosts. All the ghosts covered by the poisonous mist died before they could even scream.

Although there are many ghosts, they can't make any waves in front of Leo, and these guys can only entangle with pure fighters like Danas.

Leo, who joined Danas, nodded at him, signaling the two to move forward together.

After the Poison Explosion Technique was performed one after another, the ghost blocking the way was completely killed, and the road ahead was much smoother. A ray of golden light faintly came from the front. Its appearance made the two feel happy—it was the holy Light, could it be that Scarlett is just ahead?
(End of this chapter)

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