Necromancer in another world

Chapter 934 The Destroyed Opera House

Chapter 934 The Destroyed Opera House

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

When Leo and Danas rushed over, they realized that the golden light was indeed holy light, but it was not Scarlett who used the holy light, but Liadrin.

The blood elf countess spread two wings of light on her back, and was fighting an undead thief. There were several corpses lying near the battlefield where the two fought. These were obviously killed by Liadlin.

Liadrin's luck was really bad. Danas was attacked by Midnight and Attumen, but she met Moros with a group of younger brothers, including warriors, priests, and paladins. , which is equivalent to the configuration of a small team, single-handedly fighting a small team, and none of the team members is a weak player who can be dealt with in three or two moves. No wonder Liadlin's ability can't end the battle quickly.

"Steward Moros? It seems that I am lucky to save the trouble of cleaning up his younger brothers."

As he spoke, Leo winked at Sarah, signaling her to help Liadrin resolve the battle.

In any case, Liadrin is also their companion. Even if they are in a hurry to find Scarlett, they can't help them when they see their companions fighting the enemy. Even Danas rushed forward, so Leo naturally wouldn't watch from the sidelines. with.

The addition of Danas did not immediately change the situation. Moros took the time to cast a blind when Liadrin was fighting, causing Danas to fall into a blind state.

The inability to see things had a great impact on Danas, he hurriedly stopped and waited intently, preventing Moros from taking this opportunity to attack.

After all, Danas is a battle-tested powerhouse. Moros couldn't find any flaws in him. Even if there were any, Danas deliberately exposed him to lure him into the bait. Coupled with the threat from Liadrin, Moros Not daring to act rashly, he had no choice but to give up his intention to attack Danas.

According to Sarah's original intention, she disdains to team up with others to besiege, especially the weak like Moros. Compared with Sarah, Moros's strength is really not enough, but since Leo ordered her down, she dare not disobey .

A bone hammer as tall as a person was grabbed by her from the void, and then Sarah's arm shook, and the bone hammer was thrown out with a sharp howling sound of tearing the air.

Moros just took a step back to avoid Liadrin's command seal, but unexpectedly a bone hammer smashed towards him. The person who threw the bone hammer grasped the timing perfectly, constantly predicting his actions in advance, and even more so. It was chosen at the moment when he couldn't dodge, and Moros only had time to cross the dagger in his hand before he was hit.


Moros flew out, his arm had been shattered by the bone hammer, and the strength of the hammer thrown by Sarah was far towards the limit that Moros could resist.


Danas just got rid of the blindness, and before his eyesight fully recovered, a blurry black shadow bumped into him, he shouted loudly, and swung his sword with a slash.

The blade hit Moros's skull. If the skull was not strong enough, Moros would have been split in two. Even if he blocked Danas' sword with his skull, Moros' soul fire would have been impacted and turned It has dimmed a lot.

Leo pointed out a finger at this time, the corpse exploded!

Moros' body exploded, and his body was broken into pieces, and he couldn't die anymore.

"The host killed Moros...the item was absorbed successfully, and the host obtained: King Arathi's royal cloak! Do you want to absorb it?"

Leo hummed, he was very surprised.

The stingy golden fingers of an enemy as powerful as Moros have never given extra rewards. Could it be that the iron cock is willing to pluck its hair?

Of course, what surprised Leo even more was the name of this cloak—the royal cloak of King Arathi.

King Arathi!
Leo rubbed his chin, these five words are quite intriguing.

Arathi now has only one queen, she is Scarlett, and there is no king.But is the Grand Duke Lothar before Scarlett considered a king?

Liadlin looked at Sarah in surprise. An expert would know if there was one as soon as she made a move. How could she fail to see Sarah's strength with her eyesight?
Sarah was still wearing the costume of the Sergeant Chief of the Stormwind Kingdom, how could Liadrin not be surprised?

When did a Master Chief in Stormwind Kingdom become so powerful?

Did Varian have a brain twitch, and let such a strong man be a little Master Chief?
Liadlin didn't think that Sarah's strength would rise from a high-level fighter to a level that she couldn't see through in a short time. She thought it must be that Sarah had hidden her strength when she met them. Thinking of Leo The said Sarah is a descendant of a paladin of the Knights of the Silver Hand, and she became more and more sure of her guess.

Perhaps this is a dark game played by the Knights of the Silver Hand after the great changes in human beings, or maybe it is not difficult to understand the hidden young people with potential in the clan.

Does the appearance of Sarah indicate that the Stormwind Kingdom or human beings are going to show their hidden strength?

Looking at Sarah suspiciously, it's a pity that Liadlin didn't get the answer.

After finishing Moros, Danas kept running towards the interior of Karazhan. Leo didn't want to explain too much to Liadrin, and he was still concerned about Scarlett's safety.

Seeing that the two of them just nodded their heads to greet him and then hurried to the interior of Karazhan, Liadlin hurriedly followed.

To make Leo and Danas so restless, something unusual must have happened. Liadrin was also anxious when she thought that her prince Kael'thas was still in Karazhan.

Danas, Leo, Sarah, and Liadrin, the four first-class powerhouses joined forces, and the ghosts along the way couldn't stop them at all, and they couldn't even slow down their steps.

No one else needed to do anything, Leo flicked his fingers one after another, and groups of poisonous clouds exploded one after another. All the ghosts who dared to appear within his field of vision were all lost in the poisonous mist containing the power of law.

"Run, little girl! Run, little girl!"

Leo originally wanted to check the location of the Holy Maiden in his memory, but before he could take action, a sound came from the depths of Karazhan.

Someone activated those puppets at the opera house!
The mage tower built by Medivh is also very interesting. It not only has the stables for taming war horses where Attumen is, the banquet hall where Moros is, and the opera house for relaxing in his spare time.

As a powerful mage with a wide range of interests, Medivh's opera house is also very unique. He made many magic puppets that have no difference in appearance from real creatures. The role of these magic puppets is to perform operas for the guests.

Don't think that these magic puppets are not powerful because they were created by Medivh for human use. As the most amazing mage in human history, even the gadgets made by Medivh for entertainment are not ordinary. Leo learned from Khadgar that even the weakest magic puppet in the opera house has the combat power comparable to the epic powerhouse, and the strongest puppet may not be able to defeat even the legendary powerhouse.

Was it shocked?

This is what makes Medivh so powerful. If he doesn't have a few brushes, why is he considered the most talented mage in human history?

Without real skills, even if his mother is the god of law, Aegwynn, it is impossible to get such an honor. The proud mages will never let a dude with no skills step on their heads.

Hearing the movement in the depths of Karazhan, Danas rushed faster. Perhaps it was the word "little girl" that stimulated him, because there were only three ladies in their group, Sarah and Liadrin. , so who else is not Scarlett?
Not only Danas thought this way, but Leo also thought this way at this time, so he didn't stop when he passed the fork in the road leading to the Holy Maiden, but gave an order to Faltola and Malorak to stop at Check it out after taming midnight.

It’s just that the reality disappointed Leo and the others once again. When they arrived at the opera house, all they saw was debris on the ground. The opera house seemed to have experienced a storm, and everything that could be destroyed was destroyed. crumbling.

It took less than 10 minutes from when Lei Ao and the others heard the sound from the opera house to when they rushed to the opera house. Who could destroy the opera house so thoroughly in such a short period of time?
Or Kael'thas?

In the hearts of Leo and Liadrin, they tend to be the latter. The Karazhan Opera House can be destroyed so thoroughly in such a short period of time. Apart from Leo, Kael'thas is the only one in their group. As a divine mage, Rommath is definitely not capable of this, and Archmage Khadgar may not be able to do it either.

Thinking of the scene when Kael'thas was called a little girl, Leo couldn't help but want to laugh out loud.

I think Kael'thas' expression must have been very exciting at that time, but it's a pity that I didn't see that scene.

This also explained why the opera house was so completely destroyed as if it had been blown by a typhoon-the damage that an angry demigod could cause was unimaginable and terrifying to ordinary people.

"Master, I have subdued Midnight."

Faltola sent a message to Leo, and with the help of Marorak, he used the reins of the blazing steed Leo had given him to subdue Attumen's mount—the chief nightmare mount Midnight.At this time, Faltola, who had obtained a new mount, was heading towards the interior of Karazhan together with Mallorak, and they had to rush to finish what Leo had told them.

The opera house failed to find Scarlett, Danas continued to rush forward, Leo hesitated for a moment and then followed.

Anyway, Faltola and Mallorak are going to check on the Holy Maiden of Chastity. If Scarlett arrives there, it will be easy to handle, just ask Faltola to escort her out of Karazhan.

Crunch!Crunch! ...

There was a bone rubbing sound that made people smell sore teeth, and the roadblocker changed from a ghost to a skeleton, no, to be precise, it should be an ice bone puppet.

Don't think that these puppets are as weak as undead skeletons because of their bones. Once you are careless, you will suffer a big loss immediately. Danas, who was frozen by the spell cast by the skeleton, is a living example.

"Sarah, these bone puppets are for you."

The appearance of the ice bone puppet made Leo feel a little vigilant. It may not be Kael'thas who destroyed the opera house!

(End of this chapter)

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