Necromancer in another world

Chapter 935 Libraries

Chapter 935 Libraries

The bone puppet in Karazhan, which was originally used to hinder outsiders from continuing to penetrate, has now become the vanguard for others to clear the way. Sarah is very good at dealing with skeletons. Leo asked her to fight because of the idea of ​​letting her subdue the bone puppet.

Leoric has another name—the Skeleton King. After being resurrected, he possesses unstoppable strength and appears in the image of a skeleton. As the king of skeletons, it is not difficult to use rank to suppress low-level undead.

The bone puppets were subdued by Sarah in this way. Who made these puppets still not get rid of the characteristics of undead creatures?
It's a pity that Leo and the others didn't encounter many bone puppets, only thirty or forty in total. A small number of bone puppets would have little effect. When encountering groups of void horrors, they couldn't quickly deal with them Fighting, even Leo and the others have to take action to defeat each other.

Void Terror, this is a new monster that Leo and the others encountered in Karazhan. Medivh is known as the Mage of the Star Realm, and has a lot of research on the creatures in the Astral World. The ferocious creatures are one of the subjects he got to study. To put it bluntly, the void terror that Leo and the others encountered now is actually a guinea pig for Medivh's research.

In addition to the Void Terror, there is also a dark energy creature similar to a ghost. These creatures hide in the dark and attack people hard to guard against. It is a pity that they met a demigod warlock like Leo who is extremely sensitive to dark energy. The Leo can often kill them before they start.

Charge, charge, charge all the way, Leo and the others quickly crossed Karazhan's vestibule.

Medivh's mage tower is very large, including the stables, banquet hall, opera house, etc., where Medivh receives guests, and they all belong to the vestibule part that outsiders can enter, and the library and other places that Leo once teleported to It is very private, only a very small number of people can enter there.

What puzzled Leo was that he remembered that he and his party had just passed the place where the Nightmare was, and he didn't find this tragic dragon who came to find Medivh but was burned to death by the latter.

Does it mean that in reality, as in the game, a certain item must be used to make Nightmare appear?

It won't be like this!

Doubts are doubts, it is a good thing to lose the obstruction of Nightmare after all, Leo is still thinking about Scarlett's safety.

"Failure to cooperate will lead to aggressive behavior!"

A magic guard that had been dismantled to pieces was still chanting the same words for thousands of years. Seeing this magic guard, Leo knew that they had come to the library in Karazhan.

The library is the most precious wealth of a magician. All kinds of magic notes collected by the magician are placed here, and their value is immeasurable. Especially for an archmage like Medivh, his collection of books is a treasure that countless people desire.In order to protect these precious magic books, Medivh created a batch of magic guards according to the manufacturing method of arcane guards to protect the safety of Karazhan.

Facts have proved that this is very necessary. The existence of magic guards protects the library very well, and they have the ability to resist stealth and break stealth, so that the thieves who coveted here have failed again and again.

Blood elves such as Rommath and Liadrin wanted to enter Karazhan because they were attracted by the library in the mage tower. The blood elves, who regard magic as their second life, longed for magic very much. incomprehensible.In addition, the magic guards here are also the target of the blood elves, and he is extremely curious about how Medivh can improve the arcane guards.

When Leo and the others officially entered the library, they saw Rommath shaking his head around a magic guard at a glance. It seemed that the blood elf archmage was studying the structure of the magic guard.

Sure enough, he is an obsessed scholar mage!

Leo felt emotional in his heart, but he showed no mercy in his hands. A misty vortex appeared, and all the items in his field of vision were collected into his private space.

The library in Karazhan is a treasure. Will there be any magical books that can be collected by Medivh?

There is no need to answer this question at all.

Since Leo came here, he naturally wanted to carry out his tradition of loving cleanliness, and wiped out everything, even the bookshelves.

"you you……"

Romance was studying the structure of the magic guard, but unexpectedly, Leo intervened suddenly, making him jump up and down in anger. Seeing his reaction, he seemed to roll up his sleeves and fight with Leo.

"Archmage Romance, I will put away the things here first, and I will study them slowly after I go back. The most urgent task is to find the lost Prince Kael'thas and the others."

Leo stopped the archmage's irritability with a single sentence, and Rommath patted his forehead. He really forgot about Kael'thas and the others after studying the structure of magic guards.

I don't know which corner of Karazhan my prince has been teleported to. It's really uneasy not to find him quickly.

Liadlin glared at Rommath, who laughed dryly, looking very embarrassed.It was Rommath's fault, and Liadrin was not to blame for his displeasure.

Get rich!
Wahaha, get rich!
The amount of books in Medivh's library is astonishing, there are tens of thousands of books, and the collection of Les Shuangyu is nothing compared to him.

What is the concept of tens of thousands of magic books? Except for Dalaran, the city of mages, only Silvermoon City can find so many magic books, and the quality of the two may not be comparable here.It is conceivable what will happen after these magic tomes are obtained by Leo—the third magic holy land will appear outside Dalaran and Silvermoon City.

When he fell asleep, someone would send him a pillow, which couldn’t be more comfortable. Leo was worried that Naxxramas’ magician training was not strong enough. Karazhan gave him Medivh’s collection here. It's strong enough.

"Your Excellency Leo, the magic books here..."

Leo searched wildly, and Rommath looked at it with great enthusiasm. He regretted that he wanted to kill him. It was obviously the library he went to first, and he took care of the guards here, but the one who got the magic tome was Leo.He really hated himself for not taking action first, leaving those magic books aside, why did he go to study the structure of those guards?
Losing big!
Big loss!

"I'll keep these magic books first, and we'll study them together when they come out of Karazhan."

Leo knew what Romans wanted to say, and he just wanted to take some of the classics from him. How could Leo agree?

How can there be any reason to spit out the meat in the mouth?

So Leo cut off the conversation before Romans made such a request.

How can you expect him to take out what is in Leo's hands?

Liadrin sighed and shook her head. She didn't know what to say about Rommath. She had the chance to get Medivh's magic collection but he missed it. If Rommath wasn't the great magister of Silvermoon City, Leah Delin had already slashed with his sword.

I have seen people speechless, but I have never seen such a speechless one.

"My son is very powerful, but I also have my own power!"

"I'll let you know that an old dog has a few teeth!"

Angry shouts echoed in Karazhan, and Leo, who was looting the library, knew that someone had touched the Shadow of Elran.

Elan, a man who is extremely lucky and extremely tragic.

It is said that he is lucky because he was lucky enough to have a kiss with Fangze—he had a love affair with Aegwynn, the god of law, and let Aegwynn give birth to a son for him, that is, Medivh, the owner of Karazhan.

Said he was tragic, because he was Aegwynn's man, Medivh's father.

Well, it's actually the same thing.

Fangze Elan, who was able to kiss the god of law, Aegwynn, did not know how many people envied him. However, it was precisely because of his relationship with Aegwynn that Elan itself seemed bleak. When people mentioned him, the first reaction was: oh , this is the mage who fell in love with Aegwynn.

Under the light of Aegwynn, the status of the Royal Magister of Elam and his high-ranking nobleman is not worth mentioning, and no one will pay attention to it at all.

It is a kind of sadness that a tall, handsome and rich person who fits the image of a prince in countless girls' dreams is ignored just because he has a Dharma god wife.

However, this is not over yet. After Elan's son Medivh was born, Elan was completely tragic.

A wife of a law god, and a son who was destined to become a god before he was born, under the light of the two, Elan could not find his own place at all.

You said that you, Elan, have nothing to do with counterattacks, do you really think that you are tall, handsome and rich in the eyes of ordinary people, and you can do the same in front of a goddess?Look, now you have become a poor and short guy who is ignored by others!
Leo expressed deep sympathy for Elan, but now his attention is not on Elan's past, but on the words he shouted angrily.

The Shadow of Elam is talking about you and not you, which means that it is not one or two people who are fighting him, but at least three people.

Scarlett, Kael'thas, and Khadgar, aren't there exactly three people?
It seems that Scarlett and Kael'thas are teaming up to deal with the magic image that Elan left in Karazhan.

Leo breathed a sigh of relief, with Kael'thas and Khadgar here, not to mention just a magical image left by Elan, even if Elan himself was present, he would be beaten down, Scarlett's safety was guaranteed, A big stone fell to the ground in Leo's heart.

Danas should also be able to understand this point, but he didn't slow down, and Leo was secretly surprised.

Could it be that with Kael'thas and Archmage Khadgar, who are demigod mages, still unable to guarantee Scarlett's safety?

"Master, this place has been destroyed."

Faltola sent a message for Leo, and when they reached the end of the fork where the Virgin was, what they saw was a scene that had been ravaged by a typhoon, just like an opera house-everything that can be destroyed Everything is destroyed, and the indestructible is also destroyed.

The destruction of the Chamber of the Virgin and the Opera House were written by the same person. Could there be anyone else in Karazhan besides us?
The premonition of disaster that Leo sensed in front of Karazhan became stronger and stronger.

 Fuck me, there was a power outage in the middle of the night, my full attendance, I was crying blind~~~~(>_<)~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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