Chapter 944 Utis

It was none other than the blood elves led by Kael'thas who first built the mana forge in Netherstorm.

After coming to the Netherstorm, the rich arcane energy here made the blood elves ecstatic. Blood elves including Kael'thas regarded this place as a treasure land, and even Kael'thas once offered to solve the magic addiction of the clansmen. The method rests on the void storm.Because of this, the blood elves spent a lot of material and manpower to build several mana forges in Netherstorm.Unfortunately, this approach ultimately proved unworkable.

Fortunately, the expensive mana forges are not useless. At least their existence has collected enough arcane energy for the blood elves who came to the world of Draenor, satisfying their demand for magical energy, and temporarily solving the problem of blood elves. The problem of elf magic addiction.

Of course, this method can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. After all, the arcane energy that the Mana Forge can collect is limited, and it can only solve some of the blood elves' addictions. The energy source of the ethnic group, the problem of magic addiction cannot be eradicated.

Building a mana forge is not exclusive to the blood elves, and collecting arcane energy in the Netherstorm is not unique to the blood elves. The Burning Legion and the Ethereal can also do it.

Utis, the Mana Forge, is a large energy collector not built by the blood elves.

Whenever the chaotic world is involved by the Burning Legion, the demons are always the strong side. Who makes them strong?Speaking of which, Manaforge Utis was built by the Ethereal, but now it has fallen into the hands of demons.

The reason why the Order Preservation faction prefers the Astral Consortium instead of Shafar's Vengeance Army is that apart from the fact that the Vengeance Army and Dimensius are in the same boat, it also has a lot to do with their relationship with the demons of the Burning Legion.

The reputation of the Burning Legion is great even if you look at the entire universe, but all races that know of such a force will regard them as enemies. One day was patronized by them.

Notoriety is notoriety, and the demons of the Burning Legion are still alive and well. Their strong strength is the guarantee for them to run amok. Other races are hostile, but no one will take the initiative to provoke them, just like here in Netherstorm. It's been a long time since the demons of the Manaforge have encountered an enemy.

The days of guarding Utis are very ordinary. If the demons who are used to killing and blood can adapt to such a life, they would not be demons anymore. If there were no strict orders from above, all the demons here would have run away. When they approached Utis, the demons were as excited as if they had been injected with chicken blood, and rushed up one by one screaming.

Fighting without asking questions, that's how brutal the demons of the Burning Legion are.

It would be a big loss for someone else to encounter the attack of the demon suddenly, and it is not impossible to be wiped out by the demon directly when they are unable to defend themselves, but this group of people is different, because they are here to find fault.

While the demon screamed and killed, there was the sound of sharp arrows piercing through the air, and countless sharp arrows shot away, giving the demon a head-on blow.

The demons originally regarded these people as prey to be slaughtered. Who would have thought that they would kill many companions before they got close, and they were suddenly stunned.

How dare the prey resist the hunter!

After the initial astonishment, anger followed. The demons triggered the bloodthirsty nature in their souls because of each other's resistance.

The prey you encounter during hunting dare not resist and let yourself kill at will. This is certainly a game that demons love, but encountering prey that dares to resist makes them even more excited.

Lao Tzu wants to kill you, the more you resist Lao Tzu, the more exciting it will be. These words can't be more appropriate to describe the feeling of the demons at this time.


Well, demons won't feel that way anytime soon.

The whizzing sharp arrows pierced the air one after another, and the arrows were shining with purple and white light. This is an arcane shot that uses arcane energy. Moon Ranger doesn't have to worry about mana consumption at all.

Sharp arrows shot past one after another, and the rain of arrows poured down one after another, but none of the demons that entered the attack range of Silver Moon Ranger survived for more than five seconds. A few breaths turn a demon into a hedgehog.

Companions were shot one after another, but their own side couldn't even get close to the other party. This situation caused the demons to roar again and again, and their mentality was changing.

Draw the bow, shoot the arrow!
Hawksbill and his Silver Moon Ranger kept repeating the same action. The King of Rangers showed no expression on his face, and he was like a lifeless and emotionless machine, simply executing the order to shoot and kill the enemy.

The attack on Utis, the Mana Forge, is another joint effort between the blood elves and the Alliance to take down Utis. After all, Void Spirit has promised that as long as Dimensius, the Devourer of Worlds, can be dealt with, the mana of Utis will be destroyed. The forge was left at the disposal of the blood elves and the Alliance.

It takes time to build a mana forge, regardless of the time, but the material is priceless. Is it true that the wealth owned by the blood elves can't continue after building a few?
Therefore, it would not be too much to describe the Mana Forge as priceless. Faced with such a fortune, anyone would be tempted.What's more, even if you have money, you can't buy things like mana furnaces. You must know that mana furnaces cannot be built anywhere.

"You bastards!"

A demon rushed over with a group of subordinates, and when he saw that his companions couldn't even get close to each other, he was so angry that he cursed endlessly.Hawksbill tilted his body slightly, and the finger that pulled the bowstring suddenly loosened. The Skyfire Hawk bow hummed lightly, and while the bowstring trembled, a sharp arrow shot at the demon at a speed that broke through the sound barrier.

The screaming demon was shot in the head with an arrow.

After killing one of the demon's leaders, Hawksbill's face remained unchanged, as if he wasn't the one who did it at all.

If the demons guarding Utis are like this, my Silvermoon Rangers alone can kill them without the help of others.

No change on the surface does not mean that there is no change in the heart. Seeing that the Silver Moon Ranger under him is making a fortune, and the demon guarding Utis is suppressed, Hawksbill is very satisfied.

However, if Utis was taken down so easily, how could the Void Spirits have not acted until now?

With a deep roar accompanied by a disgusting stench, two-headed disaster dogs rushed out. These vicious dogs are huge and are good meat shields.Seeing the two-headed dog appearing, they failed to get any benefit from the arrow of the Silver Moon Ranger. The devil immediately made way for them. After the two-headed disaster dog rushed past, they ran behind the disaster dog in a tacit understanding. The dog's cover launched a new charge.

The double-headed catastrophe dogs are thick-skinned and large in size. It is extremely difficult for the Silver Moon Ranger to shoot and kill them quickly, even Hawksbill can't do it.

If you can't quickly shoot and kill the charging enemy, this will give the opponent a chance to get close to you. It's just a dream to keep the opponent away with only a group of rangers' long-range attacks as before.

The alliance fighters at the forefront clenched their weapons, and they held up their shields to prepare for the impact of the double-headed disaster dogs.

The devil following the two-headed catastrophe dog is full of pride. It is good to have a vicious dog. Not only can it help guard the house at ordinary times, but it can also serve as a meat shield in battle. It is indeed a dog with multiple functions.


Just when the demons were proud, and when they were thinking about how to torture and kill these hateful elves and humans behind the bully, the demon lord Immortal appeared.

Also a two-headed disaster dog, as a demon lord, Immotar has a natural rank suppression on his own kind. Almost at the same time as Immotar's roar sounded, the two-headed disaster dog in the charge kicked his legs together. Soft, the speed is greatly reduced.

Unexpectedly, there would be such an accident. Many demons couldn't hold back their feet for a while, and just bumped into them head-on, making them very embarrassed.

As the saying goes, a tiger’s buttocks can’t be touched. This double-headed catastrophe dog is even more vicious than a tiger. Will hitting their buttocks make things better?

The demon that hit the double-headed catastrophe dog stared at him, and the two dogs' heads followed him and bit him down. Even the demons of the Burning Legion couldn't resist it, with a mouth full of sharp teeth and a terrifying bite force.

The demons who rushed behind could hardly believe their eyes—the two-headed disaster dogs from the same camp as them turned against the water collectively. These huge vicious dogs turned their guns and charged into the demon group.

The demons had their own strife, how could the blood elves and the alliance army miss such a good opportunity, although they didn't send troops to charge forward, but let the mages and archers aim at the demon army when the demons had no time to pay attention to him It is still possible to vent your firepower to your heart's content.

"Is this the role of Immotar?"

Kael'thas looked at the scene ahead, because of Immoltar's appearance, under the coercion of this demon lord, Utis's two-headed disaster dog bit the demon, disturbing the guards of Utis. The demon is overwhelmed.Discovering that Immoltar had such a great effect, Kael'thas regretted so much that his intestines were green.

Immotar was given to Leo by the blood elves back then, if he had known that he would be of such great use, how could Kael'thas let him go so easily?
It was earned by Leo again.

Sighing secretly in his heart, Kael'thas looked at Leo with somewhat unfriendly eyes.

To this, Leo's reaction was nonchalant.He knew that Kael'thas was just feeling angry for a while, and he didn't really have any dissatisfaction.

Mahadun and Said, as representatives of the Astral Consortium and Order Sect in the ethereal forces, accompanied Leo and the others. They were the ones who provided the information on guarding the two-headed disaster dog of Utis. Originally, they thought that These catastrophe dogs will bring some troubles to Leo and the others. Who would have thought that the other party would solve them so easily. The two Void Spirits looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

With Leo and the others joining, capturing Utis is not a problem at all. The scourge of Dimensius will definitely die this time!

(End of this chapter)

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