Necromancer in another world

Chapter 945 Dimensius

Chapter 945 Dimensius
There were no twists and turns in the capture of Utis. After Immotar turned all the two-headed catastrophe dogs against the water, the demons of the Burning Legion failed to make any waves, and finally slaughtered the rebellious catastrophe dogs. These demons also fell in the attack of the alliance army and the blood elf coalition army.

Things were going very well, and yet it was too smooth to be disturbing.

Said and Mahadun thought in their hearts that Utis' defensive strength was weaker than what they knew, and the number of demons guarding here had decreased by as much as [-]%. The strange thing for an ethereal is that the guards of Utis are all demons, and Shafar's revenge army didn't see any of them.

Is it because the Burning Legion and Shafar got dirty, and the two sides started a strife, which made Utis' defensive strength drop sharply, or is it because of other reasons?

If it is the former, then of course Said and Mahathun are welcome, but what about the latter?

No one likes things that are beyond their control, especially their enemies. This is not a question of liking or disliking, but a major issue that concerns the survival of themselves and the forces they belong to.Had it not been for Dimensius, Said and Mahadoon would have returned to Stormspire immediately.

Dimensius is known as the Devourer of Worlds. This title sounds very bluffing. People who don't know it may think that this is some kind of terrifying creature. In essence, he is just a powerful Void Lord.

For Void Spirit, Dimensius, who has the ability to devour and feeds on energy creatures, is a life-and-death enemy that must be eliminated quickly. In the eyes of Leo and others, Dimensius is just a person with some strength. demon.

The mentality is different, and the performance is of course different.

When they saw Dimensius enter the world through the psychic channel of Utis, Said and Mahadoon were murderous, while Leo and Kael'thas were very indifferent.

Hawksbill drew the bow of the Skyfire Eagle and hit the first blow against Dimensius before the others.

A surprising thing happened, the ranger king's arcane shot did not cause any damage to Dimensius, and the arrow shining with purple and white light was covered by an invisible layer before it touched Dimensius. The mass energy shield bounced away.

"This attack won't work. Dimensius will be protected by the psychic channel when he passes through the psychic channel, and ordinary attacks won't hurt him."

Said's words made Hawksbill roll his eyes, and this was really timely as an afterthought.

When passing through the psychic tunnel, Dimensius was inside the tunnel. If he wanted to hurt him, he had to break through the psychic tunnel. In other words, Dimensius was protected by the psychic tunnel at this time.

Breaking through the psionic channel will damage the mana forge, and no one wants to do this if it is not necessary, because the mana forge damage is not easy to repair, and it is even more difficult.

As long as Leo and Kael'thas are willing to make a move, breaking the psychic passage can be done in the blink of an eye, but repairing the damaged passage takes less than a month or two, so I don't even think about it.

After killing Dimensius, the mana furnace of Utis will be used by the Alliance and the blood elves, and no one wants to cause trouble for themselves.

"It's really troublesome."

Leo curled his lips, Said and these spirits are really unreliable in doing things, and they didn't remind them earlier of this situation.

"Common attacks can't be used, what about unusual ones?"

After Kael'thas finished speaking, the Sin'dorei golden staff pointed at Dimensius, and an invisible wave of sound spread from the top of the staff to where Dimensius was.

Sonic attack!

Leo could see that Kael'thas was shooting ultrasonic waves, and wanted to use this attack method to deal with Dimensius who had a psychic channel.

Ordinary physical attacks and magical attacks cannot bring damage to Dimensius without destroying the spiritual channel, but the sonic attack is different, and the damage is caused by the vibration of the air. The psionic tunnel causes damage and can attack or even kill Dimensius who is passing through the psionic tunnel.

Kael'thas's brain turned very fast!

Rubbing his chin, Leo waited for Dimensius' reaction with great interest.

The ultrasonic wave hit, but the psychic channel didn't respond at all. The invisible air shield that blocked Dimensius from Hawksbill's arcane shot didn't appear, and Kael'thas' ultrasonic wave cut silently. After entering, Dimensius' body shook slightly, and then a look of shock and pain appeared on his face.

The ultrasonic attack is in effect!

Said and Mahadoun, who were worrying about how to attack Dimensius, had their eyes lit up. Judging from Dimensius's reaction, Kael'thas' ultrasonic attack did not hurt him too much. If Kael'thas Si can perform such attacks a few more times, even if Dimensius can pass through the psychic channel, his strength will be greatly reduced, and it will be much easier to kill him then.


Kael'thas showed his hand, and Leo couldn't fall behind. He called out the blind dragon.

Isn't sonic attack exactly what Atramedus is good at?
Atramedus, who was called out by Leo, took a deep breath, his chest and abdomen swelled, and before Kael'thas' second ultrasonic attack hit, the blind dragon was facing Dimensius. A roar.

Sonar pings!

The pain and shock on Dimensius's face became even stronger. It seemed that the Void Lord, who was so famous, did not expect that he would encounter repeated attacks in the psychic channel.

Seeing this, Kael'thas waved his staff again, and the second ultrasonic attack came.

Taking advantage of his illness to kill him, Atromandes did not neglect, and coordinated with Kael'thas' attack, a sonic breath came straight out.

Dimensius' body was shaking non-stop, and it made him uncomfortable to be attacked repeatedly, but he couldn't fight back at this time.

There are always advantages and disadvantages. Although being in the spiritual energy channel can be protected by the spiritual energy channel, ordinary attacks can't hurt him, but in this way, one's own perception will be cut off, and one's own defense will also be affected by the spiritual energy in the channel. Once someone seizes this opportunity and uses a special attack method to attack the person in the spiritual energy channel, the latter can only be beaten and cannot fight back.

Dimensius is in such a situation now.

If you can't fight back just by being beaten, anyone will be depressed.

Knowing that the situation had changed, Dimensius didn't dare to neglect. He no longer let the psychic channel send him out leisurely, but took the initiative to speed up, trying to get into Deira before receiving more damage. Nuo world.If Dimensius knew that there were two demigods waiting to deal with him at the exit of the psychic passage, I don't know if he would rush out of the psychic passage in such a hurry.

This void lord doesn't seem to be very good.

Leo didn't do anything, he just held his chin to observe. Originally, he still had the idea of ​​taking Dimensius for his own use. After all, the name of the Devourer of Worlds sounds quite bluffing, but Dimensius Si is not as famous as meeting, and his strength is much lower than he expected.

Offending Void Spirit for a not-so-powerful Dimensius, the deal suffered a huge loss. How could Leo do it?

Since it's useless, then kill and sell Void Spirit as a favor.

With a decision in his mind, Leo didn't hold back, and Atromandes, who was coordinating with Kael'thas to attack Dimensius, suddenly changed his attack style, and the third sonic skill appeared - sonic adjustment!
The Blind Dragon is indeed a master at using sound waves to attack the enemy. Kael'thas, a demigod mage, only has one ultrasonic attack that can work against Dimensius in the psychic channel, but he throws three in succession, making him People can't be dissatisfied.

As soon as the sound wave was adjusted, Atromandes's three skills came together, Dimensius was hit hard again, and the void lord's body made of dark elements seemed to collapse.

In the psychic channel, one cannot use power to defend against attacks, which is too disadvantageous, once the opponent seizes the opportunity, it is easy to die.

Finding that the situation was even worse than he had expected, Dimensius was in a hurry, but he couldn't do anything in such a hurry that he was in the psychic tunnel, so he had to squeeze out of the tunnel with all his strength.

Wouldn't it be good to obediently be killed in the psionic passage, why bother running out desperately, it's not like you to rush to reincarnate.

Dimensius's reaction Leo had expected that when the Devourer of Worlds struggled out of the psychic passage, what greeted him was not the joy of escaping from birth but the despair of dying.

Dragonakos, the devourer of all things, this twilight dragon that also has devouring ability didn't give Dimensius any chance. The devouring vortex in the big dragon's mouth happened to be at the exit of the psychic channel. Dimensius As soon as Mentheus stepped out of the psionic passage, he was enveloped in by Dragonakos' devouring vortex.

Dimensius is always proud of his devouring ability, which can be seen from his title as the Devourer of Worlds. Ordinary strong people are very afraid of his devouring ability when they meet this void lord, so they are defeated by Dimensius. There are not a few strong men under Hughes, but he met Dragonakos.

When Sinasaraia created Dragonakos, he used other four-line dragon kings as imaginary enemies. Dragonakos's devouring ability can be seen, unlike Dimensius who only dared to choose Void Spirit as the object Compared with other creatures, Dragonakos's devouring ability is many times stronger. Meeting the Twilight Dragon can only be regarded as Dimensius' bad luck for eight lifetimes.

Although Dimensius struggled hard, he was covered by the devouring vortex, but he still couldn't get rid of the devouring force. Dimensius could only watch helplessly as the dark elements that made up his body decreased little by little, and the dark The reduction of elements weakened Dimensius' strength, making him even more powerless to get rid of the devouring vortex.

A vicious circle is thus formed.

"I thought I could move my muscles and bones, but I didn't expect Dimensius to be so good. The Devourer of Worlds? The cowhide was blown to pieces by him."

Seeing that Dimensius failed to pull out half of the waves until he was swallowed by Dragonakos, Leo yawned, with four big words "I'm very disappointed" written on his face.

Said and Mahadoon on the side came over. The two ethereal expressions were strange, and they had no joy in killing their old enemies for many years. They pointed to Dragonakos and asked, "Marshal Leo, this is yours." Pets?"

Leo glanced at them sideways, and nodded seemingly indifferently, as if he didn't notice the strangeness of Said and Mahadoun.

It was so easy to kill a Dimensius, and before he had time to be happy, he found a creature with a stronger devouring ability than Dimensius. What is this called?

The eyes of the two ethereals looking at Dragonakos are quite helpless, and at the same time, they are becoming more and more afraid of Leo, who is the master of the Twilight Dragon. They dare not provoke Leo to let their race have one more such Formidable opponent, and that's what Leo wanted to see.

Void Spirits plunder resources in the name of doing business in Draenor world, Leo will not care about it, but if they want to reach out to the world on the other side of the Dark Portal, then they have to think carefully about it. Dragonakos, who has a stronger devouring ability than Mentheus, has a powerful deterrent to the ethereal.

(End of this chapter)

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