Chapter 946

Rays of light flashed in Leo's eyes, and countless messages were filtered in his mind one by one. Kael'thas, who was standing beside him, was holding the Sin'dorei golden staff, thinking about something absent-mindedly.

The blood elves are not ignorant of Voidling's biosphere technology. Kael'thas has already made up his mind about Netherstorm's Storm Spire and the central biosphere. It is impossible for the blood elves and ethereals to be as peaceful as they are now.

What puzzled Kael'thas was, how did Leo buy their ecosystem technology from Void Spirit?
You must know that the blood elves have not been in contact with Void Spirit at this time, but the price offered by the other party is really unbearable for Kael'thas.

The gems, gold, and other valuables accumulated by the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas for thousands of years are cheap in the eyes of the Void Spirits. Even if they spend all they have, they can't buy one-thousandth of the technology of the ecosystem. The precious material Kael'thas was reluctant to part with.

Compared with wealth, Arathor would be thrown out by Quel'Thalas for a few blocks. It stands to reason that the blood elves don't have the financial resources to buy humans in the ecosystem, let alone the possibility.But the fact is that the ecosphere technology of the Star Consortium has indeed fallen into Leo's hands, and the way is not cheating, robbery or theft, but a real formal transaction.

He was very curious, but Kael'thas didn't show it on his face. How Arathor bought this technology was a secret, how could Leo tell others about it?

While Kael'thas was thinking, time passed unknowingly, and the flashing light in Leo's eyes gradually subsided.

"The technology of Void Spirit's ecosystem is too complicated. Even if you get the technology, you want to absorb it and transform it into your own things. Technology is knowing what it is and not knowing why it is. No wonder the star consortium sells it, and it’s no wonder the ethereal merchants dare to sell it. Without a complete set of civilizations to support their technology, they just know how to use it, and they can’t get closer to it. One floor, and when buyers digest the technology to the point where they can create their own ecosystems, the ecosystems they create are already obsolete in Ethereal.”

Leo shook his head while talking, the ethereal merchants of the Star Consortium are really good at business. Fortunately, Leo's requirements for the technology of this ecosystem are only that it can be manufactured and used, and there are no other things besides these two.

Kael'thas secretly rejoiced when he heard that, but luckily he didn't make up his mind to buy the technology of Void Spirit's ecosystem at the beginning, otherwise he might not know why he was depressed.With the situation of Quel'Thalas at that time, the blood elves couldn't afford to wait ten years, let alone one or two hundred years?
Really have to wait for such a long time, the day lily is cold.

Now, Leo will be the one who is taken advantage of.

The blood elf prince was gloating, and Leo suddenly changed his subject.

"Even so, this ecosphere technology is enough. If the Burning Legion comes, we are really powerless to fight against it. With this kind of technology, we can rebuild our home as long as we get rid of the devil's pursuit."

Leo bought Void Spirit's ecosystem technology just in case. It should be noted that things in the world are often not afraid of [-] but just in case. If the Burning Legion is really unable to resist, there will be a way out at that time.With the ecosphere transformation technology in hand, there is no need to consider whether the environment is suitable for the survival of one's own tribe, and there are many places where one can settle down.

Before counting victory, consider defeat first. It is a matter of race survival, so how can we not make reservations?

"I thought you were so confident that you wouldn't think about the future. I didn't expect you to have such an idea. It's just that you need a powerful energy supply device to build an ecosystem. Instead of using the ethereal one, I'll provide you with a mana furnace. you."

Facing Leo's eyes, Kael'thas smiled. Although he didn't say it explicitly, he hinted to Leo that the blood elves should not be forgotten about such things.And he didn't take advantage of Leo in vain. The structure of the Mana Forge is complicated, and it is extremely difficult to build. It takes a lot of effort just to collect the materials, because many precious materials cannot be bought with money. The blood elves are doing Leo a great favor by donating a mana forge.

Leo nodded when he heard the words: "I will drive Naxxramas directly to the Netherstorm. How to move the existing mana forge in and the subsequent adjustment of the magic circle will depend on your people."

After finishing speaking, Leo added another sentence: "By the way, I will call some people to help, I believe you need it."


I think it is stealing the teacher.

How could Kael'thas fail to understand Leo's intentions.Arathor has no concept of Mana Forge, not even a way to use it, let alone construction and other technologies. Now that there is such a good opportunity, if Leo didn't send someone, he wouldn't be Leo.However, it is one thing to send people here, and it is another matter whether my people will explain it to them. If no one explains the tricks of complex things like the mana furnace, how many people will be able to get a glimpse of the mystery? ?
Thinking of this, Kael'thas didn't object aloud, in order to prevent Leo from making new demands, he changed the topic away.

"According to the two spirits, Utis originally possessed a defensive force that was several times stronger than when we attacked. What information do you have about this matter?"

Leo gave Kael'thas a sideways look, and said, "Since you brought it up, there must be a clue. Tell me, what information do you have?"

Kael'thas was speechless for a moment, I was the first to ask if it was okay, but changing the subject was what he wanted to see, and he was also happy to see Leo's attention away from the mana forge.

"You don't know about Auchinton, do you?"

Of course Auchindoun Leo knew that it was the sacred temple where the draenei buried their dead, and this temple was located in the Terokkar Forest.

Leo raised his eyebrows, and replied: "Isn't there a tomb temple? I heard that the Draenei built it like an underground labyrinth. Why, what did they do?"

"It's not what the draenei did, but the Shadow Council ran over." Kael'thas said what he knew, "The people of the Night Council don't know what they're messing with. The Auchindoun of the Niers was blown up, and the explosion turned Auchindoun into a piece of scorched earth, what is strange is that the Crowman and a group of ethereals ran over to join in the fun."

So the Auchinton explosion happened?
The corners of Leo's mouth turned up slightly, outlining a secretive smile.

In this way, the extraterrestrial creature Moore is entering this world. I wonder if the warlocks of the Shadow Council are troubled by this creature they summoned?

It should be known that Moore is an elemental creature with the power to destroy the world.If Mormoore hadn't destroyed his world, the Warlock of the Shadow Council would not be able to summon him.

"The Shadow Council is still so restless, how did the Draenei react?"

Kael'thas looked at Leo with a half-smile, and his tone was somewhat strange: "What else can they do? Of course, they should send someone to check. It's a pity that these people disappeared without any reason."


Doesn't that mean you can't see people when you're born, and you can't see corpses when you're dead?

Leo was stunned for a moment, and then remembered something. He lowered his voice and said a name to Kael'thas: "Gruul?"

Kael'thas nodded, and said in a low voice: "I went to check it myself, and there are indeed traces of Goron's activities there. I guess it was the work of the remaining three one-eyed Gorons. If I'm right, it won't take long. Netherstorm will be a big hit."


This is Leo's evaluation of Kael'thas.

The blood elf prince is obviously going to watch from the sidelines, to see what will happen between Naaru and the one-eyed Gron. It would be great if both sides suffer a loss.

Seeing that Leo looked at him strangely, Kael'thas snorted and said, "Don't look at me with that look, you are also involved in this matter."

It's not just Leo who is responsible for misleading Gruul and pulling the one-eyed Goron's hatred to Naru?As for Kael'thas, he was just an accomplice, and Leo was the mastermind.

Shrugging his shoulders, Leo didn't want to talk about it any more. He and Kael'thas paid the same attention—sitting on a hill and watching tigers fight.

Gruul's powerful Kael'thas and Leo have personally experienced in Blade's Edge Mountains, but naaru are not easy to mess with. The battle between the strongest creature in the world of Draenor and the naaru led by Adal must be abnormal Wonderful.

"No wonder there are fewer demons in Utis. The Burning Legion must have noticed something. It seems that we are not the only ones who are counting on taking advantage of it."

Leo and Kael'thas looked at each other and smiled. The mantis stalking the cicada and the oriole were behind, but behind the oriole were hunters waiting to shoot. The winner was the one who had the last laugh.

When Leo, who had reached an agreement with Kael'thas, summoned the top leaders of the Alliance Expeditionary Force, the first thing he said was: "The situation has changed, and the plan to attack Draenor has to be adjusted."

Inevitably, this remark caused an uproar.

Just after entering Draenor, they changed the plan agreed upon by several major forces before. If it wasn’t for Leo who said this, someone would have jumped out to discuss it.

Leo ignored the others, and his gaze was only on Anvilmar in Ironforge, Windsor in Stormwind Kingdom, and Godfrey in Gilneas. As long as these three people have no objections, then there is no problem No, at this moment, the three of them were sitting calmly on the chairs waiting for Leo's explanation, without their participation, the discussion soon stopped.

"I know that everyone has doubts about the sudden change of the plan, but the plan is dead and the person is alive. We can't do things according to the plan, we must make corresponding changes according to the situation." Leo said, pointing to the tower standing not far away Utis, the mana forge, "When we attacked, everyone also saw that the number of demons was more than twice as small as the information that Void Spirit gave us. Is this a mistake in Void Spirit's information?"

"I can tell you with certainty - no!"

"Then why the number of demons is so small, because the Burning Legion is carrying out a plan. As enemies, we have to destroy what the demons want to achieve, so everyone has to stay in Netherstorm."

(End of this chapter)

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