Chapter 947
When you are busy, what you hope is to stop and take a good rest, but when you really stop, you will find that you are already used to the busy life, and it will be very uncomfortable to be idle.

The word cheap is obviously derogatory, but people often insist on adding it up. Is this considered human nature to be cheap?

Looking at the busy scene around him, Leo smiled. This smile was not only mocking himself, but also mocking others.

Because the situation changed, Leo wanted to be the hunter who shot down the oriole, and Leo left the Alliance Expeditionary Force in the Netherstorm, which caused a little trouble.

The main purpose of the army was to fight, but they stopped after a small battle in Utis, what would the soldiers think?
Hold back a lot of energy but have no way to vent, and whoever changes it will feel dissatisfied.

Fortunately, the leaders such as Amaron, Windsor and others are experienced generals who have already taken precautions against possible situations and have their own ways to deal with them.No, in order not to let the soldiers slack off, several generals came up with a solution - to build a city.

Well, to say the city is a little exaggerated, the town should be the most appropriate description.

Netherstorm is too close to the Twisting Nether, and there is no special output. Except for the magic-loving blood elves who take it as a treasure, no one is willing to stay here for a long time, such as human dwarves.Since the alliance does not have the heart to occupy the void storm, it is not worthwhile to build a city here, after all, the consumption of building a city is not small.

But towns are different. It doesn't cost much to build a town. Not to mention saving costs, it shows to the blood elves that the alliance has no intention of doing so.

The soldiers had things to do and vented their excess energy, but no one had time to complain.

As Lei Ao was looking around, a figure hurried over.

"Willie, what's the matter?"

It was Leo's dragon blood guard Captain Vili who ran over. Hearing Leo's question, Vili quickly replied: "My lord, something happened to the Draenei again. One of their centurions has just left the Tempest Keep. They disappeared within a quarter of an hour. Fortunately, my lord told me to keep an eye on them, so I discovered the situation in time."

Are the draenei missing again?

Counting this batch, it is already the fifth batch of missing persons, and they are getting closer and closer to Storm Fortress from a geographical point of view. It should be noted that the first batch of missing persons was in Blade's Edge Mountain, and now the fifth batch has arrived at the gate of Storm Fortress , anyone with a heart can see that the other party is gradually approaching Delaney's lair.

Someone announced that the horses and chariots were going to target the Draenei, how would Naaru react?
A golden light exploded at the end of the horizon, and Leo's attention was immediately attracted.

Such a strong power of holy light, this power is not weaker than Yizuer, and even worse.

"Tsk tsk, it seems that the one-eyed Gron failed to hide his whereabouts, and was caught by Naru. I don't know which Naru did it." Leo shook his head jokingly, after expressing some emotion Instructions to Viri, "Send the order, all the troops gather and prepare for battle."

Is it just collection?
Why not kill it?

This question swayed in Wei Li's mind, but he didn't ask it after all.

Leo doesn't need to explain to him what to do, and the duty of a soldier is to obey orders. Viri, who has long been accustomed to obeying orders, has to consider not why he should do it but how to do it well.

"My army is ready, how about yours?"

Not long after Viri left, the message from Kael'thas came. The blood elf prince had been waiting for this moment, and his subordinates were all his own people, so he was naturally much faster in action than Leo's side. .

The blood elves only gathered together to prepare for battle, instead of heading towards the place where the light came from to kill. Kael'thas and Leo had the same thoughts.

It is not yet known what kind of fight Naaru will have with the one-eyed Gron, so it would be too hasty to go over at this time, not to mention that the demon of the Burning Legion is still going to be a squirrel, and it is impossible to laugh until the end.

Because of this, Leo seemed unhurried, and only heard him reply: "I am calling the army, don't worry, take your time."

Say it's not in a hurry, I'm afraid your eyeliner has already passed.

Kael'thas muttered to himself, he didn't believe that Leo was really so calm.

In fact, Kael'thas guessed right, Leo was indeed not as indifferent as he expressed in his tone, as early as when Viri reported to him, Perision and Hectors were sent by him Going out, the two dracolich powerhouses pushed the illusion with all their strength, and quietly approached the battlefield.

In the battlefield, a five-meter-tall luminous man is shooting out balls of golden light to beat a giant monster as tall as a hill back again and again, although compared with the latter, the luminous man is not as big as his twenty One-tenth, but anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that the strength of the light energy man is far stronger than the latter. The reason why the hill-like monster did not fail is only because of its natural rough skin and thick flesh.

Needless to say, the light man is a naaru, and the hill-like monster is the one-eyed gron.

Pity this one-eyed Gron. As the son of Gruul, he is also the overlord of Draenor. He was first driven by Gruul to work in a place like Netherstorm, and now he has encountered a hard stubble. Being beaten into a mess by Naru, this luck is really bad luck.

The one-eyed Goron is used to running rampant, and very few creatures dare to provoke him. Today, he was beaten and suppressed. How could he swallow this breath?

Goron roared again and again, relying on his strong body to withstand the bombardment of Naaru's holy light and kept moving forward, trying to get closer to him to take advantage of him.Naru is not a fool, how could he let him succeed? Every time the one-eyed Goron took a step forward, he backed up by a point, hanging his opponent not far or near, so that Goron had nothing to do.

If there is no accident, the one-eyed Gron will lose!
Leo, the dracolich, took all the situation in the field into his eyes, and Naru's strength shocked him. Although he didn't know who the Naru who made the shot was, Leo was sure that this Naru would never be Adal.

What kind of strength will A'dal, who is so strong even as the leader, reach?
No wonder Velen and the others were able to escape from Argus back then, Naaru's strength should not be underestimated.

Holding his chin, Leo quietly waited for the result. He didn't believe that there was only one Gron, but he and Kael'thas had only killed four of Gruul's sons, and there were three left.

Facts proved that Leo's guess was right. On the way Naru retreated, a huge strange rock suddenly stood up, and another one-eyed Gron appeared with a loud roar.

Actually disguised as a stone ambush!
Seeing this scene, not only Naru was taken aback, but even Leo didn't expect that Goron pretended to be a stone so much that he concealed it from others, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

After being surprised, he was gloating. Anyway, it was not Leo who was fighting Goron. For him, Goron and Naru had better fight each other, so that it would be convenient for them to come out to take advantage of it.

The appearance of the second one-eyed Goron brought about a great change in the battle. Because he appeared too suddenly and was too close to Naru, the latter had no time to dodge when he found out. Facing the violent Goron, Naru Can only choose hard resistance.

A golden mask covered Naru, protecting him before Gron's attack came.

Goron's attack is powerful and heavy, and with his huge size, he is quite overwhelming. Can Nalu's golden mask less than a finger thick protect him?
As it turns out, it can!

The one-eyed Gron's attack hit the golden shield, but it didn't shatter it as Gron thought. His deliberate sneak attack only distorted the golden shield, so what if the shield didn't break Can it hurt the Naru inside?

Naru, who had resisted the opponent's sneak attack, was about to back away when the Goron that he had been pressing and beating was killed at this time, and the golden shield was distorted and deformed again under the attack of the Goron.

Naaru's shield is strong enough to resist the two attacks of the one-eyed Goron head-on.

At this time, the only ones who still have the mood to think about these things are Leo who sits on the mountain and watches the tigers fight. How can Naru and the one-eyed Gron who are fighting have the mind to pay attention to other things?
Let's fight, the more intense you fight, the easier it will be for me to take advantage of it when I come out later.

Someone giggled wickedly, that appearance was really wretched, extremely wretched.

Well, wretchedness is king too.

"Leo, what happened to you telling us to gather the army?"

The voice of Anweimar came over before the arrival of the people. The dwarf general came together with Windsor and Godfrey to ask Leo about his next move. They also saw the golden light at the end of the horizon. In their eyes, several people speculated that Leo's actions at this time must have something to do with it.

At this time, Naru, who was approached by two Grons, could not shake off his opponent. Under the fierce pursuit of the two Grons, he could only rely on the strength of the shield to fight against them. The battle between the three entered the stage of consumption. , there is really nothing to see.

Withdrawing his attention from the battlefield between Naaru and Gron, he nodded at Anweimar and the three of them, and Leo replied: "It is true that something happened. The Draenei who had an agreement with us and a man named Gron The races of the world are clashing, and the demons of the Burning Legion are watching from the sidelines, and we must not allow them to succeed."


The three of Anweimar were stunned for a moment. Their impression of the draenei was not very good. Who made these blue hoofs and eredar demons be carved out of the same mold? The Niers and Eredar demons are of the same species, and they have even less affection for these aliens.

"It's okay to destroy the conspiracy of the Burning Legion, but let's ignore the conflict between the Draenei and other races."

Anweimar was straightforward, saying whatever came to his mind, and expressed his attitude before Leo elaborated.

It's nothing to do with himself, so Anweimar is unwilling to use the lives of soldiers in his clan to solve troubles for a strange race, especially for this race that he doesn't have the slightest affection for.

Windsor had a bit of hesitation on his face. After all, the Draenei intended to form an alliance with their side, but Godfrey didn't think too much about it. After continuing Anweimar, he also expressed his position: "The dispute between the Draenei and other races We don't know anything about it, and it's not safe to intervene rashly, but since the demons of the Burning Legion have a conspiracy, we can't ignore it, if those demons really want to intervene in us to help the Draenei repel the demons."

Godfrey's words were easier to accept than Anweimar's. Seeing the expression of approval on Windsor's face, Leo made a decision: "In this case, let's see the situation first and then make a decision."

(End of this chapter)

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