Chapter 948 Why Not

Mulu was very bored, and it is more appropriate to describe his experience as "everything goes wrong" in recent days.

As a member of the naru, Muru and the leader A'dal have the ability similar to that of a prophet. They can spy on something that will happen in the future at certain times. Of course, this ability of Naru is a little bit stronger than that of a prophet. , because they see more clearly than the prophets, but this part of the future must be related to themselves.

Originally, in the future that Muru had foreseen, he would have a chance, a chance that would make him stronger and become a powerful existence in Naaru, second only to the leader A'dal.But what he didn't expect was that it was obviously a good thing that was foreseen, but it was only a short step away, but the development track of the matter forcibly deviated from it.

Although Mulu didn't have much reaction to this, it was only on the surface, in fact, he had already gritted his teeth with hatred in his heart.

Why did those elves with long ears stop attacking Storm Fortress?

Why are those humans meddling in their own business?

A great opportunity to improve his strength just disappeared, and the future he foreseen was changed because of the intrusion of a race called human beings. Muru hated him very much. If A'dal hadn't suppressed him, he would have lost his temper.

Muru has a deep hatred for the human beings who ruined his good deeds, and also hates the blood elves who did not go according to the future he foresaw, but it is still useful to keep them now, otherwise Muru would not mind giving A little lesson for them.

Although Naaru is a creature of the light attribute, where there is light there is darkness, and there is as much darkness as there is light.

Fortunately for Muru, he is not the only one who is having a bad life, and Kiru, who is also a member of the Naru clan, is also having a bad life.

This person wants to vent when things go wrong, and so does Naru.But if you want to vent, you must have someone to vent to. Fortunately, when Muru and Kiru were depressed, someone came to the door.

The Draenei are a race that believes in the Naaru. In terms of the current situation of the Naaru family, the troubles of the Draenei are the troubles of the Naaru. Anyone who has trouble with the Draenei is trouble with the Naaru.

In view of what happened to the draenei recently, Muru and Kiru, who were determined to find someone to vent their anger on, took the initiative to take on the burden of finding the attacker.

At this time, something that made Mulu depressed happened again.

The object of venting was found, but this object turned out to be the powerful one-eyed Gron in the world of Draenor.

Before seeing the target of the attack on the Draenei, Muru never imagined that it would be a tyrannical creature like the one-eyed Gron who dominated the world of Draenor.

Creatures like the one-eyed Gron are the tyrants of the world of Draenor. Naaru will not provoke them if they have nothing to do, let alone the Draenei. Why do they have trouble with the Draenei?
Mulu couldn't answer. Just when he was wondering, the one-eyed Gron found him, and then the unreasonable and brutal attack came.

Clay figurines still have three parts earthy nature, let alone Naru?
One-eyed Gorron killed his younger brother, and when he saw him without saying a word, he buried his head and beat him fiercely. Not to mention that Mulu has been irritable recently, he would not back down even in normal times.

One-eyed Gron wanted to fight, so Muru would accompany him to fight.

When it comes to fighting alone, Mulu is really not afraid of the one-eyed Goron. Seeing that he can fight against Goron evenly with one against two, it can be seen that Mulu's strength is not hidden.

Of course, it would be a different situation if Mulu met Gruul, but if he found that Gruul Mulu had already run away, how could he stay.

Originally, Muru thought that in the next battle, either the one-eyed Goron couldn't hold back and was beaten away by himself, or he couldn't help the thick-skinned opponent and the two sides fought to a tie. What is even more surprising is that Goron, who has always been reckless, actually set up an ambush.

It was these two who did not expect that Mulu suffered a small loss, but it was only a small loss. Relying on his strength, Mulu did not show any defeat with one against two.

The war of attrition is the most boring, the most intense, and the most tragic.

Mulu and the two Grons fought close to each other for several minutes. After realizing that no one could do anything to the other, he couldn't help it.

A boring war of attrition is not what Muru wants. Since Gron dares to provoke him because of his strength, he might as well give them a little color and let them know how powerful they are.

A golden light arrow drew a dazzling trajectory in the air and shot into the sky, which was the signal from Muru.

Not long after the golden light arrow was shot, another light energy man appeared near the battlefield.

Kiru, one of the naru clan, appeared.

With one against two Muru, two one-eyed Grons can't be helped, but two against two is different. It is not difficult to defeat one-eyed Grons with the help of Kiru.

Don't think that you are the only ones with help, and I am not alone.

The appearance of Kiru had a decisive impact on the battle. Muru was already imagining the scene of beating the one-eyed Gron and fleeing, but at this moment something that made him frightened and angry appeared again.

Just when Kiru was about to enter the battlefield, the third one-eyed Gron appeared, and he had no choice but to turn around and fight.

Muru's expected helper failed.

Damn it, what happened to the one-eyed Gron, three of them appeared all at once, what did the Draenei do?
Something unusual is a demon. Three one-eyed Grons appeared in the void storm, and Muru's judgment that the draenei would not provoke Grons was shaken.

Is it possible to provoke the three one-eyed Grons to come together, if the draenei did nothing?

While dealing with the one-eyed Gron, Muru cursed inwardly, what did Velen do? What did the one-eyed Gron he go to provoke after losing his mind? I wonder if Gron is a difficult creature, let alone They also have a tough background, the dragon slayer Gruul is not easy to mess with, and even the leader of the naaru, A'dal, is not sure of winning against the strongest creature in the world of Draenor.

Some people were happy and some were sad. While Mulu was furious at the appearance of the third one-eyed Goron, some people were gloating.

"Tsk tsk, it's three vs. two. It's surprising that Naru, who has a small number of people, has the advantage." Leo rubbed his chin, and said meaningfully, "Naru has such a strong strength. Why didn’t the Niners take action when they were in a difficult situation, so that people who didn’t know thought they were weak.”

To show others weakness, Naru must have a plan.

Windsor and the others looked at the magic image sent by the dracolich with a thoughtful expression on their faces. It seems that creatures of the light system like Naaru are not as simple as the outside world preaches, and they must be handled with care.

Leo was very satisfied as his eyes swept across the faces of the crowd. The purpose of what he seemed to be talking to himself before was to remind Windsor and others to make them wary of Naru. Only in this way will they not be easily Naru influence.

The blue-hoofed Leo of the Draenei can't trust them, and the Naru Leo, who is closely connected with them, can't trust them either. Before they understand the details and purpose of the Naru, even if they are creatures of the light system, they have to be wary.

This is how Leo treats Naaru.

Kilu's strength is not as good as that of his own clan, Muru, but the difference is not far away. Muru has a one-to-two fight with the two one-eyed Gorons, and Kilu has gradually gained the upper hand with one-on-one.

The balance of battle is tipping in favor of the draenei.

Will the one-eyed Gron lose?

Leo scoffed at that.

Don't look at the lively fight of the five guys in the arena, they are just appetizers, the real master hasn't appeared yet, this battle still has to be fought.

Who is the Lord?

Who else but Gruul and Adal?

Who else but the dragon slayer and the leader of the naaru?

The attack power possessed by the dragon slayer Gruul is the only one Leo has ever seen in his life, while Adal is said to have a defense ability that no one can break through. Isn't this just an alien version of a conflict?
Whether Gruul's sharp spear is stronger or Adal's solid shield is better, Leo wants to know the answer to this question.

It seemed that God wanted to grant Leo's blessing, and he didn't want him to wait too long. Just when Leo turned his gaze back to the battlefield between the two naaru and the three one-eyed Grons, a sudden change occurred.

A huge palm broke through the ground and shot out from the ground as fast as lightning. Its target was Mulu who was fighting against the two Gorons alone.

What's going on, this tyrannical coercion...

Mulu wanted to dodge, but the accident happened too suddenly, the opponent's attack speed was too fast, he had no time to dodge at all, he could only watch the big hand take it.


There was a crisp sound of objects breaking, and Mulu's golden shield, which could block the attacks of the two one-eyed Gorons without any damage, was slapped to pieces by the attacker.


Can't resist!

This scene made countless people exclaim: Violence is unparalleled!
The big hand's attack is just four words - simple and rough, but it is because of its simplicity that people cannot avoid it, and it is because of its roughness that it can slap Mulu's body protection spell to pieces.

There was a flash of light in Leo's eyes. Seeing this familiar big hand, he knew that the Lord had appeared, and the dragon slayer Gruul couldn't help showing up.

Gruul has come out, will Adal be far behind?
There are only seven members of Naru, and it is impossible for A'dal, the leader, to watch his own people die.


Yes, that is death.

Mulu is seriously injured now. Not everyone can receive Gruer's slap, and not everyone can take it. Keep your own life, as for combat power, you don't want to have it anymore.

Muru was severely injured before the man appeared with only one hand exposed. Gruul's strength is overwhelming, and he deserves the title of the strongest creature in the world of Draenor.

Seeing that Mulu was seriously injured, Kiru was very anxious, and without thinking about it, he sent out a distress signal.

Who else can seriously injure Muru in one blow from Gron besides Gruul? It's no problem to deal with the son of Gruul with his Kiru's strength, but when he meets Gruul, he can only stop and don't give in. What else can A'dal do if he asks for help?You can't leave Mulu, a fellow clan, alone.

"Gruul has appeared." Kael'thas contacted Leo, and the tone of the blood elf prince was somewhat strange, "What are you going to do, try to kill him?"

Killing Gruul is crazy!

Leo raised his eyebrows and replied, "Why not?"

(End of this chapter)

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