Chapter 949
why not?
Yeah, why not kill Gruul when given the chance?

What about the strongest creature in the world of Draenor, what about the dragon slayer, why not do it if there is a chance to pull him down?
As for the danger, there is a possibility of choking when drinking cold water, and checking the water meter when pouring water online. It can be seen that no matter what you do, there is danger.If you want to gain something, you have to be prepared to pay. If you want to get great benefits from Gruul, how can you not take risks?
After getting Leo's reply, Kael'thas secretly said in his heart: It really is.

Who is Leo? The blood elf prince who has been in contact with him for a long time will not know. If he is indifferent to a tyrannical creature like the dragon slayer Gruul, it is not Leo.

If Gruul is really killed, can Leo succeed in turning him into his own?If he fails, all will be mentioned. If Leo succeeds, then his strength will become extremely terrifying.

It was this that made Kael'thas hesitate.

Leo itself has the power to disrupt the balance. The cooperation between Quel'Thalas and Arathor is gradually changing due to Leo's rapid strengthening. Arathor's main tendency, how could Kael'thas, the prince of the blood elves, not hesitate?
The stronger Leo's strength is, the more unequal the partnership between the two parties will be. Will the blood elves become Arathor's vassal if it continues to develop like this?
With the pride of the blood elves, how could he be willing to fall behind others? Although the cooperation with Leo was quite pleasant, personally speaking, Kael'thas didn't mind helping Leo strengthen his strength, but from the standpoint of the blood elf prince, Kael'thas Elsas couldn't help but think more.

As the leader of the clan, he looks good on the outside, but how many people know the troubles in his heart?

Even the great chief praised by the tribe like Thrall, didn't he prevent Rexxar from giving Admiral Proudmoore a fatal blow for the sake of his own race?
There is a saying that is good, people are in the rivers and lakes, and they can't help themselves.No matter how good a person is, he will always do something against his will for his own race.

Just when Kael'thas was hesitating, Leo's voice came into his ears.

"What are you worrying about?"

Can I tell you my troubles? Besides, I don't believe you really don't know.

Kael'thas remained silent. He knew that Leo must have guessed his thoughts after sending him such a message. What else could he say?

Kael'thas didn't speak, and Leo didn't urge either. The former was thinking, while the latter was waiting.

Am I afraid?

Am I afraid of Leo?

Kael'thas kept asking himself, as a proud blood elf prince, he was ashamed and even ashamed.Leo's strength is indeed strong, but as the only descendant of the Sunstrider, don't he have the confidence to surpass him with dignity?
Breathing became disordered with the ups and downs of his emotions, and Kael'thas' heart was struggling, what should he do?
Do not!
no way!

With a roar in his heart, Kael'thas took a heavy breath, and when his breathing was steady again, his heart became extremely firm.

No matter how strong you are, no matter how outstanding your talent is, I—— Kael'thas Sunstrider, will never give up!
One day, I will surpass you, Leo!
After some struggles, Kael'thas made up his mind. At this time, the blood elf prince had some changes in his temperament. This is a breakthrough that can only come from a higher level of spiritual will after undergoing the test of mental state.


That's right, a breakthrough.

It's just that this breakthrough is spiritual and not a breakthrough in strength in the conventional sense. Although it did not immediately improve Kael'thas' strength, it brought more benefits to Kael'thas than the immediate increase in strength. Great, provided you have enough time.

"If you're going to kill Gruul, count me in."

Kael'thas' answer was very firm, and Leo could hear the blood elf prince's determination from it. A smile appeared on his face, because he knew that Kael'thas' choice did not disappoint him.

Now that you have made the right choice, I will keep my secrets.

The corner of Leo's mouth flicked a mysterious arc that was difficult to understand. No one knew what he said to Kael'thas afterwards. Only Liadrin, who stayed by Kael'thas' side, found that her prince was actually picking up After receiving Leo's message, he lost his temper with excitement.

For a prince like Kael'thas, who has accepted all kinds of royal etiquette from birth, elegant manners, calm demeanor, and unpredictable concealment skills have become a deep-rooted habit. I want to make him lose his composure , What kind of shocking message did Leo give?

Unfortunately, no one knows the answer to this question except the two parties involved.

Kael'thas was very excited. If he didn't know that now is not the time to ask, if he didn't know the horror of Gruul's strength, he would have rushed to Leo to prove it.

"what is that?"

A human soldier pointed to the end of the horizon and shouted, full of unstoppable horror, what did he see?
At the end of the horizon, something far beyond his imagination happened - a high mountain!A high mountain is rising from the end of the horizon!

Yes, you read that right, a mountain suddenly grew out of the ground.

Let me ask, how many people can remain calm after seeing such a scene?

What's even more frightening is that this mountain can still move!
Leo looked serious, and Gruul appeared.

The mountain that appeared at the end of the horizon was Gruul, known as the dragon slayer, the strongest creature in the world of Draenor, and the leader of the one-eyed Gron clan.

Sure enough, it was Gruul!

Kiru was frightened, he was incapable of dealing with Gruul, look at Muru who is stronger than him, Gruul killed half of his life with one blow, if Adal didn't show up, Kiru would die Even escape is very difficult.

From Muru's injury to Kilu's distress message, to Gruul's appearance, it seemed like a long time, but in fact it took less than half a minute. The time was so short. Unless Adal knew that Gruul would appear, he would have no time at all. respond.

Gruul's one-eyed stare at Kiru coldly, and the latter's heart beats like a drum. Gruul's eyes that have no emotion other than killing make Kiru feel boundless fear.

Kiru, who is a member of the naaru, is terrified and loses his fighting spirit just by looking at his eyes. This is the tyranny of Gruul, the dragon slayer.

Let's fight, let's fight, one wounded counts as one.

Using the words "fear that the world will not be chaotic" to describe Leo at this time could not be more appropriate. Leo, who wants to be the last winner, can't wait for Gruul to hurt a few more Naru, so that Adal will be ruthless Smash with Gruul.

Gruul is indeed the cruel and tyrannical leader of the Gron tribe. After staring at Kiru coldly, he did it without any warning.

The big hand with only three fingers is like a mountain pressing down on the top, carrying a wind that is so strong that it can destroy a century-old tree. Although Kilu wanted to avoid it, an invisible force restrained him when Gruul made a move. , under the shackles of this force, Kiru felt as if he was stuck in a quagmire, and even moving a finger was extremely difficult, so how could he avoid it?

At this time, Kilu understood why Mulu could only watch himself being hit under Gruul's attack. It turned out that Gruul was not just powerful, thick skinned and thick.

The strongest creature in the world of Draenor possesses methods unknown to outsiders. This method can only be experienced by those who have faced his attacks. It is a pity that Kiru, who survived Gruul's attack, is still alive. I really don't know anyone.

All who have seen the horrors of Gruul have been reduced to bones, no wonder the power of the dragon slayer is unknown.

If you can't hide, you can only resist!

Unwilling to sit still, Kiru gathered all his strength to lay a golden protective shield outside his body, hoping to use this protective shield to reduce his injuries.

People are self-aware, and so is Naru.Even Muru was badly wounded by Gruul's blow, and Kieru didn't expect his protective spell to completely block Gruul's attack, and he expected very little from the golden shield - as long as it helped Just save your life.


There was another crisp sound of an object breaking, and when Gruul's big hand slapped it down, Kiru's golden shield couldn't even support it with all his strength and was shattered.

As Kiru had expected, the golden shield couldn't stop Gruul at all. The only thing that made Kiru thankful was that he saved his own life. Although he was seriously injured, he still survived.

As long as you survive, there is hope, and only if you survive, there is hope.

Kiru and Muru had the same thought, as long as they were not killed by Gruul, as long as the time was delayed for a few seconds, Adal would have enough time to react, and their lives would be saved.It was with this thought that the two naaru used their remaining strength to protect themselves after being seriously injured by Gruul. When facing the attacks of the three sons of Gruul who beat the dog in the water, the two had no choice. fight back.

The beating was going on, and the three Gruul sons launched a fierce attack that seemed to be intimidating, but the actual effect was not much, and the injuries of Mulu and Kiru did not increase because of this.

Since Mulu and Kiru didn't resist, Gruul didn't make another move, and the two naru were still not in his eyes. In Gruul's perception, Muru and Kiru were both harmless creatures —creatures that cannot harm him.

The monotonous purple of the Netherstorm was broken by a smear of gold, and the source of this smear of gold was the Storm Fortress of the Draenei.

The speed of light is extremely fast, and the golden light from appearing to occupying the entire sky is so short that people can't react. When someone realizes that the storm fortress shoots out golden light, the entire void storm has been covered with a dazzling golden layer. , the purple land turned golden yellow under the majestic light energy that makes people tremble, and it seems that the entire void storm has become a continent completely made of gold. If there are goblins here, they will definitely be so excited that they will go crazy .

Leo's heartbeat quickened a bit, did A'dal, the leader of the naru, make a move?
(End of this chapter)

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