Chapter 959
It doesn't feel good to be preyed upon, at least for Leo.

A'dal was one of his targets this time, but an unknown demon snatched him away. Leo was also depressed and angry.

"Dare to steal my prey, you will pay the price, Kil'jaeden!"

Lei Ao whispered to himself, and a cold light flashed in the depths of his eyes, which made people feel trembling when they saw it.


That's right, Kil'jaeden the Deceiver, one of the Big Three of the Burning Legion.

Who else besides Kil'jaeden attacked A'dal and captured the leader of the Naaru?

Besides Kil'jaeden the Deceiver, which demon can possess such strength?
Leo can determine his identity [-]% based on strength alone. Besides, Leo also has an acquaintance of Kil’jaeden——Mannoroth the Destroyer. Even if Leo’s judgment is wrong, can Mannoroth Perception will also go wrong?

It is impossible for Mannoroth, who has worked with Kil'jaeden and Archimonde for countless years, not to be able to distinguish Kil'jaeden's aura.

It is certain to make Kil'jaeden pay the price, but now Leo can't find him, so he can only ask for some interest from other demons.

Puff puff……

The bodies of the Eredar twins were split open with countless wounds, and the blood of the devil spurted out like a fountain. The blood made a squeaking sound when it came into contact with the ground, which is the unique sound that objects make when they are rapidly corroded.

Even the blood of the Eredar twins is so poisonous, they really deserve to be the strongest among demons.

Forcibly summoning Kil'jaeden so that the strongest member of the Burning Legion at this time can intervene in the battle of the Netherstorm, the price paid by the Eredar twins is not small-not to mention the injuries all over the body, and the combat power has been reduced to Only a third of its heyday.

Their strength has dropped by [-]% to [-]%, and the Eredar twins are now having problems not only fighting, but also protecting themselves.

A group of demon leaders rushed up in time, and protected the weak Eredar inside.

The purpose of the Burning Legion's ambush this time is to deal with the naaru. Although only one A'dal was captured, the leader of the naaru is much more valuable than other naaru such as Kiru and Muru. Without it, he can compete with Kil'jaeden Adal, the Burning Legion's resistance to chasing and killing the Draenei was many times less.

Without Adal, the draenei and naaru would lose their deterrent power. It is conceivable that the pursuit of the Burning Legion will make life extremely difficult for them in the not-too-distant future.

The goal of weakening the naaru was achieved. Seeing that their side had no chance of winning, the demons of the Burning Legion were ready to retreat.

Brutalus retreated while fighting, Muru and Kiru saw Adal was taken away, they were in a state of confusion, and under the suicide attack of a group of demon minions, they let Brutalus escape from the battle circle.

Seeing that the demon army was about to retreat, the alliance army was naturally unwilling.

Anwei Marr, Godfrey, Windsor and other alliance commanders commanded the coalition army who had just entered the battlefield to pursue closely, and they vowed not to give up until they drove all the demons out.

Now that you're here, don't leave. Netherstorm is not the best city for leisure. There is no slogan that says you don't want to leave once you come. This kind of dangerous place is that you can't leave once you come.

"You shouldn't be here because..."

Just as Brutalus was protecting the eredar twins to evacuate, a voice so familiar that it made his heart tremble came into his ears. Although the other party's voice was soft, Brutalus felt like a thunderbolt from the blue sky.


Is it a hallucination?

Brutalus looked around with astonishment on his face.

"...You are going to die!"

The eredar twins' reactions were not much better than Brutalus', and they had a lot of contact with the owner of the voice.

Didn't you say he died in battle?

The three demon powerhouses of the Burning Legion were surprised when a bloody double-headed spear entered their sight.

Seeing this bloody double-ended spear that was so familiar that he couldn't be more familiar with it, Brutalus' face instantly collapsed.

Sure enough, it was him——Mannoroth the Destroyer, and he really didn't die!

Brutalus was horrified. Mannoroth did not die in battle as rumored by the outside world, but he did not contact the Burning Legion. This strange situation made Brutalus feel a little bad in his heart.

The blood-colored double-ended spear came menacingly, and the speed of the spear piercing was as fast as lightning. Just as Brutalus was surprised by the appearance of Mannoroth, the spear-heads of the blood-colored double-ended war spear had already pierced both sides of his body.

not good!

Brutalus shuddered when he heard the sound of two sharp knives piercing the flesh from behind him.

The Eredar twins' eyes widened, with a surprised expression on their faces, and they both fell limply to the ground in disbelief.To the end of their lives they could not believe that Mannoroth would strike at them.

"The host killed Saloras..."

"The host killed Aurelis..."

Leo didn't care about Goldfinger's prompt at all. He was fighting against Gruul with Izual and the blood god avatar at this time, so how could he have the energy to care about other things?
Killing the Eredar twins in one fell swoop, Mannoroth didn't immediately launch an offensive, not because he didn't want to, but because he didn't have the ability.

Although it seemed easy when Mannoroth killed the eredar twins, one man stabbed Saloras and Aurelis with one spear, in fact, these two stabs were mobilized by Mannoroth All the strength he can use at this time has just been completed.After successfully killing the Eredar Twins, the power in Mannoroth's body was exhausted. On the surface, he was fine, but in fact he was extremely weak inside. If Brutalus hadn't been bluffed by him, the latter would only need to step forward and slap him. With just one blow, Mannoroth could be seriously injured or even killed on the spot.

Without anyone interfering, Mannoroth's strength recovered quickly, but within three or five breaths he could wield his spear again to fight.I saw him erecting the blood-colored double-ended spear, and the spear head slammed into the ground with a bang. In human form, he shook his big bald head that could be used as a light bulb, and looked proudly at the bewildered Brutalus He shouted: "Why, it's surprising to see me? Bah, a bunch of scum, you must show enough respect in front of me."

Brutalus' breath was suffocated. If other people dared to speak to him like that, he would have slapped that arrogant guy into meatloaf, but now it was Mannoroth who said this to him , the most powerful abyss lord in the world of Anellan, how dare Brutalus act rashly under Mannoroth's perennial prestige?

Mannoroth was very satisfied with the current effect. He knew that the more arrogant he behaved and the more dismissive he was of Brutalus, the more afraid the other party would be of him, and the more afraid he was of him, the more he would dare not let him go.

Brutalus is an idiot, his brain hasn't improved a bit after so many years, and this kind of stupid guy is only liked by Kil'jaeden who thinks he's very smart.

"You know what you did?"

Unable to figure out what Mannoroth was, Brutalus didn't dare to make a move, so he could only yell at Mannoroth sternly.

"Isn't it just killing the two dogs under Kil'jaeden?" Mannoroth snorted, looked at Brutalus, pointed at him with a playful face, dragged his tone, and said A word that made Brutalus angry, "Dog~~!"

Tolerable or unbearable!
Being pointed at the nose and scolding the dog, if Brutalus could calm down, he would not be the abyss lord.

"Damn it, I want you to pay the price!"

The muscles of Brutalus' whole body were tense, and his limbs stepped heavily on the ground before rushing forward. Unexpectedly, the ground under his feet collapsed in a large area at this time.

The place where he was standing collapsed, and Brutalus fell down without warning.

Did Brutalus crush the earth with too much force?
of course not!

If so, why did Mannoroth have a triumphant smile on his face?
Don't think about it any more, the ground where Brutalus is standing will collapse, and someone is definitely playing tricks.

Who else can excavate underground in the land of Netherstorm without disturbing a powerhouse like Brutalus, except for the crypt lords Anub'arak and Anub'brakan?
Digging tunnels underground for a sneak attack is the best attack method of the Crypt Demon. Both the veteran Crypt Lord Anub'arak and the new Crypt Lord Anub'Braikan are very familiar with this method. On the bright side, there was Mannoroth to attract Brutalus' attention, and the one-winged abyss lord was not wronged.

The ground collapsed, and most of his body sank into the ground, leaving Brutalus with only his head outside in shock.The accident happened so suddenly that he fell into the ground without even preparing for it. With Mannoroth watching him, this kind of accident was like a death sentence for him, and it was executed immediately.

Knowing something was wrong, Brutalus struggled hard at the beginning of his fall, trying to jump out of the ground, but two thick hands stretched out from the ground and grabbed his two front legs tightly. At the same time, A gleam of metal appeared between the two hind legs, and the icy metal sliced ​​open his skin with a bang, tore his muscles, and cut off one of his hind legs at the root.


A leg was severed by life, and the severe pain made Brutalus cry out in pain. Mannoroth was waiting for this moment.

When Brutalus opened his mouth, the bloody double-headed war spear pierced out at lightning speed. The spear head pierced into Brutalus's wide-open mouth, and then pierced out from the back of his head. The scream of the one-winged abyss lord followed. This blow was forcibly terminated, and it felt like the throat of a crowing rooster was suddenly cut off.


Brutalus seemed to want to say something, but Mannoroth didn't give him any chance. The bloody double-headed spear was firmly stuck in his mouth, making it impossible for him to say a single word accurately.

Violently moving, Brutalus made the last struggle before dying, but he couldn't jump out of the pit after all, with a face full of unwillingness, he tilted his head and fell silent.

The one-winged abyss lord died aggrievedly - he was completely cheated to death.

"The host killed Brutalus...the item was successfully absorbed, and the host obtained: Heart of the Abyss. Do you want to absorb it?"

(End of this chapter)

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