Chapter 960
"Ha ha ha ha……"

Satisfied laughter echoed in the sky above the Netherstorm. Standing in front of Brutalus' corpse, Mannoroth was holding a battle spear, full of excitement.

After being aggrieved for so long, he was finally able to return to his original level and display his true strength.

At this moment, Mannoroth really wanted to shout: "I, Mannoroth the Destroyer, am back again!"

It's not easy, it's really not easy.

Mannoroth burst into tears. He had been aggrieved for so long, and he finally recovered today. How could he succeed without finding someone to vent?

To vent, there are ready-made targets around you.

Who should be used for surgery?

Mannoroth's eyes swept over everyone in the field. If he followed his wishes, the primary target would of course be Gruul.The dragon slayer is indeed powerful, but the stronger the opponent, the more Mannoroth's fighting spirit will be aroused.It's just that Leo didn't agree with him. Gruul is hard to deal with, and it's not easy to deal with him. Now that Leo and his two avatars are restraining the dragon slayer, it's time to cut off Gruul's wings.

Thus came the tribulation of the three sons of Gruul.

Amid wild laughter, Mannoroth swung the bloody double-headed spear into the battle circle between the son of Gruul and Herkius and others.

The Destroyer was the Big Three of the Burning Legion who could stand side by side with Kil'jaeden and Archimonde in the heyday of his strength. As the only fighter-type demon powerhouse among the Big Three who strengthened his body, Mannoroth's physical strength was comparable to Gruul's. The son will only be strong and not weak.

The sons of Gruul are different from Gruul. The reason why they can run rampant in the world of Draenor is because of their tyrannical flesh. The cat that met the mouse was eaten to death.

Hekius, who was panicked because of Adal's capture, waited for the naaru to see Mannoroth kill him. They were just wishing for it, so how could they be angry? The naaru cooperated very well and put the burden of fighting the one-eyed Gron on Mannoroth. body.

Hekius and the others would have scolded people if they did this. The son of Gruul was their opponent, and Mannoroth came here to help them, but these naaru are so good, they immediately run away when they see someone coming, Leave Mannoroth alone to deal with three enemies.

Just know that these light bulbs are unreliable!
Mannoroth cursed secretly. Fortunately, he was prepared for this, otherwise he would be killed by surprise.


The barbed bone whip hit a son of Gruul. The bone spurs on the whip pierced the skin of the son of Gruul and injected poison into his body. The poison killed Gruul in just one breath. The son's body was corroded with a two-meter-long wound.

A wound of two meters sounds terrifying, but it is too small on the son of Gruul, but a small wound can sometimes cause severe pain.

Ilsa's Shadow Lash is not as simple as whipping a whip and adding some poisonous corrosion. Andariel is known as the Queen of Anguish and Torment. From the title, it can be understood that this hell devil is good at torturing people, and she has obtained her inheritance. Even if Elsa is not as good as Andariel at this time, she is still a master of torture.


The son of Gruul, who was hit by Ilsa's bone whip, howled in pain. If he didn't look at it with his eyes, but just listened to the painful cry, he would think what happened to him by Ilsa.

Ilsa licked her lips, twisted her sexy body, flicked her wrist lightly, and slapped Gruul's son several times, until the other party screamed and said provocatively: "Big man, let my sister come and play with you."

The son of Gruul had never encountered an enemy that could bring him such pain since he was born. He stared at his one eye that was red with blood, and hit Ilsa frantically.

The succubus Ilsa successfully pulled away a son of Gruul, and the number of opponents against Mannoroth changed from three to two.

The diversion of the enemy has reduced the pressure on Mannoroth a lot. With one against three, he still can't win the opponent for a while, but with one against two, it is much easier.The bloody war spear danced layer after layer of spear shadows, enclosing the two sons of Gruul inside, and the sound of the sharp blade piercing into the flesh was heard from time to time, and the two sons of Gruul were stabbed all over their bodies in a short while.

Seeing that Mannoroth could handle it, Malaloch, Taragaman and others stopped, turned around and killed the demon army that was bitten by the alliance army and could not retreat.

The Eredar twins and Brutalus died in battle one after another, the morale of the demons plummeted, and they were already retreating, and when the leader was beheaded, they lost all fighting spirit, and all of them only cared about escaping. Lun and other alliance commanders commanded the army to chase and kill them, and encountered only sporadic resistance, which was ridiculously low.

The so-called defeat of the army is like a mountain, but it is nothing more than that.

Herkius and the naaru gave up the three sons of Gruul to Mannoroth. They didn't mean that the naaru had nothing to do with this battle. Don't forget, there were four one-eyed Grons.

Although the four one-eyed Gorons were under Leo's subordinates, the naru didn't know about it. Seeing the one-eyed Gorons relentlessly pestering themselves, the naru were furious.

A'dal was captured by Kil'jaeden. Naru, who had lost his leader, felt panic mixed with anger, and the one-eyed Goron bumped into him head-on. Would it be reasonable not to become the object of their anger?
Besides, if Gruul hadn't brought one-eyed Gron to provoke trouble, would Kil'jaeden have found a chance to attack A'dal?

Kiru, Muru, Hergios and other Naaru joined forces to attack, and the four one-eyed Grons quickly fell into a disadvantage.

kill them!

The naru who had gained the upper hand had no intention of stopping. Adal was captured and they hated the one-eyed Goron to the bone. They had no reason to let go of the opportunity to kill the four one-eyed Goron Mulu.

Several naaru pressed on every step of the way, and under their attack, the space for the four one-eyed Grons was gradually compressed. These four one-eyed Grons were also smart, and when they realized that they were no match for Naru, they retreated while fighting. , leaning toward where Gruul was.

At this time, Gruul was fighting with Leo, and was hit by Leo's Elegy of the Soul. The dragon slayer, who was attacked by countless resentful souls at the soul level, had to deal with physical damage, and the blood god clone that penetrated into his body His bodily functions were being destroyed wantonly, and the attacks of Izual and Leo prevented him from concentrating on expulsing the blood god clone, and the battle fell into a stalemate for a while.

Amidst the beautiful screams, Kael'thas appeared on the Phoenix, and the blood elf prince joined the battle after ordering Solanlian.

It's these two guys!
Seeing Kael'thas appear, Gruul yelled crazily in his heart, who was it not Leo and Kael'thas that he met in Blade's Edge Mountain?
It was these two guys that led to today's battle. Judging from the development of the situation, Leo and Kael'thas, the two ants-like existences in his eyes, plotted against him.

Damn little ant, dare to plot against the great Gruul, I will make you regret coming to this world.

Gruul's anger erupted again, his aura rose again, and his strength climbed to a new height driven by anger.

This guy is fighting harder and harder!
Leo and Kael'thas shuddered. From Gruul's rise in power, they could see that the dragon slayer seemed to have touched something of a higher level, and he was about to use it to break through.

As the strongest creature in the world of Draenor, Gruul's strength is already terrifying to the extreme. If he hadn't exchanged a fight with A'dal, how could Leo and Kael'thas have his idea?
Now, this horrific creature can actually achieve a breakthrough in the battle, how could Leo and Kael'thas allow such a situation to happen, and how dare they let such a thing happen?
You are already terrifyingly strong, and if you break through again, will you let people live?

"Stop him!"

Kael'thas' complexion changed, and a beam of void light that was big enough to envelop Gruul's entire body appeared. Amid the continuous crackling sound, the space where Gruul was in was completely shattered, and the terrifying power of space shattered. tearing at Gruul's body.

What a Gruul, he managed to survive the force of space that was enough to kill even a god. Even though his body surface had been cracked with many wounds, he survived after all.

Kael'thas was horrified when he saw it. The spell he specially prepared to deal with Gruul only caused the guy to suffer a little skin trauma, and it was still under the condition that the opponent's strength was consumed a lot. In the strongest state, these skin traumas may not appear.

Creatures like Gruul are unreasonably strong. Fortunately, there is only one such creature in a world. Otherwise, how could other races survive?

Kael'thas showed his true skills, and Leo didn't dare to hide his secrets at this time. If he couldn't kill Gruul before he broke through, there was only one way to wait for Leo and the others—death.

"You forced me!"

A ruthless look flashed in Leo's eyes.

Ordinary spells can't bring any damage to Gruul, and the Elegy of Soul can only restrain part of Gruul's power. If he wants to really kill the dragon slayer, he must use stronger spells.

The bell of death clangs. It is clearly a small crystal bell the size of a copper bell, but the sound is so loud that it can completely suppress the noise of the entire void storm. This small crystal bell that looks like an ornament has aroused everyone's attention. attention.

Kael'thas stared at Leo intently, looking forward to what Leo was about to do.

He who has been in contact with Leo knows very well that Leo is the best at hiding. He has so many cards that it is incalculable. Kael'thas is very happy to know the methods Leo has been hiding.

Just when everyone turned their attention to Leo, another unexpected situation occurred.

The four one-eyed Goronzi, who were approaching Gruul under the pressure of several naaru including Hergios, let out a roar, and then slammed!burst!up!
The ferocious energy swept across the audience, and the nearest naaru and dragon slayer Gruul were the first to bear the brunt. The gravel and smoke from the self-explosion of the four one-eyed Grons completely submerged them.

What will be the fate of Gruul and Naaru under this torrent of energy that wants to tear everything apart?

(End of this chapter)

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