Chapter 967 Balmon

The battle outside the Storm Fortress is over, but it is far from over inside the Fortress.

Velen suppressed Passalen and Sebizerei by himself, stabilized the draenei's position, blocked the blood elves' offensive, and continued to use the defensive facilities in the fortress to kill them. The invaders, if given enough time, victory will eventually belong to the draenei.

But do they have enough time?

A golden figure appeared in the Storm Fortress. The image was quite embarrassing. Velen took a closer look. If it's not Volos, who is it?
Volos is in such a mess, how can the situation of other naaru outside the Storm Fortress be any better?
Velen's heart sank. Naaru's situation is not good, and the Draenei will not get better. The future of his own race is worrying. As the leader, Velen is always worried.

Volos, who escaped into the Storm Fortress, shot a golden rain of arrows. Don't think that Volos is weak because he can only flee in front of the elemental gods. Seby Selei can fight, let alone other blood elves.

The golden rain of arrows fell, and the blood elves who fought against the draenei were pierced into a sieve, and the bodies that lost their lives fell down one after another. After this round of golden arrow rain, the draenei and the blood elves There was a gap between the elves.

Without waiting for Velen to inquire, Volos cast a huge golden halo, enclosing all the draenei inside, and under Velen's surprised gaze, he led the trapped draenei into the Tempest Fortress. go.

Velen's face was full of sorrow, and Volos' behavior confirmed his bad premonition. The battle outside the Storm Fortress caused Naaru to suffer heavy losses. Mulu, Herkius and others are likely to perish. Ross was the only naaru who escaped.

Even the mighty Naru clan has been forced to such a field, has the situation collapsed to such an extent?

While comforting his people, Velen secretly sighed, what should the Draenei do?
"Get on the spaceship, let's get out of here!"

There is only one word in Volos' mind now, and that is - escape, the faster you escape, the better.

Fortunately, the draenei made the worst plan after discovering that Pasarayne led his troops into Storm Fortress. While organizing the warriors in the clan to fight against the blood elves, Velen sent people to organize the old and weak in the clan , Let them all gather on the spaceship, if anything happens, the spaceship can take off immediately.

The Draenei fled, but Pasareen didn't pursue him. Velen and Sebiserei were no longer his opponents. If he added Volos, if he really dared to chase him, the other party would turn around and kill him in a rage. , Isn't it an unjust death?
It seems that the naaru have suffered a lot in the battle outside the fortress, and they will probably give up here, so I should make good plans for myself.

Passalen rolled his eyes. The lack of follow-up reinforcements from the clan let him know that his allegiance to the Burning Legion had been revealed. Kael'thas would never let him go, even if he occupied the Tempest Fortress and waited for him. It is also a dead end, and the only thing that can save his life at this time is the Burning Legion.

Fortunately, I was prepared for such a situation.

When the matter was revealed, Passareen did not panic. If he was not prepared to deal with today's incident, he would be called a calculator in vain.

I saw Passareen making a gesture, as if some kind of secret technique had been activated, and Seby Selei's body split open for no reason, and blood flowed all over the ground.

An astonishing scene appeared, the blood flowing out of Saibi Serei's body spontaneously gathered on the ground to form a magic circle, and the magic circle burned by the steaming blood could be seen to be extremely evil.

With the loss of blood, the vitality of Sebi Cerei also weakened. The pain of death made this female blood elf break free from Passaleon's control. However, she is too seriously injured now, except for dying with angry eyes. He couldn't do anything while staring at Passalen.

Pasareen ignored his resentment towards Seby Serei, and he no longer regarded himself as a member of the blood elves when he decided to join the Burning Legion. In his eyes, Seby Serei was just a tool , What do you need to pay attention to about tools?
With anger and unwillingness, Saibi Serei swallowed her breath, and just a few seconds after her death, the magic circle formed by her blood on the ground took shape.

Passaleon recited the spell, and the magic circle exuded an evil aura, and a tall eredar demon walked out of the magic circle.

Passaleon sacrificed Sebyseree's in order to summon the eredar demon.

After narrating the situation in concise words, Passareen asked the eredar demon: "Your Excellency Balmon, Kael'thas has discovered that I have joined the Burning Legion. He wants to eradicate me now. What should I do?" How to do it?"

Can't even do a little thing well, what a waste.

Balmon glanced at Pazaren, and when he heard that Pazaren was spotted by Kael'thas, Balmon really wanted to kill him, but after hearing what Pazarene said about the situation of Storm Fortress, Balmon really wanted to kill him. Ermon dismissed the idea.

This blood elf is still useful, at least it's no problem to use him as cannon fodder.

Passaleon didn't know what was going on in Balmon's mind, he saw all satisfaction on the other's face, which made him let go of the little worry in his heart.

"Have your men guard the entrance, and I'll call more troops to help you soon."

The Tempest Fortress was empty, and the draenei and naaru gave up here. They didn't want the Burning Legion. After Balmon finished speaking, he began to cast the summoning spell, ignoring Passaleon.

Sensing Balmon's indifference, Passareen was a little annoyed, but he didn't show it. Instead, he responded respectfully and ordered his soldiers to set up a line of defense at the entrance of the void storm.

The Storm Fortress trembled twice, and a large spaceship lifted off from the Storm Fortress, looking at the direction it was traveling, it seemed that it was going to escape into the endless void.

Leo was absorbing the energy essence left by Herkius and others at this time, and he couldn't spare his energy to do other things. Kael'thas didn't even look at the Draenei spaceship. The blood elf prince had already obtained A message from Solanian - the traitor Passalen, whom he wanted to get rid of quickly, was not dead.

Not only did he not die, but Pasarain took advantage of the draenei's abandonment of Storm Fortress to occupy the city in the sky.

Will Kael'thas allow Passaleon to live?
Totally impossible.

To deal with a traitor like Pasarain, there is nothing else but to kill him. Since he dares to rebel, he must be prepared to be killed.

The energy ship started slowly. After receiving the order from Kael'thas, Solanlian immediately commanded the blood elf soldiers on board to start the spaceship. Since the draenei didn't kill Passareen and the others, Then do it yourself.

Seeing the energy ship approaching, Pasarain nervously took two steps back, letting Balmon's body stand in front of him.

I am extremely afraid of Solanian, the great astrologer Pasareen, a mysterious and weird great warlock, with a strong mind and a shrewd mind, the more Pasareen has contact with Solanian, the more confused This woman, if Solanlian hadn't been so loyal to Kael'thas to the point of almost stupid loyalty, how could Pasarain dare to count Kael'thas directly?

Originally, in Passaleon's plan, he only needed to use Kael'thas' trust in him to complete the tasks assigned to him by Kil'jaeden. At that time, under the orders of Kael'thas, Solanlian would be aware of it. No matter what happens, she will carry out the orders of the prince she is loyal to.

But now, Kael'thas has seen him through, and Passalen's plan has gone bankrupt. Solanlian, who did not pose much threat in his original plan, has become one of the most threatening figures to him, and at the same time The enemy he fears most.

Balmon didn't know Solanlian, let alone how powerful this great astrologer was. Seeing the fearful expression on Pazaren's face, he couldn't help but snorted coldly, and his heart became more and more contemptuous of him. The status of Passalene in his heart became lower and lower.

"Let your people resist it, my spell will take a while."

Contemptuous in his heart, his tone would naturally not be too friendly, Balmon gave an order directly to Pazaren in the tone of a superior.

To be honest, no one knows exactly what Passalen is thinking. There is a saying that he would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail. He clearly occupies a high position among the blood elves, and he has won the trust of Kael'thas. Huge, he decided to go to the Burning Legion and run to see the faces of other people. I really don't understand what benefits Kil'jaeden promised him.

Pasarain was really annoyed by Balmon. Who did this guy think he was, and dared to boss him around like this.He, Pasarain, is the fraudster Kil'jaeden who he directly relied on, not a leader with a little status like Balmon. It is really arrogant for Balmon to use him as a subordinate now.

Balmon really thinks he's an eredar demon and can call me around?

It's not that I don't know the situation of the Burning Legion. It's a place where strength speaks. You Balmon may not be stronger than me. What qualifications do you have to order me?

Passarene was furious and was about to explode, but he endured it after seeing the energy ship approaching.

Solanlian is difficult to deal with. I have no chance of winning against her, so it is better to let this idiot help me prevent disaster.

After making up his mind, Passareen suppressed the anger in his chest and nodded, as if tacitly accepting that Balmon ordered him.

His appearance was extremely deceptive, at least Balmon was fooled by him.

"Ready to fight!"

Passaren assumed a posture of mobilizing heavy troops to guard the entrance of the Storm Fortress, but secretly sent the elite in his hands to the rear. With the adjustment of his formation, Balmon who was summoning was highlighted, commanding the energy ship Solanlian, who was approaching the Storm Fortress, saw the eredar demon that was being summoned at a glance.

Want to call in demonic reinforcements?

It's not that easy!
The spiritual power of the great astrologer locked on Balmon, and Solanlian's attack would be launched as soon as the energy ship approached.

 You are about to successfully pass 2012, and the 2013 copy is about to open. Are you ready?

(End of this chapter)

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