Chapter 968 Face Pain (Happy New Year's Day)
Thousands of shadow balls the size of a fist roared towards them. In the blue-purple sky, each shadow ball was like stars dotted in the sky, possessing an indescribable beauty.

However, beautiful things often carry deadly dangers.

Pasareen's pupils shrank, and Solanlian made a move, and the calculator's body retreated quietly.

The shadow ball hit like a torrential rain, and the blood elves blocking the entrance of the Storm Fortress didn't know whether it was out of fear or for some other reason. When Pazaren retreated, they all hid aside. Balmon was completely highlighted.

Seeing the shadow ball roaring towards him, Balmon cursed in his heart, these blood elves are really unreliable guys, they will shrink back when encountering a battle, what's the use of such guys staying?

Just wait, I'll kill all of you useless guys when this battle is over.

Balmon felt ruthless in his heart. If it wasn't for the great enemy, he would have already attacked Pasareen and his subordinates.

Arrogant idiot, how do you die now?
Sensing Balmon's killing intent towards him, Passareen had a cold smile on his face. He was waiting, waiting for the moment when Balmon suffered a big loss from Solanlian.

Just as the shadow ball struck, Balmon's summoning spell was completed, a medium-sized portal appeared in the Storm Fortress, and groups of demons walked out of the portal.

Demonic reinforcements summoned by Balmon have arrived.

After completing the summoning spell, Balmon withdrew to deal with Solanlian's shadow ball rain.

In his mind, although there are so many shadow balls, they look scary, but they are all bluffs, what can shadow balls do to him?
Thus, Balmon suffered a tragedy.

Solanlian is the strongest warlock among the blood elves, even Pasareen would not dare to fight against him under the power of the great star magician, and Balmon dared to underestimate her spells. What is it if she is not looking for abuse?
Full of confidence, Balmon cast his proud self-protection spell, thinking that he could block this wave of offensives, he was horrified to find that the shadow ball that hit him was many times stronger than he expected.

Originally, Balmon thought that relying on his own ability, relying on a protective spell would be enough to block the scary-looking rain of shadow balls, but he knew he was wrong when his spell was cracked by the first shadow ball , outrageously wrong.

Solanlian's shadow ball rain is not a fancy trick, but a real killing spell.

It's just that even if he understands it, it's too late for Balmon, who is too big, to find out.

"Oh... no..."

Now Balmon finally knew why Pazaren retreated and why those blood elves didn't dare to block the rain of shadow balls. It turned out that these shadow balls were so lethal. Under the attack of thousands of shadow balls, he It only had time to let out a mournful roar before being completely drowned by the spell.

To be killed so easily is really a fool.

A trace of contempt flashed in Passareon's eyes. With Balmon's strength, he shouldn't have been defeated by one move, but this eredar demon was too underestimating the enemy. Using body spells to protect his own safety, what is it if it's not courting death?
Who do you think you are, self-important fellow, a demigod?

With a cold snort, Passalen, who had retreated to the interior of the Storm Fortress, issued an order to his subordinates. After his order was issued, the Storm Fortress began to move.

Want to escape!
On the energy ship, Solanlian, who killed Balmon with one blow, was a little annoyed, because she found that the speed of the energy ship was much slower than that of the Storm Fortress, and the opponent would not be able to catch up if they wanted to escape.

In terms of pure speed, the energy ship is not slower than Storm Fortress, and even much faster. However, this is a void storm, and the turbulent energy flow from the twisting void is constantly interfering with the progress of the spaceship. The interference is very large, and the speed cannot be raised at all, but the Storm Fortress is different, it can fly in the twisting void without interference.

Could it be that this is how Pasareen escaped?

Seeing that she was chasing farther and farther, Solanlian gritted her teeth angrily. She, who was extremely loyal to Kael'thas, had already hated Pasareen, a traitor, to the bone. It was her greatest shame to let him escape in front of her.

Pulling away the distance from the energy ship, Passareen was about to breathe a sigh of relief when two huge meteorites fell from the sky.

The impact of the meteorite caused the Storm Fortress to shake violently. Kael'thas' Chaos Meteorite and Leo's meteorite technique did a lot of damage to the Storm Fortress, and Pazaren's heart suddenly rose.

"Traitor, don't even try to escape!"

The first blow failed, Kael'thas immediately cast a second blow, this time not one Chaos Meteorite, but two.

Compared with Kael'thas' agitation, Leo seemed very calm. After all, it wasn't him who betrayed Pasarayn, and he was not as agitated as Kael'thas.

But calmness is calm, and he will still make a move when it is time to make a move.

A blush appeared in the sky above the Storm Fortress, and countless meteorites fell down with raging flames. This is the rain of flames of the doomsday battlefield version.

Leo's meteorites were far inferior to Kael'thas' chaotic meteorites in size, but the latter only had two pieces while the former had hundreds of them, overwhelming Kael'thas in terms of quantity.

boom boom boom...

The impact of the meteorite rain made the Storm Fortress crumbling. At this moment, a golden long sword made of bright energy pierced the blue-purple sky and fell towards the Storm Fortress.

Izual's Sword of Heaven!

This is another spell cast by Leo borrowing the power of Izual. If the blood god avatar hadn't fallen silent after getting the heart of the abyss, he would cast the third spell.

The Sword of Heaven slashed on the Storm Fortress, and the golden energy blasted a deep mark on the giant spaceship. Afterwards, there was a loud noise from the Storm Fortress.

"It's not good, Lord Passaleon, the energy tank in the fortress exploded."

A blood elf ran over with a bloodless face, and brought Passaleon a piece of bad news that couldn't be worse.

A giant spaceship like Storm Fortress requires an extremely large amount of energy. Without an energy store, Storm Fortress can only fly for half an hour at most, and Pazaren's face suddenly sank.

It was definitely the previous sword that split the protection of the energy tank, otherwise, how could those meteorites alone penetrate the thick protective layer of the energy tank?
Damn Leo, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be in such a mess.

Passarein was trembling with anger, but luckily he hadn't lost his mind yet, and knew that using his own strength to go to Leo's death was not a desperate effort but a death.

"Kael'thas, Leo, you just wait for me, I will pay you back a thousand times what happened today."

Throwing down a ruthless sentence, Pasaren hurriedly ran into the Storm Fortress, Leo and Kael'thas wouldn't let him go, so why would he let them go?

Now that he has pledged his allegiance to Kil'jaeden, and now that he has surrendered to the Burning Legion, what scruples does Pazaren have?
Leo, who found that Storm Fortress had been severely injured and was about to beat the dog in the water, hadn't cast the fourth spell when he saw that Storm Fortress broke through a crack in space and drove into the Twisting Void as if he had been drugged.

Sensing the plane breath that was so familiar from the space crack, Kael'thas and Leo's expressions changed, and they shouted loudly, and shot again.

The sword of heaven was cut again, and the chaotic meteorite smashed down again with the hurricane. The huge size of the Storm Fortress could not escape the attack of the two, but this huge spaceship was too big. Leo and Kael'thas this time The shot only left the rear half of the spaceship, the front half of the spaceship wobbled and fell into the space rift, and Passalen fled into another plane.

"Pasareen, he should die!"

Failure to leave the Storm Fortress and let Passalen escape did not become the reason for Leo's anger. The reason why he said this was because of the plane that Passalen fled into.

There are only two planes that Leo and Kael'thas are familiar with. One is the Draenor world where they live, and the other is the birthplace of humans and elves—their hometown.

That's right, it was the native plane on the other side of the Dark Portal that Passalen fled into.

It doesn't matter that the Calculator brought half of the Storm Fortress into the local plane. What is important is that there is a portal in the Storm Fortress, a portal that communicates with the Burning Legion and can teleport the entire team of demons that brought disaster to the world.

It is conceivable that this portal will bring disasters to the hometown of humans and elves when it enters the local plane with Storm Fortress.

This is the reason why Leo said that Passarene deserved to die.

"Check it out! Check it out for me right away! Make sure to find out Passareen and that portal!"

After hearing the news, the faces of all the marshals of the alliance were as dark as the bottom of a pot, and the hot-tempered dwarf general Anweimar even jumped up and down.

We must find out the whereabouts of Passalen in the shortest possible time. Once the demons entering the local world through the portal become climate change, it will be really bad.

Passalen felt that there were not enough things in the local plane, and it wasn't chaotic enough, so he had to take the demons of the Burning Legion to participate.

The corner of Leo's mouth twitched, his face hurt.

Seeing that Anweimar was about to go back to the native world immediately to look for Pasareen, Leo hurriedly advised: "Someone will be responsible for finding Pasareen's traces, we just need to pass the news back to all parties. They will cooperate with us, the army has come to Draenor, we cannot go back easily, this world is the bridgehead against the Burning Legion."

Sending a large army into the world of Draenor, in addition to wanting to develop new resource areas, the leaders of the alliance also have an important plan-to defend the enemy from outside the country.

The world of Draenor is the launching pad for the Burning Legion to attack the native plane, and it is also a natural battlefield against the Burning Legion.

It's better to fight in someone else's house than in your own. Although it's not fair to the world of Draenor, in order to protect your own homeland and keep your loved ones from harm, you don't care that much.Besides, even if the alliance doesn't set this place as a battlefield against the Burning Legion, this broken world won't last long. The demons of the Burning Legion can only bring destruction, and the worlds destroyed by them are proof.

"Without the obstacles of Naaru and Gruul, now is the best time to occupy Netherstorm and Blade's Edge Mountain. Are we going to give up?" Leo signaled Anweimar to calm down, "Look for Passaren and the teleportation Doors are important, as is opening up new battlefields in the world of Draenor."

(End of this chapter)

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