Necromancer in another world

Chapter 969 Evil Blood God Clone

Chapter 969 Evil Blood God Clone

Terokkar Forest experienced a violent explosion not long before the meeting. Nearly half of the entire forest was affected by the explosion, and the originally lush southern Terokkar became scorched earth.

The vast forest that nature took thousands of years to form turned into ashes in an instant, and the scarred land once again proved that it is easier to destroy than to build.

The source of the big explosion in Terokkar Forest was Auchindoun, the temple where the Draenei buried their dead. Some of the treasures left by the Laenei are for discovering the remains of the Draenei, while others are for some ulterior secrets.

After some contests, the small powerless forces were expelled, or they were all buried with Auchindoun, and became neighbors with the countless draenei buried here. Those who can stay and occupy a place are like burning Big forces like legion, revenge army, and shadow council.

Since Auchindoun's big explosion blasted out countless corpses buried underground, with Auchindoun as the center, a radius of a hundred miles became a wilderness scattered with countless bones. This is the Wilderness of Bones.

His own grave was blown up, and the remaining bones were also exposed to the wilderness. How could the dead Draenei be willing to rest?
Countless souls of the Draenei wandered in Auchindoun with resentful spirits. These resentful spirits attacked any living thing that entered their perception out of hatred for the living. Because of their existence, they originally entered and exited Auchindoun in twos and threes. The adventurers quickly disappeared.

Expeditions in Auchindoun may be rewarding, but no matter how great the reward is, you have to live to enjoy it, right?

These adventurer squads don't have the ability to survive under the siege of a large number of resentful souls. Even if they feel unwilling, they have to retreat. Only fools can die in vain.

As soon as the idlers retreated, the bustling Auchinton immediately calmed down. Only the major forces that had established a firm foothold in this underground labyrinth stayed inside, carrying out their respective plans.

The draenei ghosts wandering around Auchindoun were unable to expel these major forces, and the Burning Legion and other forces did not take the initiative to provoke them, and carried out their own plans. Auchindoun, which had been noisy for a while, was here The atmosphere fell silent.

However, today, someone broke this silence.

A black giant dragon swaggered over Auchindoun. His arrogant appearance attracted the attention of all the draenei ghosts, and the ghosts were furious if outsiders dared to be arrogant in their own territory.Thus, a spectacular scene appeared in Auchinton.

Groups of translucent draenei ghosts floated into the sky, trying to chase a black dragon. New ghosts joined in from time to time along the way, and the team of chasers multiplied geometrically as time went by. After Kington flew around, the mighty ghost army had stretched for dozens of kilometers.

With the speed of the giant dragon, it would have been able to get rid of these followers behind it. Although the ghost can fly, its speed can never be compared with the dragon of the air master class. The reason for this is not that the dragon is incapable of getting rid of the ghost, but He did it on purpose.

The ghost chasing the black dragon didn't know it, but wherever the black dragon flew over, the bones that had been blasted to the surface from the Auchindoun Temple all turned into fine crystal particles. An obscure and mysterious force collected them.

"The number of corpses collected in a circle is more than 50. These are only those that were blasted to the surface by magic. I don't know how many are buried underground. This place in Auchindoun is really a big cemetery."

Human voices came from the back of the black dragon. Hearing the voices of living people, the army of ghosts behind the black dragon started to commotion. Out of disgust for the living, the faces of these ghosts became more and more ferocious.

Looking at the ghosts chasing after him, Leo was not intimidated by the huge number of them. In his eyes, these ghosts are not life-threatening ghosts but energy upgrades. Do you need to be afraid?

Of course not!
"You said why did you come here? You are already dead people, what are you still entangled in this world? I am in a good mood today, sir, and this will save you."

High-sounding reasons cannot conceal someone's shamelessness, no matter how beautiful the words are, Leo's purpose remains the same - he wants to deal with the mighty ghost tail behind him.

When it comes to dealing with souls, there is no other profession that is better than warlocks. As a warlock demigod, Leo does not lack the means to deal with souls.

"My lord, why do you need to take care of these little things, leave them to me to deal with."

Leo was about to make a move, but the blood god ran out, seeing that his avatar was about to make a move, so Leo stopped.

Ever since he fought against the God of Fire Element, he found that he had been taken the Heart of the Abyss by the clone of the Blood God restrained by flames and high temperature. Oh just to see what he can do.

"You merged the heart of the abyss?"

As the deity, Leo has the right to investigate the blood god avatar. After checking the status of this avatar, Leo discovered a situation, that is, the aura of the blood god avatar has become very strange, vaguely carrying some The breath of hell.

This breath of hell is extremely pure, once the blood god avatar can completely turn it into his own, instead of being as vague as it is now, then he will be able to transform into a terrifying hell demon god-level existence, with the power to sweep everything.

The heart of the abyss has such a function!

Leo was stunned. He didn't even check the Heart of the Abyss he got after killing Brutalus. If the blood god avatar hadn't taken it away, maybe Leo would have forgotten it.

Asked by Leo, the blood god clone nodded and replied: "Of course!"

After answering the question of Leo, the deity, the body of the blood god's avatar quickly twisted and deformed, and in the sky of Auchindoun, a long bloody river hung up.

Weird way of attack.

Leo folded his hands, standing on Nefarian's back, quietly watching what happened in front of him.

The blood-colored river made by the blood god's avatar rolled towards the ghost army behind Nefarian, and the mighty ghost army that stretched for tens of miles was swept into it. This scene is really staggering.

I really don't know how the blood god avatar did it.

The ghosts fell into the river of blood as if they had encountered something that frightened them, and they all wailed. The chirping ghostly screams made people get goosebumps, and Auchinton's temperature suddenly dropped several times amidst the ghostly screams. At this time, the weather like midsummer suddenly turned into late autumn, and the chilly feeling made people tremble.

Leo couldn't help raising his eyebrows at the scene of countless ghosts struggling in the river of blood. This scene gave him a feeling of deja vu.

This is not to say that Leo has seen such a scene, but that he seems to have seen such a scene in the description of some books.

It's really weird that the blood god's avatar is fused with the heart of the abyss. This avatar is really evil.

But this seems to be fine.

Leo rubbed his chin. He thought the evil nature of the blood god avatar was very good. If Izual represented light and his real body represented darkness, then the blood god avatar was the part between light and darkness. In this way, wouldn't the power attributes between the two avatars and his main body be perfect? — There is light, there is darkness, and there are other colors between light and darkness.

Well, I still have the mood to think about other things now, which means that I can easily deal with those ghost blood god clones, and Leo doesn't need to worry about it at all.

The fact is exactly the same, the blood-colored river involved all the ghosts, no matter how much the latter struggled, it was useless, and after a while, the chirping ghosts stopped completely, and all the ghosts disappeared.


The blood god avatar returned to the human form again. He touched his stomach and hiccupped. Seeing his actions, Leo knew what was going on without him asking.

Unexpectedly, this avatar of himself is also a foodie, and his taste is not so heavy, he actually devours ghosts.

Leo curled his lips, feeling a little depressed about it.

You said that your blood god avatar is evil, but why are you so hungry?You said that what you eat is not good, but you eat ghosts, what's the matter?

Lei Ao felt speechless, and the aura of the blood god avatar suddenly rose a lot.

Could this guy improve his abilities by devouring psionic creatures?
Thinking of this, Leo's depression has weakened a lot. If so, it would be a good way to improve his strength by letting the blood god clone go when encountering psionic creatures.

"My lord, I feel it, just under this land, there is a lot of food."

Blood God's avatar licked his lips, that movement, that expression, coupled with his blood color, was really alluring.

"Don't worry, none of the guys down here can escape." Leo said slowly, looking at the Auchindoun ruins that seemed calm but undercurrents under his feet, "Since you can increase your strength by devouring psionic bodies, then We might as well start with the Auchenai Crypts."

Auchenai Crypt, a part of Auchindoun's underground labyrinth, this place is apparently occupied by a large number of draenei ghosts, but in fact its real owner is a man who is obsessed with the study of necromancy and even walks away. Misguided Draenei Archbishop Maladaar.

The selection of the Auchenai Crypt, Leo has been considered.

First of all, Maladar does not have a strong background, that is to say, there will not be too much trouble to solve this guy; secondly, judging from the method of the blood god clone just now, he has a powerful ability to kill psionic bodies in groups, and he can deal with The ghosts in the Auchenai Crypts are both efficient and relaxed. Of course, it's better to start with the easy and then the difficult.

Let's do it after choosing a target, and Leo doesn't want to waste too much time here. When the blood elf is trying to fully control the Netherstorm and the Alliance marches into the Blade's Edge Mountain, there are still many problems that need him to solve.

(End of this chapter)

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