Chapter 970
Maladar was originally an archbishop in the temple of Auchindoun, and the years he spent in this underground labyrinth accounted for a large proportion of his life.As the archbishop of this underground cemetery, Maladar has the ability to communicate with souls. People like him are equivalent to the psychics of the local world before the Scourge invaded, and they have a very high status.

Originally Maladar thought that life would go on like this forever, but the arrival of a group of orcs ruined everything.

To this day, Maladar can't forget the scene when those red-eyed orcs entered the Auchindoun Temple, and watched their former companions fall one by one, and their own clan and relatives died tragically under the butcher's knife of the orcs. , Maladar, who managed to escape the catastrophe, changed.

He can't forget the ferocious face of the orc, he can't forget the horror of his relatives under the orc's butcher knife, standing in the temple full of corpses of the same race, looking at the land full of blood, looking at the dead god after the orc rampage Temple, Maladar's hatred burns.

The orcs must not be spared, all orcs should be punished, especially Durotan who led the orcs to bloodbath the temple.

Once a person is dominated by hatred, no matter what his starting point is, his heart will be distorted, and he will become unscrupulous in order to get revenge.

Such was the case with Maladar, who was ruled by hatred, so mad in revenge that he used the souls of Auchindoun's own kindred as raw materials for his evil soul experiments.

The cataclysm brought about a big change. Maladar went from a friend to the ghosts in Auchindoun Crypt to a villain who made them hate and fear. The ghosts of the Draenei now want to eat his flesh and drink his blood.It's just that Maladar's strength is not weak, and he got involved with demons in order to gain power. The ghosts couldn't help him at all, and many ghosts who wanted to kill Maladar were controlled by him. made him a puppet against foreign enemies.

In the depths of the Auchenai Crypt, Maladar, who has made countless draenei ghosts want to eat their skin and flesh, is wearing a blood-colored battle armor, and there are two powerful demon bosses in front of him. He collaborated with Levi Hughes and Deathwatcher Sherrak.

Cooperating with Levi Hughes, Maladar valued the Book of the Dead in his hand, and the contents recorded in that book were of great help to his experiments.

To be honest, this book fell into the hands of Levi Hughes as a secret investment. The demon who holds the Book of the Dead is just using it to do some tricks to seduce souls. In Radar's eyes, it was simply reckless. If Maladar hadn't been afraid of Levi Hughes and Hilak teaming up, he would have started to rob.

Such a good thing as the Book of the Dead should be in the hands of someone like him who can play his role. It would be a great waste to let him fall into the hands of ignorant idiots like Levi Hughes.

Out of this idea, Maladar had discussed with Levi Hughes many times, wanting to obtain the Book of the Dead in his hand.

Maybe Levi Hughes was too cunning, or maybe Maladar was too eager. In short, the purpose of Archbishop Delaney was guessed by the devil. Naturally, the purpose will not meet the other party's wishes.

Levi Hughes raised his head and said to Maladar in an unquestionable tone: "I said before, the Book of the Dead is mine, and it is impossible to give it to you."

Maladar frowned. His patience with this guy was almost reaching its limit. He was trying to win over Sirak recently. When Hughes remained neutral in a conflict, Maladar dared to do it.

One-vs-two Maladar is not that capable, but one-on-one one-on-one or even teaming up with Sherak is more likely to succeed. Don't forget where this is, there are countless people in the Auchenai Crypt. The Draenei ghosts controlled by Maladaar, these ghosts will be the best help for him to defeat Levi Hughes.

Maladar was about to speak, but his face suddenly changed.

Levi Hughes and Sirak had their backs to the entrance. They did not see what was happening outside, but Maladar, who was facing the entrance, was different.

Just as they were talking, a bloody ray came in. In this bloody ray, countless ghosts were struggling. They were all the souls of the draenei controlled by Maladar.

It was this that made Maladar's face change. He cast a spell on the souls of the draenei controlled by him. Once something happened, he would feel it. This is why Maladar can Staying in the deepest part of the Auchenai Crypt all year round is not afraid of enemy invasion.

However, before this bloody light entered his line of sight, he did not receive any inappropriate messages.

My spell failed?
Or is this bloody light so powerful that my spell was destroyed before it even had time to activate?
If it was the former, Maladar felt that there was still hope, but he knew very well that this was simply impossible.There is only one truth of the matter, that is, the intruder's strength is so strong that he is completely incomparable.

Who is it?

Who wants me to die?
Seeing the bloody light enveloping him, Maladar let out a cry of unwillingness in his heart, he hadn't taken revenge yet, he really didn't want to die.

But what about unwillingness, what about hatred, the gap in strength is there, even if Maladar struggles desperately, he cannot avoid the fate of being involved in the bloody light.


After Levi Hughes uttered the last sentence, he was overwhelmed by the bloody light and became a member of those struggling in the bloody river.

Surprisingly, the death watcher Shirak resisted for a while. As the advanced evolution of the evil eye monster, Shirak is the weakest among the three, but Maladar and Levi Hughes can't even resist Seeing it, he was able to resist it. This situation is really strange.

However, the difference in strength between Xierak and the opponent was too great, all he could do was to delay his own death a little bit, and after a very brief resistance, the blood still overwhelmed him.

The bloody light that swept all the ghosts and demons in the Auchenai Crypt, needless to say, there is no one else except Leo's blood god clone.

When all the struggling people in the blood-colored light disappeared, when all the wailing disappeared, the figure of the blood god clone appeared in the dead and empty Auchenai Crypt.

It stands to reason that the blood god avatar who has eaten so many spirit bodies, let himself have a full meal, and his strength has improved, would not be in a bad mood even if he is not very happy, but now he has a gloomy face.

The reason for this is that he discovered another weakness of his own.

When attacking Xierak, the death watcher's subconscious counterattack made the blood god avatar a little bit afraid, which is why Xierak was the weakest but was the last to be involved in the blood river.

There is an instinctive fear of the blood god clone with annihilation energy rays. Of course, this fear only exists now. Once he activates all the abilities bestowed on him by the heart of the abyss, turning himself into a terrifying hell demon god level existence, this This fear disappears, and this weakness no longer exists.

But, no matter how you say it, the blood god clone is now afraid of energy annihilation rays.

A weakness is a weakness. No matter how you deny it, it exists. Even though it is only a temporary weakness, its existence makes the Blood God clone extremely unhappy.

"Huh?" The gloomy blood god avatar suddenly discovered a strange thing, it was a book, "What exactly is it?"

The book that can interest the blood god avatar is not an ordinary book. This book is the book of the dead that made Maladar murderous towards Levi Hughes.

Now, Maladar is dead, and Levi Hughes is also dead. Everything they carry has been corroded into the most basic particles in the blood river transformed by the blood god avatar, only this book, only this book The Book of the Dead remained unscathed.

Even the bodies of Levi Hughes and Maladar couldn't stand the corrosion of the blood river, but the Book of the Dead was not damaged at all. How could the Blood God avatar not be curious about it?

I know my own family affairs, and no one is more aware of the blood river's ability to corrupt than the blood god's avatar. It is the corrupted blood inherited from the blood god Hakar, and even the gods will suffer a lot if they fall into the blood river. The book is fine, and the corrupted blood that can corrupt the body of a god has no effect on it. Doesn't that explain anything?


This book must be a treasure!
The blood god avatar reached out to take out the book of the dead, but an accident happened.

The hand of the Blood God clone grabbed the Book of the Dead and pulled it didn't pull it!


The blood god avatar was a little surprised, he increased his strength, and pulled hard... The Book of the Dead still didn't move!
How is this going?

If the first time was an accident, then the second time is definitely not.The blood god avatar was pulled hard for the second time, and the force of this pull was more than ten thousand catties. Let alone a book, even a city gate would be collapsed by him.

But why wasn't the Book of the Dead pulled?

Increased strength again, dragged again, and the result was the same as before-the Book of the Dead still did not move.

"It's evil!"

The blood god avatar felt that he was evil enough, but he didn't expect the book of unknown origin in his body to be even more evil. It seemed to be rooted in his body, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't make it move away. From the posture of the breeze blowing the hills.

Inexplicably, there was a strange book of unknown purpose in his body, and no one would be comfortable changing it. However, the Blood God clone couldn't get it out with all its strength, which made him very worried.

It seems that in addition to talking nonsense, you can't eat things randomly.

"What should I do?" The blood god avatar scratched his face, and after thinking hard to no avail, he made a decision, "It doesn't matter so much, go to the deity and ask, maybe there will be a solution."

(End of this chapter)

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