Necromancer in another world

Chapter 971 Strange Book

Chapter 971 Strange Book
Over the ruins of Auchindoun, Nefarian flapped his wings and hovered continuously. After some cleaning, the bone-covered wilderness is now as clean as a dog has licked it. Except for the wasteland, it is wasteland. You will not see even a bone.

Leo didn't go to clear the Auchenai Crypt at all. Not all enemies are worthy of his shot. With the ability of the blood god avatar, he can completely wipe out there single-handedly.

God is not a cabbage on the side of the road, even if it is just a false god, not everyone can stop it, at least there is no possibility in the Auchenai Crypt.

The development of the matter was just as Leo had expected. After entering the Auchenai Crypt, the Blood God avatar swept away. There were almost no enemies at the crossing of the Blood River. All of them became the stepping stones for him to become stronger. If it wasn't for the accident of Death Watcher Shirak and the Book of the Dead, this trip to the Auchenai Crypt would be worthy of the word "perfect".

When the Blood God clone swept across the Auchenai Crypt, Leo was checking the message from Scarlett.

The problem with the female paladin is still unresolved, but the situation is gradually improving. At least the soaring golden light has been suppressed, and now there is only the code of light that has been unconsciously leaked to exclude others within ten meters of Scarlett. energy of.

Benedictus, the human archbishop, is still very predictable. I don't know what his purpose is in this matter. He is the most hardworking of all. Repression is impossible to such a degree.

Benedictus' behavior made Leo very puzzled. If others don't know the details of Benedictus, how can Leo not know?
This well-known archbishop in the human race has long been bewitched by Deathwing's set of heresies. On the surface, he is the revered Archbishop of the Holy Light, but Benedictus secretly joined the Twilight's Hammer and became a The senior people inside.

Isn’t the Twilight’s Hammer advocating the destruction of the world? It stands to reason that Benedictus shouldn’t be working so hard. Once the Burning Legion can locate the position of the local plane through the code of light in Scarlet’s body, then destruction will come to the local plane Plane, the world will also be destroyed by the Burning Legion, isn't this just like the Twilight's Hammer's will to destroy the world?

Leo scratched his face with a thoughtful expression.

The abnormality of Benedictus made him feel that his previous thoughts seemed to be a bit off. Although the Twilight's Hammer also pursues the destruction of the world, their purpose of destroying the world is very different from that of the Burning Legion. Not allies but enemies.What can be done if this is the case?

Leo thinks this is an opportunity, an opportunity to preserve the local world. After all, although the Burning Legion is powerful, the Twilight's Hammer, backed by Deathwing and the Old Gods, is also not weak. The opportunity for the race waiting to survive in the cracks has come.

Just as he was thinking, a blood-colored figure jumped out from the ground, and the Blood God clone rushed up with a depressed expression on his face.

Seeing the appearance of the blood god avatar, Leo was slightly taken aback. It turned out that the blood god avatar had already told Leo what happened to him through telepathy.

Leo became interested in a strange book that could not even be corroded by the corrupted blood of the blood god's avatar, and this strange book was still in the blood god's avatar and could not move.

"My lord, what do you think?"

Leo rolled his eyes when he heard the words of the blood god avatar.

What do I think?
How can I see it?
Leo reached out his hand into the body of the blood god, and gently came out!
Almost without any effort, Leo took out the Book of the Dead from the blood god avatar.

The blood god avatar was dumbfounded now, what's going on, Leo, the deity, took out the strange book that he couldn't get out just now with a light force, how strange this thing looks.

"You play with me?"

Just when the blood god avatar was puzzled, Leo's voice came into his ears, and the blood god avatar looked up and saw Leo looking at him with strange eyes, with a rather unkind expression on his face.

What is a strange book that cannot be retrieved by life or death?

If I pull it lightly, it will come out?

Leo's eyes clearly conveyed such a meaning, if the blood god avatar did not give him an explanation, life would probably not be easy.

"No, this..."

The Blood God Clone pointed to the Book of the Dead in Leo's hand. The latter shook the book in front of him with an expression of waiting for you to make up a story. The Blood God Clone was speechless immediately. I don't know, if it were him, Leo would think he was playing tricks on him.

"Am I like that?"

The blood god avatar looked aggrieved, but in return Leo shook his head and said in a firm tone: "You don't look like you, you really are."

What a great injustice!
This time the blood god avatar is really speechless, but fortunately Leo did not continue to delve into this matter, no matter what the blood god avatar said is true or deliberately molested him, since the book in his hand can be read in the blood The divine distraction was taken out from the body intact, which already explained the problem.

Can withstand the erosion of corrupt blood, no matter what the content of this book is recorded, it is a treasure.

Open the cover, open the book, and...then Leo froze.


Nothing is written on the pages of the Book of the Dead, as if it were a white book.

After flipping through the book quickly, I found that there was really no word in it, Leo was overjoyed.

what is this?
Wordless bible?
Just when he was about to put away the Book of the Dead, his heart throbbed suddenly, and his movements stopped immediately.

The message from Goldfinger sounded in Leo's mind: "Boy, I really don't know whether to say you are unlucky or lucky. Do you know that you have caused yourself a lot of trouble by getting this book?"


Leo raised his eyebrows, he was never afraid of trouble, but if he added three words before the trouble, and these three words were from the hands of Goldfinger, who has always regarded himself very highly, Leo had to treat it with caution. up.

"Tell me what's going on."

"You spoil other people's good deeds, do you know?" Goldfinger paused as he spoke, as if trying to organize his words, "Why do you think the Draenei buried all their dead in Auchindoun? Really? Is it just for the convenience of managing the corpses of the tribe?"

"Son, don't be naive. If that's the case, why is Auchindoun's guards so weak that Durotan slaughtered this place with a group of orcs?"

When Goldfinger said this, Leo became a little curious. The name Durotan was very familiar, and he was Thrall's father.Although Leo didn't know about Dulong's frank capture of Auchindoun, he knew it was not impossible.

In that chaotic era, when the orcs were under the control of the Burning Legion, even if Durotan was sober, he could not disobey the collective wishes of the leaders of the tribes. Perhaps Durotan's attack on Auchindoun was somewhat coerced, But this does not conceal the fact that he led the orcs to slaughter the draenei guards here.

"Auchindoun is obviously the cemetery of the Draenei, but they built a temple here. Since it is a temple, it is naturally dedicated to gods. Let me ask you, do you know which god is worshiped here? "

Goldfinger's words really stopped Leo.

Auchindoun is obviously an underground cemetery where the Draenei buried their corpses, but they built a temple, and the main body of the temple was secretly built in an underground labyrinth, which is really weird.

"Maybe the customs of the Draenei are different."

What Lei Ao said is reasonable, after all, each nation has different customs, and an alien race cannot be judged by the standard of its own race.

Goldfinger snorted coldly and said, "If the thing in your hand doesn't appear, then it really makes sense."

Leo looked at the Book of the Dead in his hand with a slight sense of difference, and flipped through it again. It was still a blank page with nothing in it, and he didn't find anything special at all.

"You can't see anything like this, that is, you met me, and other people really can't find out the mystery inside." Goldfinger's voice was somewhat arrogant, but this guy did have the capital of pride, I just heard him say to Leo, "After you put the law of death into this book, read it again."

As one of the most powerful laws, the law of death is not something that can withstand everything. Even if a real god is touched by the law of death, the skin will peel off if it is not dead. Now Goldfinger actually asked Leo to inject such power into his body In this book, can this book hold up?Is Goldfinger out of his mind?
If other people said this, Leo would still have doubts, but the treatment Goldfinger received was completely different. As soon as he finished speaking, Leo entered the law of death into the Book of the Dead.

A surprising scene appeared. The Book of the Dead that was infused with the law of death by Leo was not destroyed. Instead, it emitted a faint light as if it had been activated. With the appearance of the light, the originally blank pages of the Book of the Dead appeared. The pattern is so thin that it is almost invisible, if Leo hadn't been staring at the book, he really wouldn't have noticed it.

Even with Leo's eyesight, the content of the pages of the book could not be seen clearly, but the words "Book of the Dead" on the cover of the book couldn't be more clear.

"Book of the Dead? Why does this name sound so familiar?"

Leo scratched his face, as if he had thought of something, another book appeared in his hand, and it was another Book of the Dead. The spoils of time.

"That's why I say you're lucky." Goldfinger said with emotion in his voice, "I got that Book of the Dead out of the Holy Light's Hope Chapel for your future consideration. I didn't expect you to be able to really use it so quickly. Who would have thought that you could get such a treasure in this world. If you are not afraid of being troubled by others, I can tell you how to fuse the two books. "

"However, I want to warn you in advance. If you really decide to do that, it will benefit you a lot, but it will also cause you a lot of trouble. You may not be able to handle it with your current ability."

"Now, tell me your plan?"

(End of this chapter)

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