Necromancer in another world

Chapter 973 Misfortune Comes Out of Your Mouth

Chapter 973 Misfortune Comes Out of Your Mouth
Getting troubled by a horde of lightbulb men was for another day, now it was D'Ory's attack.

Although the blood god avatar has seen through the reality of this naaru, and knows that he does not really integrate the power of darkness and light into himself, but only relies on the dead energy accumulated over the years in Auchindoun, a large cemetery, to cast dark spells. Death Qi is not Douri's own strength, and it consumes less. The blood god clone is not worried that he will not be able to defeat his opponent, but it takes time to win.

Delaying time is not a bad thing for the blood god avatar. The longer the battle, the better for him. After all, the ability of Leo, the deity, is not a joke. Once he has fully integrated the book of the dead, he will be free The combination of Leo and the blood god avatar is not something that D'Oli can match.

The blood god avatar is not in a hurry, it's Douri who is in a hurry.

Realizing that he might not be able to defeat his opponent with all his strength, and he couldn't even break through the opponent's interception. Douri didn't care about hiding anything. If Leo succeeded in taking the Book of the Dead as his own, they would be able to do so for so many years. Everything he did was in vain, and Deoli would not do such a thing as marrying for others, which would harm himself and benefit others.

The blood god avatar fighting with Douri saw a golden ray of light from the ruins of Auchindoun while his opponent was busy. The speed of this ray of light was so fast that even the blood god avatar had no time to react.

Deoli, who sent the signal, was very proud. The blood god avatar could indeed entangle him, but there was only one person in the blood god avatar. He, Deoli, had been operating here for many years, and this place was extremely important to Naru. How could Deoli Possibly the commander in chief?

Just when the golden light was about to escape into the ground, a bloody spear stabbed out obliquely, and forcibly scattered the golden light with violent and tyrannical force.

The smile on Derio's face froze before it even bloomed.

"What the hell? Want to ask for help?"

Mannoroth in human form has a bald head that can be used as a large light bulb, holds a bloody double-headed spear, and looks fiercely at Deore. The big man hates it very much.

As Mannoroth said, the golden light emitted by Deore was used to summon helpers, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that it was a call for help.

The distress signal was destroyed, and Deore's heart sank immediately.

It was difficult for him to resist just a blood god avatar, and now there appeared a giant human being whose strength even he couldn't see through, let alone win this battle alone, it might be difficult for him to even save his life.

There are blood god clones entangled nearby, and Mannoroth staring at him far away. No matter how unwilling he is, Deoli can't help but think about quitting. He doesn't want to lose his life here.

"Pets...quack...good pets...but with weapons...not so good..."

Just as Deore was looking for a way out, ugly cries came from the ruins of Auchindoun, and a group of humanoid creatures with feathers all over their bodies and a crow's head on their heads entered the sight of everyone in the arena.

Raven Man!
The arakkoa of the Draenor world, the guys who believe in the crow god Ansu, ran out at this time to join in the fun.

What the hell?
Mannoroth gave the arakkoa a displeased look. These fellows with bird feathers dare to call him a pet. Isn't that courting death?

He, Mannoroth, is the destroyer of the three giants of the Burning Legion, the most powerful abyss lord in the world of Anellan, and what are these crow people, it is unforgivable to dare to speak to him like this.

The double-headed spear danced a bloody afterimage, and the shadows of the spears rolled towards the crow man like a torrential rain, and Mannoroth took the initiative.

As the lord of the abyss, the Destroyer is a cruel and easy-to-kill creature. Even if he is fine, he will cause some troubles. What's more, the crow man is the first to provoke him, and Leo has not restrained him, so that he is not allowed to do anything. If Mannoroth could hold back, he wouldn't be the Destroyer.

Mannoroth, who had regained his strength, was beyond the reach of ordinary crow people. Once the double-headed spear entered the crow people, it immediately set off a bloodbath.But seeing the bird feathers flying around, the bird people screaming, the bird's head and claws mixed with splashed blood scattered all over the ground, Mannoroth passed by, leaving no one alive.

His little brother was being brutally murdered, and the strong men of the crow people couldn't sit idly by.

Seth the Dark Weaver took the lead. Shadow Shock, Arcane Shock, Frost Shock, Flame Shock, plus a crackling lightning chain, several spells hit Mannoroth head-on.

As one of the strongest among the crow people, Seth's strength is beyond human reach. Just seeing that he can cast five spells in the blink of an eye, and these five spells belong to five different categories, you can know his strength. How profound is the spell attainment.

Dark Shock...ineffective!
Arcane Shock...ineffective!
Frost Shock...still ineffective!
Flame Shock... still doesn't work!
Even the last chain of lightning hitting Mannoroth did not hinder his actions in the slightest. The destroyer didn't even frown, and resisted Seth's spell with his body alone, and he was unscathed resisted down.

A crow man who is close to the strength of the archmage.

As soon as Seth made a move, he immediately attracted Mannoroth's attention. The destroyer smiled ferociously, brandished a bloody double-headed spear, and killed in the direction of Seth.

Slaughtering young people like mowing grass is very cool, but how can this kind of excitement compare to the feeling after killing the strong?
Seeing that Mannoroth targeted himself, Seth didn't panic. Even though Mannoroth's tyranny was beyond his expectation, Seth still didn't panic, because he knew that he was not fighting alone.

"Quack quack..."

The piercing shouts that made people feel upset came, and another strong man among the crow people, Aegis, who was known as the king of sharp claws, stood up.

Nearly a hundred arcane arrows rained down, and the rain of arcane arrows kept hitting Mannoroth's forward body. Aegis tried to contain the bald man with continuous attacks, but the reality disappointed him greatly.Relying on his strength and tyranny, Mannoroth resisted the incoming magic with his body, rushed forward against the rain of arcane arrows, and quickly narrowed the distance between the three.

The body of this hairless monster is too strong!

Seeing Mannoroth attacking with a smirk on his face, Aegis and Seth's hearts skipped a beat. Their magic seemed to tickle each other's body, without any lethality. How can they fight like this?

My own attack can't even break the opponent's defense. Is there still a chance to fight this battle?

Aegis and Seth regretted it to death. They took advantage of the big explosion in Aucheny and ran into this underground cemetery to accomplish something big. When he arrived at Mannoroth, Seth proudly didn't control his mouth, causing trouble as soon as he spoke.

The so-called misfortune comes from the mouth, referring to the current situation of the crow people.

Mannoroth's tyranny made the two crow men know that they had kicked the iron plate this time, and the iron plate had thorns, and they were bloody when they kicked it.

"Quack... you forced us!"

Aegis saw that going on like this was not an option. Mannoroth's fighting was too strong. Once he got close, Seth and himself would have to finish the game. As a last resort, he could only activate something in advance.

"Seth, help me!"

Before Aegis could finish his sentence, an arcane bubble protected him inside.

Arcane Bubble, a powerful protective spell, as long as the difference in strength is not too large, this spell can protect you from any damage, and it has the same effect as the holy knight's holy shield.

Out of confidence in the arcane bubble, Aegis was not worried about his own safety. He asked Seth to help him not to block Mannoroth for him, but to ask Seth to start a certain ritual with him.

Is this going to be released?
Seth hesitated for a moment, but after thinking about the situation they were facing now, Mannoroth's tyrannical strength was indeed irresistible to them, so they made up their minds.

Strange and rhythmic croaks rang out in the ruins of Auchindoun, and a wave of obscure but majestic power spread out. Even a strong man like Mannoroth couldn't help but pause his forward body, his face The expression on his face became a little dignified.

Raven Man!
It's the crow man!

Douri was so happy that he almost danced, if it wasn't for the pressure from the blood god avatar, he would have jumped up and cheered to show his excitement.

After the golden light was shattered by Mannoroth, Deori, who couldn't summon helpers, was about to flee, but the crow man killed him at this time.These crowmen, who had been killed after the Auchindoun explosion and occupied the Sethek hall in the underground labyrinth, were creatures that D'Ori hated, but now they are extremely cute in the eyes of Naaru.

What's even better is that the crow man's stinky mouth didn't speak, and Mannoroth was annoyed when he opened his mouth, causing the destroyers to fight with them.

Without Mannoroth watching from the sidelines, Deore's pressure dropped sharply. At least he didn't have to think about escaping until Mannoroth finished his battle with the Crow Man. Besides, without Mannoroth's bad things, his signal It can be successfully sent out, and help will arrive soon.

Looking at Leo who was still merging with the Book of Dead, a flash of resentment flashed in Douri's eyes. With the crow man disrupting the situation, can this human being successfully merge with the Book of Dead?
He didn't believe that powerhouses like Blood God Clone and Mannoroth would pop up one after another like cabbages on the side of the road.

The blood god avatar saw the help signal sent by Douri, but he didn't stop it. What Leo meant was that instead of spending time looking for the chess pieces buried by Naaru one by one, it is better to take this opportunity to lure them. Come to the bright side and smash it in one fell swoop.

Using himself as a bait to catch Naru's hidden forces, Leo is so confident?
You know, he is now putting all his strength on the fusion of the Book of the Dead, and even his own safety has to be protected by others.

(End of this chapter)

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