Necromancer in another world

Chapter 974 Two Birds

Chapter 974 A Bird
Deore was happy, but the crow man was tragic.

Seth was proud of himself for a while, but he couldn't control his mouth, which angered Mannoroth. The saboteur was really ruthless in killing people. The crow man was killed by the bloody double-headed spear, and his corpse was scattered all over the field, blood flowing like a river.

Just because of one sentence, he provoked an enemy like Mannoroth. If it was an ordinary arakkoa, he would have been torn apart by Aegis, but it was Seth who caused the trouble. For those who want to, they can only grit their teeth and swallow this bitter fruit, and fight the enemy together with Seth with all their lives.

Fortunately, the crow man is not without his trump card. Although Mannoroth is strong, Aegis believes that this hairless monster can never be the opponent of the gods.


That's right, it's the gods.

Aegis and the others risked their way into the ruins of Auchindoun not without purpose, let alone on a whim.Aegis, the King of Claws, has long noticed the weirdness of the Naaru and Draenei. The reason why he kept silent was firstly because these two races did not provoke him, secondly because he was afraid of the strength of the other party, and finally, the most important reason It was Aegis who sensed that what the draenei and the naaru had done in Auchindoun was extremely beneficial to the crow people.

The dead energy accumulated over the years in the large underground cemetery of Auchindoun can actually cause the soul of the crow god to throb again. What does this mean?
This shows that as long as the time is right, Anzu, the god of crows, can reappear in Auchindoun.

The crow god Ansu, the deity worshiped by the crow people, is also the only existence that is regarded as a god by the crow people. Unfortunately, this crow god does not exist in this world like the four elemental gods on the throne of elements , his body and soul are located in another hidden space, without the blessing of the gods, which is why the crow people have the largest population in Draenor but cannot become a force that influences the world structure of Draenor.

There is no such thing as Draenor world, but the truth is the same. Aegis, the king of claws, recruited Seth, the dark weaver, and spent a long time in the ruins of Auchindoun. On a bright day, it was very easy to use the dead energy in Sethek Hall to attract the soul of the crow god Ansu.

According to their original plan, they wanted to find a safe place and gather enough members of the same race before reviving Ansu. This would not only bring a patron saint to the crow people, but also make Aegis and Seth Obtain a status superior to other strong men in the clan.

Unexpectedly, there will be misfortunes in the sky and people will have misfortunes and blessings. As soon as they emerged from the ruins of Auchindoun, God gave them a heavy sap, which made them vomit blood.In order to fight against the tyrannical Mannoroth, Aegis had to revive the crow god Anzu in advance.

D'Ory couldn't laugh anymore, and he couldn't help but tremble a few times because of the spreading power. He really didn't expect that the crow people, who were just cannon fodder in his eyes, would have such cards. Coming out of the ruins of Auchindoun, Deore's heart sank suddenly.

The crow people are one of the oldest intelligent races in the world of Draenor, and they have traveled all over Draenor. The reason why they are not as capable as the orcs and Draenei to change the direction of the entire world is not that the crow people are not good, but It is that they lack a strong enough top-level force.

This is like the human beings on the local plane before Leo was promoted to the demigod. In terms of the population and the territory resources they occupy, they are not inferior to any race, and even far surpass other races, but they lack the top power to decide The real trend of the world is not as effective as the words of the night elves and giant dragons. This kind of unembarrassing position is very uncomfortable.

Thinking of this, Deore's eyes on the crow man changed.

Obviously, the group of crow people who broke into the Sethek hall did not know what method they used to find a strong backer for themselves. It is unimaginable that the crow people have quietly possessed the top power. What a turmoil.

These abominable birdmen are sneakily using our place to perform tricks, it is really abominable.

Annoyed, Deore hoped that Mannoroth would kill Aegis and the others, but things did not develop as he wished.

The bloody spear was finally blocked, and Aegis's arcane bubbles lived up to his expectations. Under the shadow of many spears, he successfully protected the King of Claws and Seth, the dark weaver who was standing with Aegis.

blah blah...

The point of the bloody spear pierced the arcane bubbles, making a teeth-stinging rubbing sound. Mannoroth stabbed the arcane bubbles ten times in a row but failed to puncture the arcane bubbles.

However, Aegis' arcane bubble can only do this. With Mannoroth's attack, it is covered with cracks, and it can be seen that this protective spell can't last a few times.

Mannoroth didn't talk nonsense when he saw this, and stabbed again with his spear. This time, the arcane bubble failed to block the attack of the destroyer. When the bloody spear tip successfully penetrated, the arcane bubble disappeared silently.

Aegis and Seth confront Mannoroth the Destroyer.

The complexions of the two strong Crowmen changed slightly. They were not capable of fighting Mannoroth. Fortunately, the ritual of resurrecting Ansu had been completed at this time.

Before Mannoroth's spear pierced, the power fluctuations from Aegis and Seth ushered in an explosive peak, and the strength of this force directly sent Aegis and Seth flying out .


Standing proudly in a two-person tall bird, he was the source of the force that threw King Claw and Darkweaver away.

Anzu, the god of crows, has come!
"It's just a bird, watch me kill him."

Ansu's power can blow Aegis and Seth away but can't affect Mannoroth. The Destroyer who has recovered his combat power is strong enough to kill God.

Come so easily?

Ansu is a real god, why did he come to Draenor so easily?
Why is it completely different from when the gods came to the local plane?
Although Leo was merging the Book of the Dead, he was still paying attention to the situation around him all the time. Ansu's arrival made him have a series of questions in his heart.

Back then, the Gurubashi trolls in Zul'Gurub wanted to make the blood god Hakkar come down, but in the world of Draenor, Aegis and Seth made Ansu come down successfully, and it was still That kind of strength came without any damage, and the comparison between the two couldn't help but make Leo doubt it.

It is so easy to summon the gods in the world of Draenor, but the local plane is so difficult that it makes people collapse. What is the reason for this?
In other words, what kind of secret is hidden here?
Leo's thoughts were wandering, but Mannoroth didn't think so much. Ansu had no time to express his excitement for coming to this world, let alone observe the surrounding situation, when the bloody spear pointed straight at him, the fierce murderous aura De Ansu resisted with all his strength.

It's just a bird with some strength. What kind of thing is it? Those two birdmen wanted to use the power of this bird to deal with me, but they underestimated me, Mannoroth.

The expression on Mannoroth's face was ferocious, and his bloodthirsty eyes made it clear that he was a peerless monster. With his waving bloody spear, he pierced Ansu's body aggressively.

A stream of sparks splashed out, and the bloody spear pierced Anzu's feathers, bringing out a brilliant collision light, but Mannoroth's stabbing failed to pierce Ansu's defense.

"Your bird's feathers are quite stiff."

Mannoroth spit out a mouthful, talking in his mouth, but the movement of his hands did not show the slightest sluggishness, and the war spear pierced out again with a howling wind.

Ansu was really angry. He had just answered the call and came to this world. Before he had time to take a good look at the surrounding situation, Mannoroth made a move on him.

Regardless of the fact that Ansu blocked the bloody spear just now with his feathers, it seemed that he was not affected by it, but it was not the case at all.The blow of Mannoroth, who had recovered his strength, was not so easy to receive. Even though Ansu was a god, he seemed to be fine when he blocked the spear before, but his body was already in pain from the huge force from the spear tip.


You damn mortal, the crow god is not angry, you think I am a sick bird?
Facing the spear stabbed by Mannoroth, Ansu's wings flapped, and one flap was aimed at Mannoroth's body.

As if Mannoroth didn't see Ansu's counterattack, he still stabbed with the spear regardless. Not only that, he also added a little more force, and Ansu became more and more angry when he saw him doing this.

He is just a mortal, but he dared to be so arrogant in the face of the gods, did he really think that he could exchange injuries with me?
The double-headed war spear pierced Ansu's feathers with the bloody spear tip, and the cold spear tip pierced Ansu's skin and pierced his body.

A drop of blood fell, and Anzu, the crow god, was injured.

Ansu's wings slapped Mannoroth's body, causing him to stagger back a few steps.After all, Ansu was a real god, and Mannoroth didn't feel comfortable resisting his blow.

Grinning and moving the half of his body that was numb by Ansu's slap, Mannoroth's eyes were still fierce. The saboteur had experienced countless battles and suffered countless injuries. Ansu's blow was nothing to him.

Compared with Mannoroth's disapproval, Ansu is completely different.

Who is Ansu?
He is a god, Anzu, the god of crows!

It's unbelievable that a dignified god was beaten and stabbed by a mortal, and Ansu couldn't accept such a fact at all.


The shrill crowing was mixed with unconcealable anger, and the injured Ansu became furious, and before Mannoroth recovered, he flapped his wings and pounced on him again.

"Little bird, watch me wring your head off."

Mannoroth did not give in at all, and greeted him with a smirk, one man and one bird fighting together.

Seeing this scene in his eyes, Deorey couldn't help being horrified. The bald man holding a spear could fight so fiercely with a god. If he and the blood god clone attacked him, he would still be alive. ?

The more he thought about it, the more scared Douri became, and the more he thought about it, the more he hated Leo.

From Naru's point of view, if this guy hadn't stolen the Book of the Dead, how could this happen?

Suddenly, Deorey was overjoyed. His previous anger was thrown out of the sky by him. From his angle, he could just see a team rushing out of the underground ruins of Auchindoun.

The signal from Douri finally had an effect, and Naaru's help came.

(End of this chapter)

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