Chapter 975


How could it be a Void Spirit?

Leo was taken aback by Douri's reinforcements, not because he made a fuss, but because he really didn't expect it.

The ethereals in the ruins of Auchindoun have only one force, and that is the Vengeance Army led by Prince Shafar of the Node. They are enemies with Haramad’s Star Realm Consortium, and even the neutral Order-Maintenance faction has shown signs of dissatisfaction with them. However, the Order of the Star Consortium and the Draenei, who had maintained close ties with the Star Consortium, were very close. The Draenei influenced the actions of the Star Consortium through the Order of the Order—the most powerful proof is Ace Pier.

If it wasn't for the Draenei to put pressure on the Star Realm Consortium through the Order, how could the Star Realm merchants just develop Oshu'gun secretly?According to the temper of these ethereal merchants in the past, they have already gone there to dig there.

The Draenei have a close relationship with the Order of the Order, which shows that the Naaru have a great influence on the Order of the Order. Now that D'Ori and Shafar's revenge army are helping each other, Leo has to turn things to the bad side. Think about it—Naru's hand has reached into the Void without outsiders noticing, and these light bulb people have far more control over the Void than imagined.

Among the three major forces of the Ethereal people, Shafar's Revenge Army, the Order Sect, and Naaru already have two of the three, and only Haramad's Star Realm Consortium remains.No wonder Haramad was always suspicious and afraid that others would kill him, and kept hiding and refusing to meet people. I am afraid that this shrewd consortium leader has already discovered something.

Even if he noticed something, the force of the Astral Consortium was flawed. How long could Haramad hold on by hiding?
Leo pondered, he thought of a series of missions related to the Star Consortium in the mountain pass, and if he remembered correctly, Haramad finally gave in.

At the end of the mission, a blood elf assassin sneaked into the Storm Spire to assassinate him, and then that assassin... that assassin was killed by Haramad in an instant!

Thinking of this, Leo's eyes flickered. The strength of Prince Haramad is by no means as simple as imagined.Besides, there seemed to be a blood elf faction called the Scryers who had betrayed Kael'thas at that time, and this faction called the Scryers finally took refuge in Naaru, so the origin of the blood elf assassin became suspicious.

What makes people laugh and cry is that after killing the assassin in seconds, Haramad even put on a look of gratitude to others, saying that he was moved to join the camp against evil forces.

The leader of a large consortium is so easily moved, he is so easy to be grateful to others, no matter how he thinks, he thinks it is fake.

By the way, Haramad, at least you acted professionally. The purpose of acting such a fake scene is to tell certain existences that you are submissive?
Originally, Leo might not be able to see through these things, but who let him know the outcome of the matter?

The so-called authorities are obsessed, and bystanders are clear.

Even if the people in the game are very shrewd, they can't figure out the thousands of clues, but the bystanders who have the perspective of God are different, especially Leo also knows the final outcome of this series of things-Adal has re-ruled Shattrath , in this city, the naaru not only still have the draenei's belief in them, but also accommodated the blood elf royalist elite and scryers headed by Liadrin, and the kingdom of Quel'Thalas was invaded by natural disasters. The elites retained since the Battle of the Great War were wiped out.Not only that, Naaru's hand also successfully reached into the world where humans lived, the world where the Burning Legion failed to invade several times.

Perhaps Leo is not as shrewd as Adal, who has existed for an unknown number of years, and he is not as good at calculating. If he is in a situation, he may not be able to see through the situation, but there is a deduction method in this world called reverse deduction, which is reversed from the outcome of the matter. Inference, so as to sort out the myriad of clues in the puzzle.

Judging from the series of things that happened in the entire Burning Crusade, Naru benefited the most in the end, so Leo had to be wary of them, and even more involuntarily became hostile to them.

No one would like an outsider who doesn't know the details, keeps flaunting himself with benevolence and morality, but is proficient in layout and calculation, and Leo is no exception.

Unlike the Order Faction and the Star Consortium, Shafar's Vengeance Army is blatantly colluding with some evil creatures that pose a fatal threat to the ethereal, such as Dimensius the Devourer of Worlds in Manaforge Utis, or The current void lord Pandemonus.

The hissing of the void lord made people upset. Leo didn't care what Pandemonus said. What he cared about was that the void lord attacked him first.

As soon as Pandemonus made a move, the Ethereal Vengeance Army who followed him would naturally not be idle, purple, red, blue...but all kinds of spells blasted towards Leo in midair.

Nefarian was outraged.

What did Pandemonus and the Avengers take him for?

If the dragon doesn't show its power, you still think I'm a lizard?
As Leo's mount, Nefarian was first ignored by Deore, and Naru thought that he could hurt Leo as long as he got past the barrier of the blood god avatar, and now he was ignored by a void lord and a group of void spirits. The proud black dragon The prince was furious.

The dragon's roar echoed over the ruins of Auchindoun, and Nefarian, who was unhappy because he was ignored by others, opened his mouth and spewed out a large black flame.

Shadow Flame!

The black dragon prince, Longyan, is very different from other black dragons. The reason why he can hold down his other brothers to ascend the throne of the black dragon, besides Onyxia's support, is another important reason, that is his Longyan. Stronger than other black dragons.

The black flames sprayed down, the dark elements were corroded, and the fire elements were roasted, and the Void Spirit Revenge Army immediately fell down a large area.

I'm not easy to mess with, even a bunch of bandaged guys dare to underestimate me.

Sending a shadow flame to the Nemesis Avengers, killing more than [-]% of the Avengers, seeing the panicked appearance of the Ethereals on the ground, Nefarian snorted, and finally let out a lot of suffocation in his chest .


The void lord Pandemonus looked at the sky provocatively, and he was extremely displeased with the arrogant appearance of the black dragon prince.

Don't you just know how to fly, what are you pulling, if you have the ability, come down for me, and see if I don't peel off your dragon skin.

Nefarian doesn't understand the devil's language, but he can understand Pandemonus' body language. He was provoked by the void lord. With Nefarian's temper, he really wanted to rush down and teach Pandemonus a lesson. Ao was still merging the Book of the Dead on his back. Before his master withdrew his hand, Nefarian didn't dare to let his temper go.

Deorey hates it. He didn't expect the Void Spirit Revenge Army to be so useless. Isn't it just a giant dragon reduced to a mount? There's nothing to be afraid of.

Well, in his eyes, Nefarian really has nothing to fear. The Black Dragon Prince is far from his opponent, but the Ethereal Revenge Army is different. The Black Dragon Prince flying in the sky is a terrifying existence in the eyes of Ethereal.Just look at their companions, they were burnt to ashes as soon as the Shadow Flame spilled out. What kind of endless lifespan is in front of the Shadow Flame.

Nefarian's fury made the Ethereal Vengeance Army restrained a lot, but it angered Pandemonus and another existence.

Tavalok, a giant with a crystallized body, is another strong man who feeds on psionic bodies in collusion with the Ethereal Revenge Army.When Nefarian's shadow flames fell, it was just when Tavarok emerged from the ruins of Auchindoun, so before Tavarok could figure out what happened, the dark red flames It poured on his face.

Giants are all violent, even if no one provokes him, he will mess around, let alone someone who is actively attacking him now.

However, Nefarian soared at an altitude of hundreds of meters, and Tavalok lacked long-range attack methods, so no matter how angry he was, it was useless.

Not being able to fly is a flaw.

Before Tavarok could think about how to deal with the Black Dragon Prince, Nefarian opened his mouth again, and the shadow flames struck again.

Pandemonus and Tavalok were depressed. Isn't this bullying? If you really have the guts, come and try it.

The Void Spirit Revenge Army was completely in chaos. The first Shadow Flame killed them to the very last. How many of them can survive the second Shadow Flame?
Black flames scorched the earth, and groups of ethereals were burned to ashes in the flames. Even those who survived were terrified and had no fighting spirit.

Before Shafar appeared, his revenge army was severely damaged.

Pandemonus and Tavarokkong have strength but are restricted by being unable to fly. They can only watch Nefarian wreak havoc, and the depression in their hearts can be imagined.

"My lord, haven't the reinforcements from the big light bulb come out, what are you waiting for?"

The blood god avatar sent a message to Leo during the fight, the helper Douri was counting on had appeared, and the dark chess piece buried by the Naru, the Vengeance Army, was also brought to the fore. Leo really had no reason to hold back .

The rotation speed of the power of death pulling the two Books of the Dead suddenly increased, the rotation speed of the vortex became faster, and the suction force naturally increased. reduce.

D'Ory was very anxious. Is it true that someone will take away the things they have worked so hard to prepare for many years?

Naru really wanted to rush up and kill Leo immediately, and snatch the Book of the Dead back, but there was a blood god clone between him and Leo, which blocked him stubbornly. So far, he couldn't even find a chance out.

Tough guy!
Deorey cursed secretly in his heart, the existence of the blood god avatar made him unable to cross the threshold, the latter's tyrannical strength and cautious attitude made Deorey both envious and hated.

You say you are stronger than me, I admit it, but since you are stronger than me, you have to show the attitude of the strong facing the weak. You should be more arrogant and careless, okay?Why are you still guarding me like a thief, can you give me a loophole?
Depressed, Deoli didn't realize that there was another important figure missing from the Ethereal Vengeance Army. This person was the leader of the Vengeance Army, Shafar the Node Prince.

A void spirit holding a short staff appeared quietly to Nefarian, and before the black dragon prince spraying shadow flames had time to react, this void spirit attacked Leo.

(End of this chapter)

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