Necromancer in another world

Chapter 976 Coming Soon

Chapter 976 Coming Soon
Sneak attacking Leo is not something anyone can do, even if he is the node prince Shafar.

The crackling sound of the bone whip tore through the air, and the barbed whip was hitting Shafar's body. The bandages wrapped around Prince Node's body immediately turned black, and there was a squeeling sound of objects being rapidly corroded. With the curling black smoke rising into everyone's ears.

Ilsa got the demigod succubus inherited from Andariel, the queen of anguish and torment. This is another guardian force left by Leo.

Being hit by Ilsa's bone whip, Shafar groaned. The strength of the bone whip couldn't cause any harm to an incorporeal psionic body like him, and the poison on the whip didn't have much effect on him, but that The shadow energy that quietly invaded the body was different.

As spiritual beings, Void Spirit is not afraid of physical attacks, but energy attacks.

Other energy attacks are fine, after all, they can be discovered quickly, but this shadow energy is different, it will sneak into your body, damage your body without you noticing it, and make you weak unconsciously , By the time you realize something is wrong, it is too late.

Speaking of Yin people, shadow energy has advantages that other energies cannot match.

Fortunately, Shafar is quite powerful, and he noticed it when Ilsa's Shadow Whip hit him, otherwise he might not wake up until he died.

Dark energy invaded, and Shafar's first reaction was to expel it quickly. However, Ilsa would not give him a chance. The succubus who succeeded in sneak attack flicked his wrist, and the bone whip turned into a phantom. The shadow cover is facing Shafar, and there is a tendency to kill Shafar on the spot.

Under the shadow of the whip, Shafar's body disappeared from the original place, and Shafar, who appeared in another position using the flash technique, let Ilsa's attack fall into the air.

The pursuit failed, and Ilsa's face remained unchanged. As early as Shafar suddenly appeared on Nefarian's back, Ilsa knew that this ethereal powerhouse could use space spells, and now Shafar used flash The technique confirmed her guess.

Using the flash technique, Shafar not only avoided Ilsa's pursuit, but also shortened the distance between him and Leo. Now he and Leo are less than ten meters away, and he only needs to take two or three steps to attack Leo. Oh.

At this time, Leo was still busy merging the Book of the Dead, and he had no strength to resist the attacks of others. This was a good opportunity to kill Leo.

Deoli, who was fighting with the blood god clone, was overjoyed when he saw this. The appearance of Shafar gave him hope. As long as he successfully killed Leo and took back the Book of the Dead, everything would be worth it, even if Naaru and It doesn't matter if the relationship of the Netherworld Vengeance Army gets out, because it will only put more pressure on Haramad and force the Star Realm Consortium to make an early decision. With the strength of the Star Realm Consortium, Deoli believes that Haramad will Make a satisfying choice.

Shafar ignored Ilsa who was chasing behind, and rushed straight to Leo, shouting in his mouth: "Humans, die!"

A blue meteor pierced the sky, entered the battlefield like lightning, and hit Shafar directly. The violent energy knocked Shafar into the air. Objects are broken every inch.

Izual withdrew his right hand for throwing the hammer, looked down at Shafar, and gave a cold snort of disdain.

"There are countless people who want me to die, who are you?"


It is contempt!

Prince Node's status may sound noble, but his prince status is that of a virtual prince, and in Yizuer's eyes, he can't put on airs.

Being so contemptuous, Shafar was very angry, but he had no time to be angry now, and what he had to face at this time was Irsa's bone whip after being blown backwards by Izual's blue anger.

Hundreds of whips shadowed Shafar towards Shafar, facing Prince Node who was thrown away by Izual. Although Ilsa's whip had no piercing sound of piercing wind, it seemed powerless, but the energy contained in it was It's frightening.

Seeing that he was about to hit Leo, he was sent flying by Izual who was killed from the oblique stab. The sudden change made Shafar unable to react at all. He only felt a flash of blue light in front of his eyes and a pain in his body. God came to hear Izual's contemptuous words, and at the same time, the shocking shadow energy behind him struck quickly.

No, that human has helpers!
Shafar realized only now that it was too late.

In order to kill Leo before, Shafar ignored Ilsa's pursuit. Now it's time for him to pay the price. Ignoring the threat of a demigod succubus will kill him.

clap clap clap...

The whipping sound came from the contact point between the bone whip and Shafar's body, and the shadow energy also invaded Shafar's body as the whip shadow flew, corroding his body.

Void spirits are psionic creatures, their bodies are composed of their own psionic energy, and the amount of psionic energy determines the length of time that Void spirits can survive. With the invasion of shadow energy, the psionic energy in Shafar's body is gradually Being quickly consumed, his lifespan was also greatly reduced, and Prince Node was shocked by this-shocked by the speed at which shadow energy corrupted psionic energy, and annoyed by Ilsa's reduction of his lifespan.

It is not easy for Shafar to seek revenge from Irsa. The demigod succubi who took the lead will not let him regain the disadvantage, not to mention that Izual is still looking for Shafar's flaws. He finds it, and the killing blow will be delivered.

The Prince of Nodes can be considered to have experienced the feeling of Deoli before. There is a strong enemy fighting in front of you, so you have to deal with it with all your attention. However, you want to deal with it with all your attention, but because there is an enemy who is ready to attack you at any time, you have to divide your mind. Be on guard, how can a depressed person express such feelings?
Deore felt that he was about to go berserk. When Shafar appeared, he was full of hope, especially when the latter used the flash technique to avoid Ilsa's attack and approached Leo. Deore was ready to cheer, But now it is always so cruel, Izual came out at the last moment, making Shafar's sneak attack fail.

D'Ory couldn't figure out why there were so many strong men protecting Leo's dharma, and the strong men who were rarely seen in thousands of years really popped up one after another like Chinese cabbage on the roadside.

Is it really impossible to get the Book of the Dead back?
Deorey was not reconciled, but he was not reconciled. The situation in the field made him have to accept the reality. Apart from the Blood God avatar who was fighting with him, Leo was also guarded by Mannoroth and Izual. With a tyrannical existence, Ilsa, the weakest demigod and succubus, is not easy to mess with.

Just one blood god avatar, Douri, can't win, let alone the other three?

Looking at Izual, who was staring at him like a tiger, Deoli was startled by the appearance of this being who was also a light-type creature, but at the same time he was also looking for a way out for himself.

The strength of Leo's side was too strong, seeing that he couldn't win, Deore had to make the next best thing, save his own life first, and bring out the news at the same time.

Keep the green hills there, don't be afraid of running out of firewood, run away first and then gather a group of companions to find the place, this is Deore's plan.

But would Leo let him run?
As early as after Shafar's revenge army appeared, the blood god clone had already asked Leo once. Now, Leo found that D'Oli had no cards to play, and after Naaru had no more power to use in Auchindoun, he still Will it procrastinate?

of course not!
When Deorey was looking for a way out for himself, the force pulling the Book of the Dead increased ten times in less than a second, and the two books that were already about to overlap were pulled by this force for a long time. They are almost overlapping, and the fusion has entered the final moment.

No, I have to go quickly!
Seeing this, Douri knew something was wrong. Once Leo completed the integration of the Book of the Dead, the opponent would be free. At least Izual could take the initiative to attack without guarding Leo.Although he has never seen Leo make a move, the person who can make so many strong men protect him is absolutely impossible to be weak. It is precisely because Douri understands this that he knows that he has to run quickly.

"Want to run?" Before he could turn his thoughts into actions, the blood god's distracted sneer came into Deore's ears, "It's too late!"

After finishing speaking, the blood god avatar transformed into a blood river with a length of [-] meters. Under Deore's shocked eyes, the blood river set off a big wave and involved Naru.Falling into the river, facing the torrential waves of blood, Deou was panic-stricken. Being able to transform his own form at will and use himself as an attack weapon is the realm that Deouli dreamed of. Among them, only Adal can reach this level.

That is to say, the opponent who has wrestled with him for a long time is far superior to him in realm.

After thinking about this, Douri broke out in a cold sweat.

Energy creatures are different from flesh and blood creatures. Once they reach the realm, as long as they have enough energy, they can immediately have the power that matches the realm. Unlike flesh and blood creatures, they are not burdened by their bodies.

The blood god avatar is obviously higher than him, but the power it displays is similar to him, and the blood god avatar does not look like a person who lacks energy. This situation can only show that he has fallen into the opponent's trap.

The reason why the blood god avatar fought with him was not because he couldn't deal with him, but because he had other plans.

Reminiscent of Leo speeding up the integration of the Book of the Dead after the appearance of Shafar's revenge army, D'Oli didn't understand what happened—the other party clearly used this incident to find out about Naaru's truth.

From this, De Oli felt the seriousness of the situation.

The other party clearly came for Naru. This was not an accidental behavior, but a premeditated temptation against Naru. After the temptation, it was often a blow like a storm.

We must take the news out, otherwise we will suffer a lot even with Chief A'dal around.

Deore really wanted to go back to Storm Fortress immediately and tell Adal about someone going against Naru, but the blood river made by the blood god avatar was too powerful. get away.

During the struggle of the naaru, the energy of the entire Draenor world rioted under the influence of unknown forces, and the ruins of Auchindoun were wrapped in a layer of dead energy. Under the corrosion of this layer of dead energy, everything in Auchindoun It's all rotting.

The energy of death invades everything, and the kingdom of the dead is about to come.

(End of this chapter)

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