Chapter 979
bang!bang!bang! ... The earth is trembling!

The ground seemed to be constantly being hit with a heavy hammer, and there was an overwhelmed moan of pain. A huge monster was running at a speed that did not match his image.

The body is made of steel, and the magical lines engraved on the shell of the body with an unknown method give off a dazzling brilliance, giving this steel monster a layer of colorful coat, which looks a bit more mysterious.

The icy steel monster was running in the forest, and the big trees that had existed for hundreds of years were knocked into the air and crushed by him. It wasn't that the big trees were not strong enough, but that the steel monster's body was too hard. too big.

On the top of this humanoid steel monster, a green-haired elf is holding a bow and constantly urging. The Ganger engineer who controls this steel monster is sweating profusely under the urging of the elf's voice, and constantly stimulates his potential , trying to make his movements faster, and increase the operating efficiency of the steel monster to the limit.

Gan'erg engineers, technicians in the Burning Legion, their status is much higher than that of Morg's technicians. After all, the latter is only for them, and both are considered members of the demon race.Of course, since they are technical players, they naturally do not belong to the powerful demons of the main station system. In the sequence of the Burning Legion, they are classified as support personnel.

However, the Ganerge engineers have the bodies of support personnel but have a heart of the master race. In order to make up for their natural shortcomings, they make full use of their technical talents to create powerful war machines one after another. , helped the Burning Legion defeat one enemy after another, abruptly raising his status to the rank of the main station.

The fel cannons erected by the Burning Legion on the Hellfire Peninsula were designed by Ganerg engineers. There are more than one type of fel cannons, because of these powerful and long-range fel cannon clusters, and the demons near the Portal of Darkness There are a large number of armies. In order to prevent the alliance army from falling into a confrontation with the demons prematurely, the leaders of the alliance agreed to Leo's proposal to place the primary location of the army's teleportation in the void storm.

Engineer Gan'erg is considered a member of the Burning Legion anyway, and he is not a weak race among many demon races. Since he is a demon, how can he have a good temper?
An elf yelled at them, but instead of rushing up and tearing the elf apart, they obeyed obediently. This is not unusual.

In fact, the Ganerge engineers were not afraid of the elf, but a tall demon behind the elf.

The elf named Sidis was not scary at all in the eyes of Engineer Gangar, but the demon behind her was different, and it was better to be obedient if it fell into this guy's hands.

At this time, the tall demon ignored Engineer Ganerg because he was in contact with one of his subordinates.

Shaheras, the best among female demons, words like ruthless, cunning and vicious can't be more appropriate for her.This female demon was originally Magtheridon's capable officer, who gave her great power, but Magtheridon didn't know that in the eyes of Shahra, he was a stupid egomaniac.

Because she didn't like this boss very much, Shahraz betrayed Magtheridon at the beginning of Illidan's attack on the Dark Temple. The betrayal allowed Illidan to go straight to Magtheridon's lair. Poor Magtheridon didn't know that Shahraz had betrayed him until the moment he became a prisoner.

When it comes to strength, Shahraz is not too strong, but the scheming of this female demon is unmatched. She always has a way to conquer those mighty demons and make them trust her infinitely. Magtheridon is like this. Now The same is true for Illidan, the master of the Black Temple.

It is precisely because of her keen insight into people's hearts and superb means that Shahraz's power has not been weakened after Illidan captured the Dark Temple. She has once again become the head of the Dark Temple, and she has the power envied by countless people. .

Surprisingly, most of the demons died during Illidan's attack on the Black Temple, but Shahraz and her group of female demons were fine.

Kael'thas once expressed doubts about Shahraz, but Illidan didn't listen to it. It was this incident that aroused Kael'thas' dissatisfaction with Illidan. In addition, for the eternal water bottle, the blood elf prince With Illidan, he was just about to tear his face apart.

In the eyes of Kael'thas, Illidan has strength, but what is inversely proportional to his strength is his overall view. Such a person can only fight alone, and cannot become the commander of an army at all, let alone govern. One country, this can be seen from the fact that after he became the overlord of the Draenor world, he only knew how to use high-pressure methods to provoke rebels everywhere.

What's more, Illidan has a weird temper... It's not accurate to say that he is weird. The word willful is more appropriate than weird.He often does what he thinks of, like a stubborn naughty boy, he won't look back even if his head is broken and bleeding.

Now, this guy is wayward again.

Well, the tall demon Sidis met was Illidan, the overlord of Draenor, and those who hated him called him a traitor.

"Shahraz, don't bother me with trivial matters."

Illidan's tone was very rude, and he was extremely dissatisfied with Shahraz's recent performance.There was a change in Akama, and the Dark Temple needed him to go back to take charge of the overall situation. He couldn't handle such a small matter. It was really disappointing to come to him at the slightest sign of trouble.

Hearing what Illidan said, Shahraz didn't insist anymore. She knew when to end the conversation. Obviously, talking any further would only provoke Illidan's anger. Now is the time to end the conversation with Illidan.

Lowering his eyebrows and turning off the communication magic, the respectful Shahraz in front of Illidan remained unchanged, but it was unknown what was going on in his heart.

Illidan doesn't have much commanding ability at all. It is true that he is much better than Magtheridon's megalomaniac, but after all, he is not someone worth relying on for a long time.

Shahras was thinking about something on her mind. For example, a weak female demon like her wants to survive in a world full of chaos and killings. She is attached to the strong and uses her talents with the support of the strong. Entrusting her with reuse is the only way out.

It is not everyone who chooses the strong will fall into the eyes of Shahras. Shahras like Magtheridon will immediately turn against Illidan who is stronger than him, and now Illidan is not as good as Shahraz agreed, so what would she do?
Shahraz was pacing back and forth in her own residence. The Dark Temple is really in crisis now. The Burning Legion is watching outside, and the Broken ones headed by Akama are surging inside. Illidan is still thinking about it due to internal troubles and external troubles. Wandering around, Shahras tried repeatedly to persuade him to no avail, and finally gave up.

Illidan is self-willed, that is the capital of his willfulness. Even if a crisis comes, Illidan can protect himself with his own super strength, but she Shahraz can't.

Those with strength can ignore it, but those without strength must make plans early. If they wait until the crisis strikes before dealing with it, what awaits the latter will be a miserable end.

"Illidan, you can't blame me, all this is caused by yourself."

Shahraz quickly made a decision, and she had no guilt about betraying Illidan.

Feelings like guilt do not belong to the devil.

Illidan's nickname is the Betrayer. Since he betrays others, he must have the consciousness of being betrayed.

Illidan was unaware of Shahraz's decision. The overlord of the Draenor world, the current owner of the Dark Temple, is not really a competent leader in the strict sense. He has controlled the Dark Temple for so long, and his opponents His control ability is really pitifully low. Thinking about it carefully, he really doesn't have any cronies.

Now Illidan doesn't have the mind to pay attention to the matter of the Dark Temple. How could he not perceive the energy riots in Draenor world? At this time, he is eager to find out.

Standing on top of the human-shaped steel monster together with Sithis, feeling the howling wind, Illidan was very satisfied with the war machine called Doom Walker under his feet. Snatched from the hands of the devil.

The reason why it is said to be a joint effort is because Illidan was not alone in getting the Doomsday Walker. Thetis helped Illidan a lot throughout the operation.

Without Chromaggus' manipulation of time, without the long-range strikes of Akumail and Thetis, even if Illidan could kill all the demons guarding Doomwalker alone, he would not be able to stop Gan'er. Engineer Ge entered the body of this war machine, and once they entered, this war machine could be successfully activated, and the result would become extremely bad.

At least, judging from the speed shown by the doomsday walker, those Ganerg engineers who wanted to escape Illidan might not be able to catch up.

Under the full control of the engineers of Ganerg, the doomsday walker was as fast as a gust of wind. Since he noticed the energy riot in the whole world, he had traveled to the Wilderness of Bone in less than a quarter of an hour. The center of the riot—the ruins of Auchindoun had faintly entered the vision of the two of them.

Looking at Auchinton, who was surrounded by countless space cracks, Sidis became even more anxious. The little girl didn't care how terrible the lethality of the space cracks was, because she saw a familiar figure.As for Illidan, the space crack is very scary in the eyes of others, but it is not a big threat to him.

Only the poor engineer Gangerge looked pale, my God, that is a crack in space, with his strength, he will die.

However, under the urging of Thetis and the threat of Illidan's seemingly indistinct killing intent, the Gangerg engineer could only bite the bullet and drive the doomsday walker over.

Driving the doomsday walker into Auchindoun may not necessarily result in death, as against Illidan's will, he will die immediately.

It's a simple choice.

(End of this chapter)

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