Necromancer in another world

Chapter 980 The Chaotic Auchindoun

Chapter 980 The Chaotic Auchindoun
The confrontation with Moore was at a critical juncture, and Leo had no energy to pay attention to other things, so he naturally didn't notice the Doom Walker approaching in the distance and the figure above his head.

Although it was one-on-three, Leo didn't feel that he had much advantage.

Momoore is stronger than Wind Prince Sunderland, and is close to the level of the four elemental lords. Under normal circumstances, Leo would not fight against such a strong man--knowing that he can't beat him, he rushes to seek abuse. It's not stupid of it?

But this time is different, Leo can feel that Murmoore's strength is limited, and his ability is not fully utilized.

Others may not know what happened to Murmoore, but Leo is different. He knows why Mormoore came to this world-this elemental monster that can destroy a world was summoned to Germany by the guys from the Shadow Council. From the world of Rano.

Originally, the Shadow Council wanted to summon a powerful helper, but who is Moore?
He can even destroy his own world, so how could he listen to the Shadow Council?

The Shadow Council that summoned Moore to this world saw that the situation was not good, and immediately activated backup measures, using the spells prepared long ago to imprison Moremoore, although this imprisonment was only temporary, and Momoore would break out of the confinement at any time Possibly, but its existence still has some effect after all.

No matter how you say it, the Shadow Council is a force that cannot be ignored. How could the spells they deploy to prevent accidents when summoning powerful creatures be simple?
Looking at the current Moore, even if he breaks the ban, as long as the magic circle is not completely destroyed, as long as someone is still in charge of the magic circle, Moore's strength cannot be brought to the extreme.

In order to deal with Mormoore, members of the Shadow Council in the underground labyrinth of the Auchindoun ruins have long put all their energies on hosting the magic circle. They are afraid that this elemental monster full of destructive aura will destroy the world of Draenor , if that happens, they will die without a place to bury them.

For the sake of their own lives, the members of the Shadow Council had to work hard even if they didn't want to, it was just that it was cheaper for Leo.

Because they put all their energy on dealing with Momoore, the people of the Shadow Council didn't know what happened to Auchindoun, and naturally they didn't know that Momoore had encountered a strong enemy. At this time, they were still desperately maintaining the imprisonment Mo Moore's magic circle, put out the strength to weaken Momo Moore's ability.

Moore's strength is limited, and Leo is happy in his heart. In his opinion, this is good. If Moore is too strong, the four unlucky ones may be scared away, and the next scene will not be exciting.

Izual flapped his wings and rushed forward with his sword and hammer. The sword of the Silent Crusader and the power of Menethil drew two half-moon tracks in the sky, one gold and one blue, and struck straight at Murmor. .

Heaven's Sword and Azure Rage!

The first shot is a must-knowledge, and Izual went all out from the beginning.

There is nothing wrong with doing this. In the face of a powerful enemy like Moore, if you take it lightly, you are irresponsible for your own life, and you are looking for death.

Izual's attack kicked off the battle between Leo and Murmor.

The blood god avatar did not fall behind, and at the same time as Yizuer launched an attack, the blood-colored river that the blood god avatar transformed into shot thousands of blood arrows, hitting Moore head-on and face-to-face.

Thousands of blood arrows, if you were a normal human being, you would be so frightened by such an attack that you can't find the north, but who is Moore? The rain of arrows was just a drizzle to him, and even one of his hands might not be able to cover it.

The two avatars shot, and Leo was not idle either. Amidst the sound of sizzling currents, currents as thick as bowl mouths surrounded him, and the fury of thunder was like a lightning dragon with teeth and claws, showing his strength to the world. Prestige.

The rumbling sound of rolling thunder came from the sky, the dazzling lightning flashed, and thousands of thunderbolts fell from the sky, like a torrential downpour hitting Momoore's body. The waves hit Moore's body immediately after, without giving Moore any time to breathe.

It's fine if you don't make a move, but once you make a move, it's like thunder, and you want to inflict the most severe trauma on your opponent in the shortest time.

This is Leo's way of fighting.

Baptized by thunderstorms, has Moore been hit hard?
As an attacker, Leo can say with certainty: no.

Not only was he not seriously injured, but he was not even slightly injured.

Although his strength was limited by the Shadow Council's confinement circle, he could not exert the strongest power, but Murmoore's own defense ability did not decrease in the slightest. Even if Leo used the thunder artifact Thunder Fury, he still couldn't think of hurting him with a single blow.

The scouring of thunder and lightning did not bring harm to Murmoore, but only brought him anger. He was instigating the hurricane, and let the wind element confront the thunder element. The rain hit at the same time.

Leo's two avatars are gods no matter what, but don't make it difficult for false gods to become gods. The false gods are only unstable in realm and still belong to the level of gods in terms of power. How can their attacks be underestimated?
The sword of heaven and the blue fury opened a hole in Murmoore's body, and the rain of blood arrows from the blood god's avatar changed direction instantly like a fly that smelled fishy, ​​and then the wound opened by Izual was nailed into it. Moore inside.

The ability of the blood god avatar comes from the blood god Hakar. The blood of Hakar is extremely corrosive. This corrosiveness comes from the nature of the divine power of Hakar. It is not ordinary toxin and power. This is a corrosive ability belonging to the level of divine power .

Being nailed into the body by the blood arrow of the blood god's avatar, an unspeakable uncomfortable feeling disturbed Moore, and the blood of corrosion was exerting its effect.

Moore is really angry. Although he is an elemental creature and has no concept of injury, since his birth, few people have been able to bring him decent damage.Now, after coming to the world of Draenor, he was first imprisoned by the members of the Shadow Council, and finally broke through the imprisoning magic circle through a mutation, but met Leo, a powerful enemy who could hurt him, Morocco Moore felt terrible, and in order to get revenge, he decided to destroy Draenor, the world that brought him bad memories.

Destroy the world!

Terrible word.

In the original world of Moore, he did it, but in Draenor, can he do it?
The first round of attack only caused Moore to suffer some innocuous minor injuries. Leo's seemingly violent offensive did not cause any damage to the elemental monster that could destroy the world in front of him. Did he miscalculate?
of course not!
The huge momentum and the seemingly ferocious attack are just to cover up the real killing move. Leo, who knows that Momoore is powerful, does not expect that blows like the thunderstorm and the sword of heaven can hurt Momoore.

Just when Moore was angered by the corrosive blood of the Blood God's avatar, Leo was silently calculating something.

"Those four guys should be here too."

With a voice that only he could hear, Leo raised his hand, and a red cloud appeared in the sky above Auchindoun, and this red cloud was just above Moore's head.


Hot flames!
The red cloud sprinkled countless fireballs the size of a millstone, this is the rain of flames that Leo exerted with all his strength.

As if he felt that the rain of flames was not enough lethal, Leo urged the wind artifact on his wrist, the blessing of the wind chaser, to snatch away part of the wind element controlled by Moore, and greeted the fireball with a gust of wind. wind.

With the help of the wind element, the falling fireball sounded immediately, and the entire volume soared by three or four times. From a distance, the top of Momoore's head was red.

Being deprived of the control of a part of the wind element under his own control already made Mo Moore furious, but what is even more stupid is that the opponent used these wind elements to strengthen his attack against him, Momo Moore was even more angry.

What nonsense flames, today I want to let you know that the fire element is nothing in front of Moore in front of me.

Against the rain of flames, Murmoore roared.

Leo laughed, Moore's roar came too timely, this guy must be too cooperative with him.

Just when Murmoore showed his contempt for the fire element, four colors of light appeared in the sky.

A touch of crimson filled the entire sky, and Murmoore's words provoked the nerves of a powerful existence. This powerful existence is the god of the fire element among the four elemental gods in the world of Draenor.

The God of the Fire Element is a firecracker that explodes at one point. Seeing that someone dared to despise the Fire Element so much, he didn't care to check the situation, and immediately ran away.

Leo smiled, his figure disappeared without a trace, and he sneaked away.

Seeing the master sneaking, Ilsa immediately used invisibility to hide herself.

As for the angel avatar and the blood god avatar, they turned into two rays of light, one gold and one red, and entered Leo's body as early as after launching a round of attacks on Murmoore.

The direction of the four elemental gods was exactly in line with Leo and Moore, and Momoore's huge body happened to block Leo, which was also the result of Leo's deliberate arrangement.

When the three elemental gods of wind, earth and water followed the furious god of fire to the sky above the ruins of Auchindoun, what they saw was Nefarian and Aidroman, who joined forces to beat Shafar to death. Des, and Mannoroth, who was fighting fiercely with Anzu, the god of crows.

Finding that Leo's subordinates were fighting, the three elemental gods of Feng Tu Shui hesitated at first, but the grumpy fire elemental god had already handed over Mo Moore, and he didn't realize that Lei Ao felt a huge threat from Mo Moore After a little hesitation, the three elemental gods of Fengtushui joined the battle group, and the four elemental gods of Draenor world began to merge with Momoore.

Flames, raging waves, flying sand, walking stones...

Once the four elemental gods took action, the whole of Auchindoun became chaotic, and the rioting elements filled the entire battlefield with the determination to tear everything up. Even the powerhouses like Mannoroth and Ansu were affected. Had to move the battlefield to a distant place, only Moore remained strong, and did not lose the wind at all in one-to-four one-on-one time.

The arrival of the four elemental gods made Auchindoun more chaotic and dangerous.

(End of this chapter)

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