Necromancer in another world

Chapter 983 Someone is going to be unlucky

Chapter 983 Someone is going to be unlucky

Momoore had one against four, and he suffered a disadvantage in terms of numbers. In addition, his strength could not be fully utilized due to the constraints of the Shadow Council. When he fought against the four elemental gods, he was still able to draw at the beginning. Time dragged on for a long time. It was gradually reversed by the other party. When Leo spoke to Illidan, Moore was already at a disadvantage.

Because he couldn't exert his full strength and was beaten by his opponent with only defensive strength, the depression in Mo Moore's heart drove him crazy.Ever since he came to this world in response to the Shadow Council's call, nothing has gone his way. He hates Draenormomore more and more, and has the urge to destroy it immediately.

Moore was depressed, and the four elemental gods were even more depressed than him.

Who are they?

They are the elemental gods of the world of Draenor. They are the elemental gods born shortly after the appearance of this world. Draenor is their home field. In the world of Draenor, they have the advantage of being able to borrow the power of world rules at any time, They also have the confidence to fight against any strong enemy.

But now, after they came to Auchindoun, an unknown elemental monster single-handedly tied the four of them. The Fire Elemental God is in its prime, but no matter how you say it, playing more and playing less and having home court advantage, but still unable to win the opponent, no matter how you think about it, it is embarrassing.

It was a fight that neither side was happy with.

Because of dissatisfaction, both sides are looking for changes and racking their brains to change the situation of the battle. This is the case for Moore who is on the defensive, and the same is true for the four dominant elemental gods.

But, how easy is it to change the situation?

Moore is very strong, and the four elemental gods are not easy to mess with.

Especially the latter, they are really pressing them, they can borrow the power of the rules of the world of Draenor, because of such a killer trick, even the mighty Burning Legion did not take the initiative to provoke them, even if they Mad Magtheridon didn't say he was going to attack the Throne of Elements either.

If you want to really defeat or even kill the four elemental gods, the best way is to do it after they leave the world of Draenor, but these four guys also know how much weight they have, and their bodies will never leave this world, making them The prying man has never found an opportunity.

There is a saying that goes well, heaven pays off.

The Auchindoun battle that Leo created today is a worthwhile opportunity for some people who have always wanted to get rid of the four elemental gods.

When Leo told Illidan of his plan to obtain the materials for making the Needle of Turbulence from Shaffar, and took Shaffar into his unformed kingdom of God in the latter's dazed expression, Leo There was a gap in the space around him abruptly.

Space crack?

Leo and Illidan were taken aback, especially Leo. His two avatars presided over the separation of Auchindoun from the world of Draenor. The cracks in space seemed to appear irregularly, but in fact they were controlled by Izual. With the hand of the blood god clone, it is impossible for these two people to let the space crack appear in his place.

Could something have gone awry with the stripping of Auchindoun from the world of Draenor?
Leo was in doubt, and a human woman with a slightly stooped figure, a somewhat old face, and a few wrinkles on her forehead stepped out from the crack in space.

Judging from her face, this is an elderly human woman. If it weren't for her pair of eyes that seem to be able to look directly into people's hearts and the mage robe on her body, no one would doubt that she is an ordinary old woman.

However, can an ordinary old woman walk out of the crack in space unscathed?

It is impossible to think with your toes.

Why does this woman look familiar?

Leo looked at the opponent vigilantly. It is not scary for a strong person at Leo's level to tear the space apart, but few people can accurately locate the space when tearing the space. At least Leo can't do it now. If he wants to achieve that step, he must improve his magic attainments.

In other words, the woman in front of her was far more capable in magic than Leo.

Leo was surprised and slightly puzzled by this woman who appeared suddenly, while Illidan was shocked.

Although Illidan couldn't see with his eyes, he could see more clearly than someone with eyes. Besides, how could he forget the aura of this woman?

"You are Aegwynn!"

Illidan's words revealed the woman's identity.

Dharma God Aegwynn!
Leo was no longer surprised or puzzled, he was the same as Illidan - he was shocked.

Knowing the other party's identity, Leo suddenly remembered, didn't he meet Aegwynn through telepathy when he got the crown of the abyss?

No wonder they feel familiar, it turns out that they have met once.

The problem of Aegwynn's identity was solved, but a new problem appeared.

How could Aegwynn, the god of law who had lived in seclusion for many years, come to Draenor?

Leo quickly thought about it. As for the rumors that Aegwynn lost his power, he didn't believe it at all.How could a woman who could make the mighty Tirisfal Council helpless, a woman known as the God of Law, lose her power so easily?
After Aegwynn appeared, he didn't talk to Leo and Illidan immediately. Instead, he carefully checked Auchindon who was being stripped and the four elemental gods who were fighting fiercely with Momoore. Turning his head, he said to Leo: "It's time for my crown to return to its original owner."

The crown that Aegwynn mentioned is none other than the crown of the abyss.

Since Zul'Farrak obtained the Crown of the Abyss, this crown that was used as a necklace by Leo has given him a lot of help. He even saved Leo once in the Lich King's trap, but with Leo's As his strength grew stronger, the effect of the abyss crown on him became less and less. After he advanced to the demigod level and achieved a qualitative leap in his spiritual power, the abyss crown became even more of a decoration.

At this time, Aegwynn came to ask for it, and Leo would not be reluctant.

Besides, this was originally Aegwynn's stuff, and she didn't want to borrow it, but wanted to take it back, which was a matter of course.

Why do you say it is borrowed?

Regardless of the fact that Leo's Abyss Crown was snatched from Zul'Farrak's Water Master, in fact, after getting the Abyss Crown and meeting Aegwynn through telepathy, Leo knew that it looked like a necklace. The Diadem was never lost by Aegwynn.

With the strength of the troll Shui Zhanshi, can he really steal something from the magic god Aegwynn?
Don't be kidding, okay, it will make people laugh out loud.

This crown is obviously a bait thrown out by Aegwynn on purpose. Think about the identity of the troll water magician-she is a member of the Sandfury trolls, and the city of the Sandfury trolls, Zul'Farrak, is located in the tower. Naris, in Tanaris in the Caverns of Time with the Bronze Dragon.

Others don't know about the connection between the Cavern of Time and the Guardian, so doesn't Leo know about it?
Freed from Sargeras' control, Medivh, who was resurrected by Aegwynn, is in the Caverns of Time.

It can be said that the abyss crown has never been out of the guardian's sight. If it weren't for Aegwynn's acquiescence, even if Leo killed the troll water master and obtained the abyss crown, it would be impossible for him to step out of Tanaris Half a step in the sea of ​​sand.

After taking off the crown of the abyss, Leo handed it to Aegwynn, and said solemnly, "Thank you, Lord Aegwynn, for your care."

As Leo said, Aegwynn really took good care of him. Without the Crown of the Abyss, how could Leo have grown so fast.

Of course, Aegwynn's abyssal crown was not in vain lent to Leo. If Leo hadn't grown up at a speed beyond everyone's imagination, the situation of the human race would not have improved, let alone the current strong rise.

Aegwynn reached out to take the crown of the abyss, and her fingers kept swipe on the crown. With the rotation of her fingers, the crown gradually shone.

Sensing a power that was slowly waking up from a deep sleep on the crown, Leo understood that Aegwynn was activating the power contained in the crown, so it seems that the Lord of the Law God finally endured after living in seclusion for many years. I can't help but go out of the mountain.

Is it the right time for Aegwynn to come out at this time?
Leo couldn't help turning his gaze to Auchindon, what he saw was not Murmoore, but the four elemental gods.

Aegwenxuan appeared aboveboard at this time, and his purpose was obvious.

These four guys are going to be unlucky.

Leo smiled. The existence of the four elemental gods has hindered him a lot. If it weren't for these four guys not moving on the throne of the elements, why would Leo use the two powerful helpers of Sinasaraya and Sindragosa? Sent to guard Harlan?

Aegwynn wanted to deal with the four elemental gods, and Leo couldn't wish for it, but he still reminded him: "Master Aegwynn, these four guys are the elemental gods born in the world of Draenor, and it will be very troublesome to deal with them in this world. "

Even though you, Aegwynn, are a god of law, and you once made the feat of killing Sargeras, but now you are someone else's home field, if you want to slaughter the four elemental gods in one fell swoop, are you really sure?
What's more, there are more than four elemental gods in Auchinton now, and Moore is a huge threat that cannot be ignored.

"These four elemental creatures are not easy to deal with in the world of Draenor, so let them disconnect from the world of Draenor. Isn't this what you are doing?"

Aegwynn looked at Leo, with a little smile on his face, how could she not know about Leo's little thought, didn't he just want her to help, and speed up Auchinton's stripping?
For Aegwynn, this matter is not a problem at all.

Leo was right. Aegwynn chose to come out at this time, and his target was the four elemental gods.

Who let these four guys not be the gods of the local plane but want to intervene in the affairs of the world where humans live? The strong dragon is not overpowering the snake. There is a fundamental contradiction between the four elemental gods who support the orcs and the guardians of humans. , if Aegwynn does not deal with them, who will they deal with?

Aegwynn was clearly determined to take the lives of the four elemental gods in Draenor to announce to everyone that she, the god of law, Aegwynn, was back, and there would be no good end to fighting against humans.

(End of this chapter)

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