Necromancer in another world

Chapter 984 Sudden Double

Chapter 984 Sudden Multiplication

Leo, the instigator of what is happening in Auchindoun, is clear, as are the four elemental gods.

As early as Auchindoun entered the range of perception, the four elemental gods knew that someone was stripping the temple of the Draenei bones from the world of Draenor.

How can the four elemental gods who regard Draenor as their own private property not be angry when they see this situation?
This is also one of the reasons why the fire elemental god exploded at once.

As soon as the four elemental gods appeared, they rolled up their sleeves and went shopping with Moore. It was not just that Momoore despised the fire element and made the god of the fire element feel humiliated, but also because they regarded Momoore as a way to strip Auchindoun. the culprit.

During the fight with Momoore, the four elemental gods sensed that Auchindon's stripping had not stopped, but had sped up a lot, but they ignored it.

It's not that the four elemental gods don't care, but that Auchindoun's separation from Draenor world is too slow.

Not to mention that the speed is not taken seriously by the four elemental gods, even if it is ten times faster, they will not be half nervous, because the four elemental gods are sure that they can escape calmly.

Slow speed, this is the biggest flaw.

Leo also didn't expect to use this method to get the four elemental gods out of Draenor. Although it was a temporary event to separate Auchindon from Draenor after obtaining the Book of the Dead, Leo still had a way to deal with them. of.

However, things in the world are so unpredictable.First, Illidan came, and then Aegwynn also ran out. Leo suddenly found that the difficulty of solving the four elemental gods had been reduced by more than a little bit.

Illidan single-handedly is enough to defeat any one of the four elemental gods, and it is when the other party wants to escape.

Aegwynn was even worse. Under her exquisite magic of accurate spatial positioning, escaping for her life had become a luxury.

With the help of these two people, Leo wondered if he could save the killing move he had prepared for later use.

Aegwynn is a man of action, and he does what he says.

In fact, she can't do without acting quickly. Her crown has been fully activated, and the power sealed in the crown has been fully awakened. The power emanating from the crown is so strong that Leo and Illidan standing beside Aegwynn There is a feeling that you are deeply trapped in the energy tide, and you are about to be blown away by the energy.

Look at that poor Ganerge engineer, his bones were crushed by the aftermath of the energy emitted by the magic crown, and he could only lie on the operating table panting for breath, and he didn't know how long he could live.

What is puzzling is that Sidis, who is in the center of the energy tide with Leo and Illidan, was not affected at all. The little girl stared at Aegwynn's hand with bright light as if nothing happened. Perhaps in the eyes of Thetis, the crown in Aegwynn's hand is a good toy.

How could the four elemental gods not sense the energy tide so close at hand?
The four elemental gods were taken aback by this induction.

Not to mention Leo, since he has seen Ilsa, Atromandes and Nefarian, he is already mentally prepared for the appearance of the four elemental gods in Leo.

But who is that conspicuous demon standing beside Leo?
Could it be that I am dazzled, how could it be Illidan?

Illidan and Leo of the Black Temple have teamed up!

The four elemental gods were really frightened at this moment. Leo and Illidan are strong enemies in their eyes. Now these two guys are mixed together, let alone Feng Tu Shui The great elemental gods are injured, even if they are all in their strongest state, they have little chance of winning.

Well, if Leo and Illidan teaming up is not the worst situation, then when seeing the source of the energy tide—Aegwynn who is putting the crown on his head, the four elemental gods really I'm scared to pee.

Aegwynn, the god of magic, the name of the four elemental gods is very popular. Ever since he stretched his hand into the plane of human beings, he has fought many battles with the guardian lineage. Although it was Medivh who confronted them, Medivh How could the four elemental gods behind Aegwynn not understand?

The four elemental gods are quite afraid of this strongest human race since the birth of humans on the native plane.

Seeing Aegwynn appearing outside Auchindoun, it was impossible for the four elemental gods not to be afraid, because they knew that Aegwynn must have prepared for a deadly situation to appear so blatantly.

For today's arrival, the four elemental gods have long expected it.

Ever since Leo and Scarlet led Arathor's soldiers to appear on Hellfire Peninsula, they had thought that such a day would come. The appearance of Aegwynn today proved this point.

Thinking that this is a game, the four elemental gods dare not stay here for too long.

Without Aegwynn, Auchinton's slow peeling speed would not be able to help them, but the reality is that there is no such thing.Aegwynn appeared in Auchindoun, which proves that Auchindoun is a trap set up by humans to kill the four elemental gods. How could humans have no backup?
What's more, the appearance of Illidan made the four elemental gods have more ideas - Illidan was born in the night elf family, and he and humans are both natives of the local plane. Leo, Illidan, and Aegwynn appeared in Auchindoun at the same time. In the killing round, does this mean that humans and night elves joined forces to deal with them, and the night elves also participated in the formation of this killing round?

There is a saying that is good, people scare people, scare people to death, and the same is true when it is used on gods, gods scare gods, scare death.

Before Aegwynn could really do anything, the four elemental gods frightened themselves enough because of various speculations and wild thoughts.

With a faint smile on her face, Aegwynn's gaze was like a sharp sword. Her expression confirmed the conjecture of the four elemental gods that Auchindon's stripping of the world of Draenor and the emergence of such a tyrannical elemental monster as Murmor were not the same. It is not accidental, everything that happens here is a trap set by human beings.

In order to deal with us, human beings are really deliberate, aren't they afraid that the monster will really destroy Draenor?
The hearts of the four elemental gods were full of hatred, feeling that Draenor was not the home of humans, and Aegwynn and the others didn't care at all.

Hate to hate, run or have to run.

Falling into the opponent's trap, knowing that this is a round, if you don't run, why don't you just stand there and wait for someone else's ultimate move to come?

It's just that the elemental gods want to run away, but it's not as easy as they thought. Moore didn't think as much as they did. Even though he felt the arrival of Aegwynn and the existence of the elemental tide, Momoore ignored it.Moore, who has held his breath since he came to the world of Draenor, doesn't care about other things. As soon as the offensive of the four elemental gods weakens, he explodes violently, changing from defense to offense, using wind blades, sonic booms, sonar pulses and other means to cover his head and face. typed out.

Under this wave of offensive by Moore, the elemental gods can't leave even if they want to. If they ignore it, they will definitely hurt Momoore. Once injured, their strength will inevitably weaken. Illidan resist?
Being entangled by Mo Moore, the four elemental gods jumped their feet in anger. If they had mouths, they would have scolded them long ago.

Damn monster, you are looking for someone to find Aegwynn desperately, we are not going to play with you anymore, why are you pestering us?
Murmoore's nonsense was a disaster to the four elemental gods, but it was a great help to Leo and Aegwynn.With Moore entangled with the four elemental gods, Leo and Illidan would not have to fight them head-on, and Aegwynn could also focus all his energy on guiding the crown.

The radiant crown was worn on Aegwynn's head. When Aegwynn's spiritual power entered it, the power awakened in the crown, as if a wanderer who had been away from home for many years found his own home, he jumped up and down at the fastest speed. poured into Aegwynn's body.With the return of these powers, amazing changes took place in Aegwynn.

The slightly old face, the several wrinkles on the forehead, and the hunched body all disappeared, as if a pair of invisible hands cast back time on Aegwynn, making this powerful magic god Rejuvenated, a female mage who appeared to be only twenty in appearance appeared in front of Leo.

This is the true face of Aegwynn, the god of magic. The most powerful mage since the birth of humans on the native plane has finally regained her power.

Now, this woman is about to show her terrifying strength, and the four elemental gods of the world of Draenor are the sacrifices for her to announce her return.

Without saying anything superfluous, Aegwynn, who had regained his power, raised his hands empty-handed, and the elements that rolled up the tide seemed to have found an outlet, and instantly turned to Auchinton.

The four elemental gods discovered that when Aegwynn raised his hand, the speed of Auchindon's stripping accelerated. This time the speedup was not double or double as before, but dozens of times faster.

As soon as the experts make a move, they will know if there is any.

The magic god Aegwynn's shot is really powerful!
Leo secretly said in his heart, he didn't hide his secrets at this time, the blood god avatar and Izual looked down on him with all his strength, and the speed of Auchindon's stripping increased a lot again.

With such two times of increase, Auchindon's speed of stripping Draenor is more than a hundred times faster than before.

The four elemental gods were scared out of their wits, and Aegwynn shot ruthlessly. They were mentally prepared, but what they didn't expect was that Leo was not bad. This kid actually hid most of his strength. Is it a yin person?
Soul pale!
The four elemental gods were angry, angry and anxious. The appearance of Aegwynn and the sudden increase in Auchinton's peeling speed caught them by surprise. The situation at this time was extremely bad for them, and a moment of hesitation could kill them worries.

There is no other way but to use the power of Draenor's rules.

The four elemental gods who were driven to a dead end made a decision in an instant. Although using the power of the world's rules would have to pay an extremely heavy price, they didn't care too much in order to save their lives.

Sensing the opponent's determination, Leo's face became serious, and Illidan also took the double blades of Aixinroth in his hands, and Aegwynn's body was full of magical power.

With Auchinton's stripping speed at this time, they only need to block the counterattack of the four elemental gods for a few seconds. However, facing the desperate attack of the four elemental gods, it is still unknown whether they can survive these few seconds.

At this moment, Leo's heart moved slightly, and Sindragosa and Sinai Salaya contacted him.

(End of this chapter)

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