Chapter 985

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the four elemental gods leaving the elemental throne, Sindragosa and Sinai Salaya sneaked into the lair of the elemental gods that lacked the protection of the top power.

Don't think that there will be no one left after the four elemental gods leave the elemental throne. If that's the case, the four elemental gods are too bad.

Even guys like Gruul know how to gather a group of minions——ogres, if they don't have one, aren't they far behind the one-eyed Grons?

The gods don’t need to do everything by themselves, otherwise they will exhaust themselves sooner or later. Well, even if the gods are powerful and can’t be exhausted, but there are too many trifles, so you can’t leave them. How can you have time to practice?

Strength, this is the foundation of everything.

It is impossible for the four elemental gods to understand this truth, but can these four guys be at ease with other creatures?

of course not!
In the eyes of the four elemental gods, other races, including the orcs who have always believed in them, are alien races, and they are alien races that cannot be entrusted with important tasks. They must be guarded against them.Only elemental beings, and only elements under their complete control, are trustworthy.

It’s not that the four major elemental gods are racist, but that they are the origin of all elements and the real masters of all elements, as the elemental gods of the world of Draenor. Elemental creatures dare not and have no ability to betray them.

Only trust the elemental creatures that are completely under their control. The four elemental gods are right. Especially after the Burning Legion discovered this world, the transfer of orc beliefs strengthened the views of the four elements, and they became more and more convinced of this.

Only trusting elemental creatures, this approach did bring benefits to the four elemental gods, allowing them to avoid the catastrophe launched by the Burning Legion, but everything has advantages and disadvantages, and one thing brings benefits at the same time. Sowed the seeds of disaster.

Today is the time for the elemental gods to pay the price for this.

There is no doubt about the loyalty of elemental creatures to the four elemental gods, but most elemental creatures have a fatal weakness, that is, their intelligence is not high.

IQ sucks!
If it is a creature such as an orc, after knowing that the four elemental gods are out, it will definitely strengthen the vigilance of the elemental throne, and at the very least will protect the important place closely, but the elemental creature is different.

Because the four spirits left in a hurry, and they didn't expect that anyone would dare to invade the elemental throne, they hurried out without giving any orders to the elemental creatures under them, and the elemental creatures who didn't get the order from above were still in a daze. The Throne of Elements roams around, and has no defense against possible foreign invasions.

It is under such circumstances that Sindragosa and Sinasaraya can easily sneak into the hinterland of the Throne of Elements, and then be able to spy on the secrets of the Throne of Elements.

The Elemental Throne is full of aimless, wandering elemental creatures that are the nightmare of many infiltrators.

Because of wandering around, they exist anywhere on the Throne of the Elements, just like any place that can make money can find goblins, no matter how remote or dangerous the place is; Guessing what these elemental creatures want to do next, trying to find out their action rules and formulate a plan to sneak into the elemental throne, is undoubtedly a dream.

Once an infiltrator is discovered, they will have to face countless elemental creatures swarming up, and even face the wrath of the four elemental gods.

But... yes, but!

Once these two words appear, things will turn in a completely different direction.

But if the infiltrator is a powerhouse of the level of Sindragosa and Sinai Salaya, these elemental creatures will not be of much use.

In front of Sindragosa and Sinai Salaya, these elemental creatures left behind did not play a guarding role at all. If they insisted, it would be that their existence slowed down the pace of the two dragon queens a little. The time when the secrets in the Throne of Elements were discovered was moved back by a short period of time.

It doesn't matter if it is moved like this, what matters is that it happened to be at the critical moment of the Battle of Auchindoun, and the secret discovered by Sindragosa and Sinasaraia in the Throne of Elements became the most important thing to stab at the four elemental gods. one knife.

Sindragosa and Sinai Saraya, who sneaked into the Throne of Elements, didn't find anything at first. They just felt that this place really deserved the name of Throne of Elements. The strength of cultivation can also maintain a relatively rapid growth level.

Of course, there is a limit to the growth rate of this kind of strength. After reaching this limit, the elemental creatures will not make half progress without practicing their strength, but they will not regress at all.

How many people are envious of a place where one can reach a certain level of strength without training.

Sindragosa and Sinasaraya, who discovered this, couldn't help being moved. The Throne of Elements is simply a training treasure for legal fighters. If it can be transferred to Leo's Kingdom of God, it can be cultivated in large quantities Spellcasters, it is no longer a dream to form a large army of elemental mages.

Be tempted to be tempted. A place like the Throne of Elements is not something you can get just by thinking. Sinai Saraya and Sindragosa can only press the thoughts in their hearts and continue to go deep inside.

Soon, they discovered the anomaly.

Entering the core area of ​​the Throne of Elements, the two dragon queens felt an inexplicable feeling in their hearts, and the faces of the two women changed.

Sindragosa and Sinai Salaya are well-informed, and other people might not know the origin of this induction, but they are different, almost at the moment when the induction was born in their hearts, they already understood the reason .

The two women looked at each other, and both saw the surprise in each other's eyes. After a brief eye contact, the two women nodded, carefully hid their figures, and sneaked towards the core of the Throne of Elements.

The deeper the feeling goes into the heart, the clearer it is, and the speed of Sinasaraya and Sindragosa is faster. In the end, the two dragon queens can no longer hide their whereabouts, because all the space in front of them has been covered by countless elements. Creatures are sealed.

In order to keep the secret of the Throne of Elements, the four elemental gods gave birth to minds in their subordinates, and sent some intelligent elemental creatures here. These guards are at the core of the Throne of Elements where no one can quietly enter.

Since it is impossible to sneak in silently, then go in openly and aboveboard. Without the four elemental gods sitting in command, the strength of Sinai Saraya and Sindragosa is enough to crush them.

When Sinasaraia and Sindragosa contacted Leo through the telepathy between master and servant, it was just before they decided to make a move.

The core secret of the Throne of Elements is the lifeblood of the four elemental gods. Once Sindragosa and Sinasaraya do something, it will inevitably lead to a crazy counterattack by the four elemental gods. The war between Leo and these four elemental gods will break out immediately , and it's the kind that never dies.

Therefore, before taking action, the two dragon queens must seek Leo's opinion. They don't know about Auchindoun's situation, and they still need Leo to drag the four elemental gods to buy time for them.

If Leo received the news of the two dragon queens before Aegwynn appeared, he would still hesitate, but now that there is Aegwynn, the god of law, standing on the same side as him, and now that he has a strong man like Illidan as foreign aid, he doesn't mind. Add fire to the backyard of the four elemental gods.

The four elemental gods who were being entangled by Moore were shocked at the moment Sindragosa and Hinai Saraya started, and the four elemental gods received a horrifying news at this critical juncture. ——Two powerful invaders broke into the core of the Throne of Elements.

This news frightened the four elemental gods.

The Throne of Elements is their foundation, and the core secrets of the Throne of Elements are even more related to their lives and deaths. How can the four elemental gods not be nervous or afraid?
The longer one lives and has a longer lifespan, the more such a person fears death.

Obviously, the four elemental gods belong to this category.

He was in a crisis, and he hadn't thought of a way to solve it. The backyard caught fire again, and the four elemental gods were so anxious to get angry.

After knowing the appearance of the two intruders from the information fed back from their subordinates, they became even more frustrated.

The black-haired Sinestra and the blue-haired Syndra, the two intruders were clearly Leo's subordinates.

In order to deal with them, human beings not only set up traps in Auchindoun, but also attacked the Throne of Elements at the same time, and the timing of the attack on the Throne of Elements was so deadly.
After deliberating and planning for a long time, all kinds of thoughts emerged from the minds of the four elemental gods.

Humans, so ruthless!
Leo and Aegwynn, cunning!
If the four elemental gods had teeth, no matter how hard the teeth were, they would have been crushed by them at this time.

The hatred for Leo, Aegwynn, and the entire human race drove the four elemental gods almost insane.

Hesitating no longer, we must stop humanity's machinations no matter the cost.

Knowing how dangerous the situation is at this time, the four elemental gods put aside their last concerns and began to borrow the rules of the world of Draenor.

Just as no one is strong enough to lift himself up, no matter how strong you are in the world of Draenor, you cannot fight against the rules of this world, unless you have the individual strength to instantly destroy this world.

The expression on Aegwynn's face became a bit dignified, and Illidan also tensed up. The decisive and desperate heart of the four elemental gods made the tension on the battlefield soar.

As for Leo, this kid dug his ears, and said in the confusion of Aegwynn and Illidan: "Want to go all out? Let's go through the Moore level first."

While Leo was speaking, the huge army of the spider kingdom in the shadow labyrinth underground in Auchindoun burst out from every corner, and the members of the Shadow Council who were desperately maintaining the magic circle to weaken Murmor's strength were captured by these enemies who suddenly appeared Stunned, under the premeditated attack of the crypt demons and spider monsters, only three or five breaths killed most of them.

The number of people is not enough, the magic circle can no longer be maintained, Moore's strength is unblocked!
 I got together with a few friends and got dizzy from drinking. I owe a chapter today and make it up tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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