Chapter 986
Borrowing the power of the rules, using the power of the entire Draenor world to crush the opponent, this is the trump card of the four elemental gods, and it is also their final killing move.

Of course, the power of rules is not so easy to borrow. Even if the four elemental gods were conceived at the beginning of this world and were protected by the entire world of Draenor, they still have to pay an extremely heavy price.

But when life and death are at stake, compared with one's own life, the price paid by borrowing the power of rules is nothing.

For a god with an infinite lifespan, how terrible and terrifying death is!
Resisting the power of a world, sounds very evil and passionate, but it is very difficult to do.Fighting against the world with one person's power, no matter how powerful you are, it will not be easy.

If there is no Momoore in Auchindoun, Leo may join forces with Aegwynn and Illidan to see how strong the power of the world rules after the borrowing of the four elemental gods is, but the reality is that there is no such thing.In Auchindoun, Moore was an elemental monster that had destroyed a world. Leo didn't want to fight with the four elemental gods first, only to be taken advantage of by Momoore in the end.

If the four elemental gods want to do their best, they should go to Moore and do their best.

The members of the Shadow Council in the Shadow Labyrinth were killed by spider monsters and crypt demons. Murmoore, who was fighting fiercely with the four elemental gods, suddenly felt his body loosen, and the power that imprisoned him and prevented him from fully exerting his strength disappeared. Without a trace, Moore was overjoyed.

Raising his head, he roared silently towards the sky to vent the excitement in his heart. Momoore's aura rose sharply with the shattering of the imprisonment circle in the shadow labyrinth.

The four elemental gods who had just cast the secret technique, integrated themselves with the power of the rules of the Draenor world, and completed the trump card were dumbfounded.

Don't wait for such a joke, right?

We have just performed the final ultimate move, full of confidence that we can get rid of the entanglement of this big monster, and break through the blocking of Leo, Aegwynn and Illidan, but the big monster in front of us is stronger and stronger, and its momentum has risen to a level. Let us all be terrified, where did this elemental monster come from? It's not so disgusting.

Moore, whose power was completely unsealed, ignored the thoughts of the four elemental gods. Now he only thinks about one thing, and that is to kill the four disgusting guys in front of him.

I let you guys beat me up!
I put you against me!

Master Moore's strength has recovered, let's see how you die!
Boom boom boom...

Moore, who can exert his full strength, is different. The sonic boom that is powerful enough to smash the bones of ordinary demigod powerhouses is blasted in all directions without his deliberate use, accompanied by sonic booms that can kill demigods What appeared were countless wind blades that easily tore apart the space.

The four elemental gods immediately knelt down.

Why did Mo Moore, a monster that came out of nowhere, keep staring at them?

Well, it's fine if you keep staring at us, why are you still so strong?

We have already borrowed the power of the rules of the world of Draenor. As long as we are in the world of Draenor, our strength at this time is already ten times that of usual. This kind of power is not unmatched, but it is rare in the entire universe Opponent, but why the strength of the monster in front of him has risen even more?
Moore, who has recovered his strength, is too powerful. Even if the four elemental gods borrowed the power of the rules of the world of Draenor, they would not dare to say victory against them.

Originally, he wanted to use the power of the rules to fight out from Auchindoun. Who would have thought that Murmoore was so powerful, and his strength was so terrifying that it made people tremble. Facing such an opponent, although the four elemental gods wanted to escape, they did not want to escape. Dare to act.

Facing an enemy like Moore, exposing his back to him is tantamount to suicide.

The four elemental gods were driven to the shelves at this time. Under the crazy offensive of their opponents, they had to give up their plan to escape and deal with Moore with all their strength.

In fact, although the four elemental gods are forced to fight, they are not all reluctant in their hearts. The indomitable and aggressive Moore has already aroused their hatred. Fighting with Moore is also the four elemental gods In order to vent the resentment in his chest.

We are all elemental creatures, why do you stare at us to fight, why don't you attack Leo, Aegwynn and Illidan outside Auchindoun?

Don't you really think that we are soft persimmons, you can pinch them however you want?
It really drove us into a hurry, and the worst is to fight with you.

"Wow, it was really intense."

The battle in Auchindoun has risen to several levels. The instigator, Leo, rubbed his chin, his face full of optimism.

Illidan sneered, Moore fought against the four elemental gods who borrowed the rules of the world with his own strength, and this demon hunter had a strange look on his face. No one knew what he was thinking in his heart, maybe Illidan was doing it for He was amazed by Mo Moore's strength, or maybe he was thinking about how to get rid of Mo Mo Moore - who made Mo Mo Moore carry a crazy aura of wanting to destroy everything?

The universe is composed of countless worlds. Destroying a world, and destroying a world with life, looks like a heifer standing upside down—a fraudulent practice, but in fact it has violated the will of the universe and will be cast aside by the will of the universe , it showed like Mo Moore, with a destructive aura that couldn't be erased, making other lives subconsciously put him in the hostile camp as soon as they saw him.

The public enemy of the universe is talking about guys like Momore.

Of course, the Burning Legion also falls into this category, but the destruction of the world by the Burning Legion is a collective job, not a single-handed effort like Murmoore.

Aegwynn looked at Leo, with some doubts on his face, and was puzzled by the sudden increase in Momoore's strength, which was a human goddess.

"I rushed to Auchindoun just after the battle of the Netherstorm was over, because I got the news that the warlocks of the Shadow Council summoned a monster capable of destroying the world in the underground labyrinth of Auchindoun. The world of Draenor It is the best frontline battlefield for us to fight against the Burning Legion. In order to prevent this battlefield from being destroyed, I can only investigate it. As for the separation of Auchindoun from the world of Draenor, I can only say that this is an accident. Lu and the draenei will sneak up and make trouble here?"

Leo didn't hide it, and in fact there was no need to hide the information about Momoore. Aegwynn and the guardians she represented were definitely on the same side as Leo in dealing with the alien race, and Leo still counted on her to help him solve the problem. What about Moore?

Aegwynn nodded when she heard the words, she understood that Leo didn't need to lie to her about this kind of thing, she looked at Moore with a faint disgust on her face: "That monster does have the power to destroy the world, and I'm sure He must have done. The same stink of Sargeras on him, repulsor of the universe."


Leo sniffed subconsciously, but he didn't smell anything.

A cosmic loather, referring to a guy who is loathed by the entire universe?
Thoughts turned in his mind, and Leo understood what Aegwynn meant. It wasn't that Murmoore really smelled bad, but that his breath made people subconsciously disgusted.

"That is to say, there are no true gods in the world of Draenor, only these four wastes." Aegwynn's words showed his contempt for the four elemental gods. Leo and Illidan listened quietly, neither of them spoke. Only the little girl Sidis clapped her hands and shouted for joy at the balls of dazzling light that Auchindoun exploded, "If this monster appears in our world, Elune will kill him immediately."

When Aegwynn mentioned the moon god Elune, Leo and Illidan had completely different reactions.

Illidan stopped sneering and fell silent. He didn't know what he thought of, maybe he thought of Tyrande from the moon god Elune.

Leo, on the other hand, put on the appearance of a curious baby, and took the opportunity to ask his own question: "Master Aegwynn, I know very little about gods and spirits, so I wonder if my lord can explain it to me?"

Leo is now a demigod, and a powerful one at that.

The demigod belongs to the preparatory gods, but Leo knows very little about gods, and the guy with Goldfinger is too lazy to die. Leo asked him this guy and he didn't answer at all. Now that he met Aegwynn, he happened to ask for advice.

Hearing Leo's question, Illidan's face twitched, his face was a bit strange.

This guy, Leo, already has two avatars of false gods, but he doesn't even understand the knowledge of gods, which is a bit too strange.

It's no wonder Illidan was surprised. Think about it, which demigod has not reached this point after countless years of cultivation. The long years have given them enough time to understand many things that ordinary people are difficult to touch.

And guys like Alsace relying on the rune magic sword Frostmourne and Leo, a guy with cheating tools, although they can quickly gain demigod-level combat power, because they have too little experience, they know little about it. There is no knowledge reserve that matches the demigod powerhouse.

Although it is time-saving to have a cheating device, it allows you to spend a very little time to stand in a high position, but since it is instant, it must have its flaws, and some things must be accumulated with time.

Illidan's news was blocked, and he didn't know that Leo rose in just three years. He thought that Leo was a strong man who had been hidden by humans for many years, but Aegwynn was different. He had already paid attention to him at that time, and knew that Leo must have a great secret, and this junior of the same family must have strong support behind him.

Although it was strange why Yuleo didn't ask the strong man who secretly supported him, she didn't ask much.

"Since you have opened your mouth, I will naturally answer you. In fact, the knowledge about gods is not a secret at all to those who are qualified to break through the legend of demigod promotion. You are more qualified to know if you are already a demigod. Than Compared to other people, I may know a little more.” Aegwynn changed the topic of conversation, “Leo, you know why only Elune is called the true god in the world we live in, and I, even four Even though the Great Elemental Lord and Deathwing have the strength to kill the gods, can't they break through that step?"

(End of this chapter)

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