Chapter 987 On God
There is only one true god in the entire local plane, and that is Elune, the moon god.

This is common sense in the native world where humans and elves live, a common sense that even savage races know.

Common-sense things are familiar to everyone, and few people will pursue it, and they all take it for granted, but there are so many people who will pursue it.

Leo raised his eyebrows, saying that there is only one true god, Elune, on the native plane, and he was also very surprised by this.

In the local plane, although there are not many people who claim to be gods, there are definitely not many.

However, although there are many gods, no one dares to say that he is a true god like Elune, which is really strange.

Seeing that Leo shook his head, Aegwynn knew that he really didn't know, so he continued: "Gods also have ranks, but the division of gods' ranks is not only based on strength."


Lei Ao became interested. Apart from the hard indicator of strength, are there other soft indicators?
"Like your two avatars, although they have the power of gods, they may fall out of the ranks of gods at any time due to their unstable realm. This is a false god. False gods are not true gods, but mortal gods like me. "

Above the false gods, below the true gods, is the mortal god?

Leo didn't understand, he had never heard of the name of mortal god.

Aegwynn raised his hand, and smoothed the long hair hanging by his ears with long white fingers. This feminine movement gave Leo a different feeling—no matter how strong Aegwynn was, she was always a woman .

"Having the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys of being a mortal, and possessing all the desires of creatures in the mortal world, this is a mortal god, who has not cut off the connection with the mortal world, cannot really look down on the creatures of the mortal world, has emotions but has no realm. Steady spirit."

Leo dragged his chin and began to meditate. According to Aegwynn, she and other god-level powerhouses in the local plane belong to the sequence of mortal gods.

What are all gods?

From Leo's understanding, a mortal god is a powerful creature with power comparable to that of a god but still with a mortal heart.

Regardless of the strength of these creatures, they seem to have surpassed the mortal world, but in fact, they are still creatures of the mortal world in essence.

You can't give up your own desires, you can't completely separate yourself from the mortal world, you still have feelings, you can be happy, angry, sad, painful, and be affected by external objects. This is the mortal world in Leo's understanding. god.

Facts have proved that Leo's understanding is not wrong.When he told Aegwynn how he felt, the latter nodded in agreement.

"If this is the case..." Leo rubbed his chin and said in an uncertain tone, "Your Excellency Aegwynn, is it true that the true god is the kind of existence that has no emotions at all? They only care about the gains and losses, and choose themselves in a complicated situation." What I want most is that my heart is not affected by external objects at all, just like a chess player who uses the mortal world as a chessboard, and the creatures in the mortal world as chess pieces, and they are the chess players?"

He has no feelings, only acts according to the pros and cons, has absolute reason, and maintains absolute coldness. Is this the so-called true god?

Leo rolled his eyes speechlessly, if this is the true god, then he would rather not do it.

He now understands why there are many strong men with god-level combat power, but Elune is the only one who has become a true god.

How many people are willing to kill their own feelings and turn themselves into a mechanical life?
Creatures in the mortal world such as Aegwynn and Leo, they have various ties to the world they were born in, how could they just give up?

Thinking of this, Leo understood.

The division between the gods, mortal gods and true gods is a hurdle, a hurdle that is not based on strength.On this hurdle, many powerful existences have stopped their footsteps. Although their strength may be comparable to that of true gods, or even stronger than many true gods, they are still mortal gods.

Strength, at this time, is no longer the only criterion for class division.

Mentality, only mentality, is where the obstacles to the true gods of all gods advance.

Lei Ao sighed, and said leisurely: "Thinking about it, only when you become a true god can you truly step into the divine way. Treating the creatures in the mortal world and the entire mortal world as existences that can be discarded at any time, this is a god. She Shen Other than that, they are all ants."

"Besides Sheshen, they are all ants!"

Aegwynn and Illidan were stunned. Leo's words were correct. If you want to break through mortal gods and become true gods, you must have that kind of mentality.

But easier said than done, even if they know, how many people can do it?
Counting the entire local plane, even the existence of the four elemental lords and Deathwing, don't they have their own desires?
For the sake of the so-called Shinto, abandoning everything in the past, even killing his own feelings, this kind of God Leo would rather not do it.

There is no joy, anger, sorrow, joy, and only knows how to balance when things happen. This kind of god Lei Ao doesn't like it, and he doesn't want to like it.

"Quack... quack..."

Aegwynn was about to say more when the cry of a crow came from the side, and everyone's attention was attracted.

Anzu, the god of crows, is the only deity worshiped by the crow people in the world of Draenor. At this time, how can this big crow look half like a god?

More than half of the original neat feathers fell off, revealing a bare body, which was no different from a plucked chicken.Of course, if you insist on saying yes, it is that the chicken nugget is many times larger.

In addition to the loss of most of the feathers, the body of the Crow God is also full of scars. Even the hardest bird's beak was missing, and half of the bird's claw was cut off. The injury on the foot caused Ansu to come here Limping, it's funny how you look at it.

Even a phoenix with shedding feathers is not as good as a chicken, let alone a crow?
Behind Ansu, Mannoroth was chasing after him with a cat-and-mouse expression. The bloody double-headed spear danced vigorously, seemingly murderous, but in fact it did not go towards Ansu's vitals.

Mannoroth took great pleasure in abusing a god.

Illidan's complexion became strange. He felt a very familiar aura in Mannoroth, but he didn't think of the identity of the other party for a while.

Aegwynn looked at Mannoroth and said, "Leo, are you sure you can control him? He is Mannoroth the Destroyer."

Mannoroth the Destroyer!
Aegwynn's words reminded Illidan of Mannoroth's identity, and the figure of the abyss lord holding a bloody double-headed spear emerged from his mind.

The strongest in the world of Anellan, the vanguard of the Burning Legion's invasion of the native plane, Mannoroth the Destroyer!
Illidan grasped the double blades of Aixinroth tightly. He had personally experienced the power of Mannoroth. He couldn't help being nervous when such a powerful enemy suddenly appeared.

What surprised Illidan was that Leo and Aegwynn were not nervous about Mannoroth's appearance, even the little girl Thetis was the same.

Well, with the latter's always thick and dull nerves, it's really rare for her to be afraid of things.

"It's okay." Leo shrugged, and said under Aegwynn's slightly worried eyes, "If he falls into my hands, can he turn the world upside down?"

Hearing what Leo said so confidently, Aegwynn felt a little less worried, but she didn't completely relax because of this. Mannoroth is too powerful. Once Leo can't control it, the harm caused It makes people shudder.

"Mannoroth, stop playing."

Mannoroth's identity was revealed by Aegwynn, Leo simply did not hide his identity, and the next battle might require this saboteur to do his best.

Hearing Leo's words, Mannoroth withdrew his joking expression, and replied respectfully: "Follow your will, great master."

Mannoroth the Destroyer actually bowed his head to a human!

Illidan felt like falling into a dream. What happened in front of him really made him feel unbelievable. Now he understood why Aegwynn was not nervous about the appearance of Mannoroth. It turned out that Leo was so extraordinary.

When did such a character appear among human beings?
Illidan fell into deep thought. No wonder Elune, the moon god, gave Sidis the same favor in addition to Tyrande. Even her former pet, Akumail, signed a contract with Sidis. It must be to check and balance humans.

There is a Leo who can make Mannoroth bow his head. If the strength of the night elves does not increase, how can they keep their transcendent status?
Thinking about it this way, the situation facing the night elves is even more severe than they imagined. In addition to the unrest within the family, external threats such as the Burning Legion and Scourge, challenges from their own allies must also be added.No wonder Tyrande sent Thetis to the world of Draenor, no wonder Tyrande sent Thetis to find him, that was the reason.

Illidan frowned unknowingly. Although Tyrande didn't give him a clear message, but who is Illidan, how could he not guess what Tyrande meant? The night elves contributed.

No, it's not like that.

Illidan, who was thinking, quickly denied his previous thoughts.

If Tyrande wants to strengthen the strength of the night elves, he may not necessarily need his help.

Could it be that Tyrande came here for Maiev Shadowsong?

Illidan hesitated, the watcher Maiev Shadowsong, he had a headache when he thought of that powerful but stubborn woman.

Even though he was very tired of this woman who kept shouting at him, Illidan did not kill her after he caught Maiev, but locked Maiev up.

Restricting Maiev's personal freedom did not kill her. To deal with such a woman who insisted on locking herself up or even killing her, I have to say that Illidan has a bit of a woman's kindness, but this is exactly what he did in a certain place. The loveliness in these eyes.

Although he hesitated to release Maiev Shadowsong, Illidan had to admit that releasing this crazy woman would be of great help to the current situation of the night elves.Maiev is a strong person in her own right, and her younger brother Garros is even more powerful. After all, the latter was the commander in the first fight against the invasion of the Burning Legion. If he helps Tyrande, a Fandral would really Can't get too big waves.

(End of this chapter)

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