Necromancer in another world

Chapter 988 Devouring Ansu

Chapter 988 Devouring Ansu
Ansu was no match for Mannoroth, and the Destroyer who had recovered his full strength was not something he could match even with a playful attitude. After a fierce battle, Ansu was defeated without any surprise.

Originally, according to Mannoroth's meaning, he wanted to play with Ansu for a while, and to have fun by ravaging his opponent before hunting. This is the power only a hunter has, but Leo issued an order, and Mannoroth naturally did not dare to neglect.

If it is said that Mannoroth obeyed Leo's orders reluctantly when he was resurrected by Leo, just to prevent Leo from obliterating his sanity and becoming a puppet without self-awareness, then now, following Leo It's been a long time now, and the saboteur's fancy thoughts have long been put away.

My own master, not to mention that there must be an existence behind him who is so powerful that people can only look up to, only mentions that he himself has the ability to make people surrender.

Mannoroth can swear that he has never seen a person whose strength grows so rapidly, and has never seen such a promising person. Even Sargeras Mannoroth thinks that he is not as good as Leo, although Leo's current The strength is far from the opponent of Sargeras, if Sargeras really comes, Leo may not be able to beat him by one hand.

However, Sargeras does not have a kingdom of God.

Kingdom of God?

That's right, it is the Kingdom of God.

This is the reason why Mannoroth completely surrendered to Leo, because the Kingdom of God is so important-whether there is a Kingdom of God, this is the criterion for determining whether a strong person can enter the list of the most powerful in the universe.

Sargeras does not have a kingdom of gods, so among the Titans, he is only a bronze titan. Even though Sargeras is the most powerful warrior in the pantheon, his rank can only be a bronze titan.The powerful strength of Sargeras has been accumulated over a long and long period of time, and his talent is only considered moderate among the entire Titan clan. Although it looks terrifying to outsiders, it is really inferior to the God King and God Queen of Titans. Be caught in the eye.

Others may not know the real reason why Sargeras was willing to fall, but Mannoroth, one of the three giants of the Burning Legion, vaguely understood that Sargeras had exhausted his potential precisely because he had no power. With no possibility of progress, he was unwilling to stop here for the rest of his life, so he suddenly made up his mind and resolutely embarked on another path.

Perhaps there are other reasons why Sargeras became the Dark Titan, but it is undeniable that he is the one who ultimately makes the decision.

There is a saying that people go to high places and water flows to low places.Seeing that the potential of his new master is far beyond that of Sargeras, Mannoroth is naturally willing to be used by Leo.

Back then, Sargeras relied on power to subdue Mannoroth and others, and the power that made Mannoroth and other demons fearful would not last long after all. What happened to Mannoroth at this time is a clear proof.

Mannoroth, who no longer played with Ansu, danced with bloody spear shadows. Ansu, who was running for his life, noticed the strong wind behind him, and was terrified and ran wildly.However, Mannoroth's spear pierced too fast, Ansu injured another leg, and his speed was not as good as before. After only two or three steps, he felt a sharp pain in his body, and then his strength quickly lost, and he ran again. After three or five steps, he was unable to run anymore, and could only collapse on the ground unwillingly.

Ansu, the god of crows, fell to the ground like a dead dog. Fortunately, there were no crow people nearby. Otherwise, it would be hard to say whether Ansu, the unlucky guy, would have any believers.

Mannoroth stepped forward and kicked Ansu twice. The poor Crow God was powerless to resist, and could only cry out in pain.

Poor Ansu, you shouldn't have responded to the call of Aegis and Seth, and came to the world of Draenor at this juncture. Isn't this courting death?

Leo curled his lips, rubbed his index finger and middle finger, and snapped his fingers with a snap.

The five storm crows flapped their wings and flew towards Ansu. If you observe carefully, you can find that there is an emotion in the eyes of the storm crows, which is excitement mixed with excitement and greed.


What's there to get excited about when Stormcrow sees Anzu, the crow god, slumped to the ground like a dead dog?

Ansu, who was collapsed on the ground, saw the five storm crows rushing towards him, and immediately struggled. He looked as if he wanted to fight, even though Mannoroth kicked him a few times, and even used Bloody The double-headed spear gave him several ruthless blows, but Ansu didn't stop.

The intensity of the reaction was far beyond everyone's expectations.

If the resistance is not fierce, it won't work. Leo released the five storm crows. Others don't understand what they are for. Can Ansu not know?
Look at the eyes of those five storm crows, they don't look at Anzu to see a crow god, but food.In the eyes of the Storm Crow, the seriously injured Anzu is no longer the powerful crow god, but a delicious feast, and the Storm Crow himself is the feast of this feast.

Anzu became the feast of the storm crow?
That's right, that's what Leo planned.

Ansu is the god of crows. Of course, this is what the crow people call him. In fact, he is a big crow, but this big crow has become a god.

Leo unleashed the storm crows and all they had to do was eat Anzu, the god-turned crow.

With Mannoroth around, all Ansu's struggles and resistance were stifled. The Crow God could only watch helplessly as the storm crow pounced on him and divided himself up with its sharp claws and beak. The only thing he could do was to It can only be the whine before death.


Aegwynn watched the storm crow tear Ansu's body, and it was very difficult to eat Ansu bit by bit. The human goddess was a little puzzled at first, but after discovering the momentum of the storm crow After gradually rising as she devoured Ansu's body, she understood that Leo clearly used Ansu, the crow god, as a tonic for the storm crows, and let the storm crows devour Ansu to improve their strength.

Knowing this, Aegwynn was no longer confused, and then, she seemed to think of something, and looked at Leo with a smile.

Leo, who was stared at by Aegwynn uncomfortablely, felt very strange. He didn't understand why Aegwynn looked at him like this, but when he saw a storm crow in Anzu's head, a bullet emitting a spirit When the crystal of light was pulled out, he knew exactly what Aegwynn meant.

The crystal emitting divine light is Ansu's divine crystal, and Ansu's body can be eaten, but the divine crystal cannot.What Aegwynn wanted to know was how Leo would deal with it.

This is really embarrassing for me.

Scratching his face, Leo was embarrassed.

The aptitudes of the five storm crows are exactly the same, so there is no surprise at all. He can't favor one over another, can he?

Damn it, Aegwynn obviously wants to see my joke.

Leo was really stumped, but this problem didn't exist for long. The storm crow that dug out the god crystal didn't hesitate, and swallowed the god crystal in one gulp before his companions came to fight for it.

It would be bad to swallow it.

Ansu's divine soul is still hiding in the divine crystal. Although his body was seriously injured by Mannoroth and unable to resist the devouring of the storm crow, he does not have a soul.With the ability of the Storm Crow, how can it suppress the counterattack of Ansu's soul?

Seeing the body of the Storm Crow trembling in pain, Leo said inwardly, the Storm Crow could not resist Ansu's counterattack, and it would not be long before he would be controlled by Ansu.


Leo cursed bitterly, it was too late to take back the Stormcrow at this time, and there was only one way out.

The other four storm crows were watching in panic, and suddenly received an order from Leo. They didn't even think about it, and immediately rushed over to the companion who had swallowed the crystal.

Could it be that Leo wanted to kill the storm crow that swallowed the crystal?
of course not!

A strange scene happened. The four storm crows that rushed over did not collide with their companions, but melted into them as if they had no entity.

Aegwynn nodded approvingly, she already knew what method Leo would use to deal with Ansu.

One Stormcrow can't beat Anzu, so what about five Stormcrows?

With Ansu's body seriously injured, Leo did not believe that his spirit would still be intact. The five storm crows did have the ability to defeat Ansu together.

It may not be possible to change other pets. After all, no individual will be different, but the storm crow is different. They are completely the same in both body and soul. Not to mention a demigod warlock like Leo, even an epic warlock can do it without any pressure.

Ansu originally wanted to snatch the body of a storm crow in order to escape. This plan was really smooth when it was first implemented, but he didn't know what method the opponent used. The soul suddenly grew several times, and Ansu was caught off guard. The opponent's surprise attack succeeded, and the advantage they had originally had disappeared in an instant.

A protracted battle would undoubtedly be a catastrophe for Ansu. With Leo as backup, how could Ansu be able to fight against the Storm Crow? His failure was only a matter of time.

Illidan's body moved, but at this time Aegwynn moved his footsteps intentionally or unintentionally, and stood together with Leo. The former stopped after thinking for a while.

This human named Leo let his pet devour the big crow, and the human strength has improved again.

Illidan sighed inwardly. Although humans are the allies of the night elves, they are also powerful challengers to the night elves' transcendent status. Their increased strength has both advantages and disadvantages for the night elves. He really wasn't sure.

Leo glanced at Illidan lightly. He knew that the demon hunter had made up his mind. If it wasn't for Aegwynn's presence, Illidan might have clashed with him.

Cooperating with this demon hunter is finally not as reassuring as watching Kael'thas. He has to be on guard at all times, and only Tyrande can help him wholeheartedly.

The atmosphere unknowingly became awkward. Fortunately, the three involved had experienced wind and rain, so they didn't take it seriously.

"Hee hee, it's so pretty!"

Just when the three of them were silent, a burst of laughter came, and Sidis, a nervous little girl, excitedly looked at Auchinton, who was bursting out with brilliant lights.

The little girl's voice broke the dullness, and made Leo and the others turn their attention to Auchinton again.

(End of this chapter)

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