Necromancer in another world

Chapter 989 Elemental Throne

Chapter 989 Elemental Throne
In Sidious's eyes, the current Auchindoun is a huge firework maker, where the elements of the four elements collide continuously, blasting out balls of dazzling light, turning the entire Auchindoun into a colorful ball of light.

But in the eyes of those who know the goods, Auchindoun is an extremely dangerous place.

The dazzling light balls that exploded, the more and more dense space cracks, are all fatal things, not to mention getting close to them, even looking at them from a distance requires great courage.

The four elemental gods in Auchindoun were about to go crazy. After borrowing the power of the rules, they had no choice but to obtain Moore, which was beyond their expectations.

With four against one, and even showing the last hole card, how could it be tolerated that he couldn't defeat a monster that came out of nowhere?

Worse, they are running out of time.

The reason why the four elemental gods are in a hurry is because the elemental throne has been attacked. Sindragosa and Sinai Saraya are killing at the core of the lair of the four elemental gods. Groups of elemental creatures fell on the two Under the magic of the Dragon Queen, these elemental creatures that had finally produced wisdom were all restored to the most original elements in the world under the hands of Sindragosa and Sinai Salaya.

After thousands of years, he finally had his own wisdom, but it fell into the hands of the invaders in the end.


Getting closer!
The eyes of Sindragosa and Sinasaraya shone with excitement. The desperate blocking of elemental creatures delayed their footsteps, but they could not stop them from approaching the core of the elemental throne. As the feeling in their hearts became stronger, The two dragon queens knew that the target was close at hand.

The two dragon queens could sense it, so how could the four elemental gods who have been paying attention to the situation in their lair not know?

So what if they just know, can they get rid of Moore's entanglement?

Even if they can get rid of Mormoore, can they leave Auchindoun with Leo, Illidan and Aegwynn blocking it?

Even if they can return to the Throne of the Elements, can they survive the pursuit of the three of Aegwynn?

The only thing waiting for the four elemental gods is their demise. Since Aegwynn showed up at this time, he is [-]% sure to get rid of them.

The four elemental gods are really sad now. Even if they want to find Lei Ao and the three of them, they can't get rid of the entanglement of Moore.
Suddenly, the four elemental gods roared in despair. It turned out that just as they were burning with anxiety, Sindragosa and Sinasaraya wiped out all the guards in the Throne of Elements, and the secrets of the Throne of Elements were gone. The defense was exposed in front of their eyes.

At the core of the Throne of Elements, the four-color beams of light representing the four series of elements are entangled and entangled. Cyan wind, blue water, yellow soil, and red fire, the four beams of light hover around, at the core of the Throne of Elements Constructed a four-color throne.

These four-color thrones are the real elemental thrones, and they are also the lifeblood of the four elemental gods.

Leo, who got the news from the two dragon queens, murmured in his heart: "The throne is constructed from the most original and purest four-element elements in the world of Draenor. Could this be the origin of the elemental throne?"

"Master, do you want to destroy it?"

What Hinai Saraya said refers to the elemental throne in front of him. This is the root of the four elemental gods and the source of their souls. Once the elemental throne is destroyed, they will no longer be gods, but four Powerful elements are nothing more than powerful elements, but once they fall from the rank of gods, with the qualifications of the four major elemental gods, unless there is a great opportunity, there is no hope of advancing to the rank of gods.

If the elemental throne is destroyed, the four elemental gods will cease to exist.

This is what makes the four elemental gods feel hopeless.

"Destroy the Throne of Elements?" Leo stopped Sinasaraya and Sindragosa, "No, no, no! I'm not going to do that, it's too wasteful."

Although destroying the elemental throne can knock down the four major elemental gods immediately, making them no longer have divine power, and can no longer threaten the world where human beings live, Leo does not intend to do so.

The Elemental Throne composed of four series of elements contains the most original and purest elemental energy in a world. This elemental energy is different from ordinary elemental energy because they can breed elemental creatures, and what they breed are elemental creatures that can produce their own wisdom. , ordinary elements cannot do this.

Let me ask, how could Leo be willing to destroy such a good thing?

"Lord Aegwynn, I need your help with something."

Leo turned to Aegwynn and told him what he had found in the Throne of Elements and his plan with mental fluctuations.

Aegwynn gave him a surprised look. No wonder the four elemental gods were desperate. It turned out that Leo sent people to take away their lair and find their soul source.

Aegwynn knew a lot about Leo's boldness and the strength of his subordinates, and she was not surprised that this kid would do such a thing. The only thing that made Aegwynn doubt was whether Leo was really capable of doing it.

Seemingly seeing Aegwynn's question, Leo hurriedly said: "Lord Aegwynn, you can rest assured and wait for the good show."

Hearing what Leo said, Aegwynn could only let go of her doubts. She stretched out her left hand, swiped her white fingers, and a miniature magic circle formed between her fingers.

Inside the door to see the door, the layman to watch the fun.

Seeing this scene, Leo was greatly admired.

It is not difficult for a powerhouse of his level to make different movements with five fingers, but the difficulty is that the trajectories of the five fingers must be completely connected, and the magic power output from the fingers must also be just right. It won't work if it's one point, and it won't work if it's too late. If it's too much, it will collapse, and if it's missing, it won't be in shape.

Although Aegwynn completed this action in just one or two seconds, it seems very simple. In fact, there are only a handful of people in this world who can complete it, and more than [-]% of mages can't achieve it in their entire lives. such a height.

Leo felt that he couldn't do it now. Aegwynn was worthy of the name of the god of magic, and his attainments in magic were hard to come by.

Aegwynn's move was not only secretly praised by Leo, but Illidan was also moved by it, only the little girl Thetis completely ignored it.

At the moment when Aegwynn's miniature array was completed, a two-meter-long and one-meter-wide space crack appeared, and Leo's blood god avatar turned into a bloody light and entered it without waiting for orders.

Where does the space crack cast by Aegwynn lead to?

No need to ask, it is naturally the way to the Throne of Elements.

With Sinasaraia and Sindragosa serving as the waypoints, and Aegwynn's amazing magical attainments, the blood god avatar appeared directly beside the two dragon queens.

Seeing the Blood God avatar coming, Sindragosa and Sinai Salaya bowed together and said, "Master."

The blood god avatar looked at the elemental throne emitting four colors of brilliance, and waved to the two dragon queens at the same time, signaling Sindragosa and Sinasaraya to protect him.

Leo let the blood god avatar such a big help to leave Auchindoun and come to the Throne of Elements, what exactly does he want to do?
The answer was revealed at the moment when the blood god avatar acted.

After observing the Throne of Elements for a long time, the blood god avatar finally found a place to attack, and a blood river with surging waves covered the Throne of Elements, engulfing it entirely.

Could it be that Leo wanted the Blood God clone to devour the Elemental Throne?
of course not!

Blood River didn't swallow the Elemental Throne in the slightest. In fact, Leo didn't have that idea at all.

In the tumbling blood waves, a vortex with endless suction appeared in the blood river, and in the very center of this vortex was the Throne of Elements.

With the formation of the bloody vortex, the Throne of Elements slowly trembled under the suction force. At first, it was a very slight tremor that was completely imperceptible, and then the magnitude of the tremor gradually increased. In the end, the entire Throne of Elements vibrated violently Get up until displacement occurs.

The position of the elemental throne moved, and its direction was the other end of the center of the bloody vortex, a strange dark world, this world was Leo's unformed kingdom of God.

Transferring the throne built from the most original and purest elemental energy in Draenor to his own kingdom of God, making it the source of the birth of elemental creatures in the world of Draenor become the source of elements for his own kingdom of God. This is Leo plan.

The four elements of earth, wind, water, and fire just correspond to the four most basic elements of building a world. Leo wants to make his kingdom of God truly take shape, and the four elements are essential.

Originally, Leo thought that he would have to get together the sources of the four series of elements. He didn't know how long it would take. Maybe he had to turn to Goldfinger. Who would have thought that someone would send a pillow when he fell asleep. After a lot of work, it saved an unknown amount of time for the formation of the Kingdom of God.

Great gift, the four elemental gods gave such a great gift, and Leo accepted it with a blunt smile.

If the four elemental gods knew what Leo was thinking at this time, they would be so angry that one Buddha was born and the other two ascended to heaven.

Is the Throne of the Elements a gift for Leo?

That was clearly stolen by Leo Lian, okay?

If you get a cheap price and still act good, Leo is afraid that he won't be angry or something?

The four elemental gods are really driven to a desperate situation at this time, how can they not know what happened inside the Throne of Elements?

Leo didn't destroy the real body of the Throne of Elements, he should have been happy, but the four elemental gods couldn't laugh, because Leo did something worse than destroying the Throne of Elements' real body, he wanted to collect the Throne of Elements' body , how can this work?
Once the body of the Elemental Throne is taken away by Leo, and he has a way to control the Elemental Throne, wouldn't the fate of the four elemental gods be in Leo's hands? have to die.

There is nothing more terrible than this for the gods who look down on humans, and they would rather die than become a mortal servant.

"You want to turn us into your slaves, human beings, don't even think about it!"

The most irritable-tempered fire elemental god let out a desperate cry, and then, the elemental god instantly aroused the source of divine power in his body.

Auchindoun seemed to have been dropped a high-yield nuclear bomb, and a mushroom cloud rose.

The God of Fire Elements!burst!up!

(End of this chapter)

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