Necromancer in another world

Chapter 991 Kingdom Of The Dead

Chapter 991 Kingdom Of The Dead

The dragon trapped in the shoal was teased by shrimps, and the tiger fell in Pingyang and was bullied by dogs.

In this regard, Moore now has a deep understanding.

Fatally injured by the self-detonation of the four elemental gods, Murmoore's strength is less than one percent of his heyday. Under the siege of Mannoroth, Nefarian, Atromandes and Ilsa, he He was subdued if he couldn't make an effective resistance at all.

If I am in my prime, how can these guys defeat me?

Moore was very dissatisfied, he was aggrieved by the defeat, but the reality is that there is no such thing, at this moment he is a prisoner of the first order, life and death cannot be decided by him.

As a loser, Momoore didn't have any sense of consciousness, and he was struggling needlessly with only his strength remaining from his unswerving agitation.

Leo curled his lips. He already knew that it would not be easy to subdue Momoore, especially since he did not defeat him openly, but took advantage of him while he was injured. It would be really strange if he was convinced.

Moore is not convinced, Leo has no time to train him now, anyway, there will be plenty of time in the future.

Entering the ruins of Auchindoun, which was forcibly stripped from the world of Draenor by Leo, Aegwynn and Illidan couldn't help but frown. The favorite of two big living people.

Thetis pursed her lips, with a listless look on her face. It seemed that the little girl didn't like this place very much either. If it wasn't for following Leo and Illidan, she wouldn't have come in at all.

"Leo, what are you going to use this place for?"

Aegwynn looked at Leo, the death in the ruins of Auchindoun was so thick that it made her think of a person involuntarily - Arthas who was controlled by Frostmourne.

Not only Aegwynn had such thoughts, but Illidan did too. The demon hunter folded his hands on his chest with a sneer on his face. It seemed that if Leo didn't give a reasonable explanation, he might turn his back on him at any time.

It's no wonder Illidan is like this, it's really that the Lich King's Scourge Legion is too angry and resentful. Among the night elves, humans and other races, everyone has already shouted and beat them.

Aegwynn's attitude was better. After all, Leo was her favorite junior, and Illidan was more straightforward. Leo sighed inwardly. That's why he didn't dare to expose the necromancer's ability too much before.

The power of death is inherently frightening, and people hate death because they are afraid of death. In the eyes of most people, people who use this power are inherently evil. Coupled with the existence of the Scourge, the power of death has become the power of all living beings. public enemy.

What is it that you want me to be restrained even though it was the Lich King who made the mess?
In this regard, Leo has been very depressed.

Fortunately, after today, there will no longer be a situation where there is an army of undead but cannot be used. Of course, the premise is that a reasonable explanation can be given.

Since Leo dared to invite Aegwynn and Illidan to Auchindoun, how could he not be ready to speak?

I saw him pointing around, and said to Aegwynn and Illidan: "Master Aegwynn is very puzzled by the death here? In fact, that is unnecessary, and it should be like this in my plan."

It was Leo's plan to create a place that was so lifeless that it needed to become real?
Aegwynn and Illidan were even more puzzled, they did not speak, they were waiting for Leo to continue.

"Two, dare to ask if you think the world we live in and Draenor are really complete?"

Leo didn't continue to explain but asked a seemingly irrelevant question. Aegwynn and Illidan were moved, they knew that this question had a great relationship with what Leo was going to say next.

Leo didn't care about getting no answer from Aegwynn and Illidan. He smiled and continued: "No matter how you look at it, at least in my opinion, no matter the world we live in or the broken Draenor It’s not complete. Indeed, these two worlds have all the necessary conditions for the reproduction of living beings, but what about the dead?”

"What do you mean by that?"

Hearing what Leo said, Illidan couldn't bear it anymore. Isn't it complete that a world has all kinds of conditions for the living creatures to multiply and grow? What dead people need to be taken into account?Does this kid want to open his eyes for the natural disaster of the undead? If so, there is nothing to talk about.

"Don't get me wrong." Leo waved his hand, signaling Illidan to stay calm, "Even as powerful as a god, there will be a day of fall. Life and death are the invariable laws of the operation of all things. As a living person, I also hate death. , but we can't ignore it because we hate it, so sooner or later there will be big problems. I think the reason why the Scourge can sweep the whole world at an alarming speed and bring such a catastrophe is not because of the fact that the Lich King Qiang, it’s not that I underestimate Ner’zhul, but with his little ability, if Archimonde and the Burning Legion hadn’t involved the top power of the local plane, he would have been crushed to death early on, how could he still make such a big wave?”

Don't look at Ner'zhul being so mysterious from outside, in fact, Leo really didn't have to look at Ner'zhul right now.Ner'zhul is a warlock, a warlock who is proficient in soul magic, and Kil'jaeden took out his soul and sealed it in the Frozen Throne across countless worlds. This guy's strength is just that in Leo's eyes .

At least, after seeing Kil'jaeden's sneak attack on A'dal, Leo asked himself that Kil'jaeden would never succeed in Ner'zhul's place.

Aegwynn pondered for a moment, she seemed to understand what Leo meant.

"Leo, you mean that the world we live in only takes care of the living and the dead, but the dead who can't rest in peace have accumulated countless resentments. Resentment erupted through this fuse? The reason why the Scourge is so difficult to contain is not that the Scourge is really strong to that extent, but that the dead who cannot rest in peace are retaliating. It is this invisible force that makes the Scourge The Legion continues to be successful?"

That's what it says, but is it really the case?
Aegwynn lowered his head and pondered. Leo's words seemed reasonable, but the thought of taking care of the dead had never appeared before.

Seeing that Aegwynn had some comprehension, Leo felt a little relieved, as long as he could listen to it, the most feared thing was that Aegwynn and Illidan couldn't listen to his words at all, and that would be troublesome.

The theory of luck is illusory, and even Leo himself doesn't believe it, but now he wants others to believe it. It is impossible to say that there is no pressure.

"Where there is life, there is death, but death does not mean the end of this creature's life trajectory, because life and death are a continuous cycle." Leo asked another question, "Lord Aegwynn, Illidan Your Excellency, we all know that the dead come from the living, so what about the living?"

After losing life, the living dies and becomes the dead. This is common sense that even a three-year-old child understands, but what about the living?Where do the living come from?

It is complicated to explain this question clearly. Even the most knowledgeable people in the native plane cannot answer the question of the origin of life.

Seeing that Illidan and Aegwynn were silent, Leo smiled, with a hint of complacency in his smile.

In this world with ghosts, resentful souls and other supernatural species, many things cannot be measured and explained with the eyes before time travel.As the saying goes, do as the Romans do, if you want to explain it clearly so that people in this world can accept it, you have to explain it from the perspective of this world.

"As I said before, life and death are the most basic laws of all things in the universe. Where there is life, there is death, and where there is death, there is life. The dead come from the living, but the living are also transformed from the dead." Leo said He raised his eyebrows, and told Illidan and Aegwynn who looked up at him suddenly, "Do you know what the law I comprehended when I advanced to the demigod level? It is the law of death! For death, there is no People know better than me, no one knows better than me."

"Why should I make Auchindoun like this? Why should I turn it into an independent world full of death? Because I want to use it to establish the kingdom of the dead! I want to make it a link between life and death." link!"

Leo didn't wait for Aegwynn and Illidan to digest the shock he had brought to them, and continued: "Do you know why the power of the rules of the Draenor world has clearly descended on Auchindoun but did not prevent it from separating? Because the Draenor world I will understand that it is not a bad thing for Auchindoun to become the kingdom of the dead, not only is it not a bad thing, but it is also a great thing for it."

These words can be described as earth-shattering.

What kind of law Leo comprehended when he was promoted to a demigod is unknown to anyone except himself. There are many speculations from the outside world. Countless pairs of eyes are staring at Leo, trying to see clues from his actions. However, Leo hid it so deeply that no one could see it, even Aegwynn.

Now that Leo had spoken out on his own initiative, Aegwynn was startled for a moment, then overjoyed.

No wonder Leo was able to turn Auchindoun into an independent space full of death energy. It turned out that what he had comprehended was the law of death. In this way, there was no need to worry about the death energy causing him harm, let alone worrying about his mind being eroded by the death energy. Become a puppet controlled by evil forces like Arthas.

With Aegwynn's height, how can he not know the power of the law of death? Leo's understanding of such a powerful law has a bright future, and human beings have added another superpower.

Our human race has survived the great tribulations and still stands firm, but talents have emerged in large numbers. It seems that the rise of our human race has become a general trend.

Even with Aegwynn's composure, he couldn't help showing joy on his face. The lineage of the Guardians guards the entire human race, focusing on the general situation of the entire human race. They look very lightly on the hatred of one country and one family, but they are extremely concerned about the situation of the entire human race. Hurry up, the situation of the human race was worrisome before, and Aegwynn was very worried about it. Who would have thought that Leo's birth would turn the tide in just a few years, so why not let her be ecstatic.

Unlike Aegwynn's joy, Illidan's face is gloomy. He is not a human being, and the great joy of human beings has nothing to do with him. Illidan is interested in the influence of Leo's establishment of the kingdom of the dead.

Leo had been paying attention to Illidan, and he didn't dare to relax in the slightest towards the demon hunter. Seeing Illidan's unhappy face, he explained: "The establishment of the kingdom of the dead is good for all races. I dare say that with In less than three to five years, the population of all races will increase significantly."

What does establishing the kingdom of the dead have to do with population growth?
Illidan frowned at first, and then he remembered what Leo said before, life and death are a cycle. Could it be that the role of the kingdom of the dead is to cycle life and death?If this is the case, there will be many benefits for the night elves, but whether this statement is true or not needs to be verified.

"Three to five years? Hey, I can still afford to wait."

Three to five years may be a long time for humans, but it is too short for Illidan and the night elves. If Illidan was imprisoned in the dungeon for 1 years, he would understand that three to five years is really nothing .

(End of this chapter)

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