Necromancer in another world

Chapter 992: Toasting, not eating, drinking and punishing

Chapter 992: Toasting, not eating, drinking and punishing

The Battle of Auchindoun is over.

In this great war that shocked the entire world of Draenor, characters such as Aegis the Claw King and Seth the Dark Weaver became inconspicuous characters, and even the crow god Ansu was a marginal figure. The big elemental gods and Moore are playing the leading role.

You said Leo, Aegwynn and Illidan?

Did they make a move?

The fisherman who finally won this battle did not publicize it. Anyway, the alliance army still wants to make a difference in the world of Draenor. It is best not to spread the news about killing the four elemental gods, so as not to cause any accidents.

In a pitch-black world, a throne emitting four colors of red, blue, green, and yellow light quietly floats in mid-air, surrounded by pure elemental power without a trace of impurities, indicating its identity—— Elemental Throne.

Leo stood in front of the throne of elements, carefully sizing up the source of elements that could bring great changes to his kingdom of God, and couldn't help thinking about something.

Aegwynn and Illidan had already left. After Leo's explanation, they believed Leo with reservations, and did not pursue the matter of the kingdom of the dead. Next, as long as Leo's words can be fulfilled, the native plane It is no problem for races to have significant population growth within a few years.

Convincing Aegwynn is tantamount to convincing humans. With the entire human race as the backing, the dwarves and gnomes will not have too much objection. The night elves Leo entrusted Illidan to send the little girl Thetis to report. With such a great excuse to meet Tyrande, Illidan would naturally not refuse.

Two rays of light, one red and one gold, floated out from Leo's body, and the blood god avatar and Yizuer stood beside Leo on the left and the right.

"With this elemental throne, the Kingdom of God will not lack the four most basic elements to build a world. If you want to do it now, you can already form a kingdom of God."

Izual looked at Leo with a half-smile, and if someone else heard this, he would definitely do it immediately. Few people could resist the temptation of owning the Kingdom of God.But Leo was different. As his avatar, Izual knew that his true self was high-minded, and he didn't like the ordinary Kingdom of God.

Do it now, with the help of Leo, the Throne of Elements, the Kingdom of God can indeed take shape, but is this really good?

Fengtushuihuo can indeed constitute a world, but a complete world is more than Fengtushuihuo.

When building the Kingdom of God, the more preparations are made for the Kingdom of God, the stronger the foundation of the Kingdom of God, the higher the level of the Kingdom of God, and the greater the potential of the Kingdom of God.

The Kingdom of God is related to one's own future, will Leo make fun of himself?
It's impossible to think about it with your toes.

Therefore, Izual was sure that Leo would not act hastily, and he would prepare more things besides the most basic elements of the four elements of climate, water and fire.

"Don't be joking, this deity wants to build a top-level kingdom of God, and a throne of elements alone can't do it."

Blood God's avatar twisted its neck, disapproving of Izual's words, they are Leo's avatars, and they have a relationship with Leo who is both prosperous and hurt. The higher Leo's achievements are, the stronger their own abilities are. Knowing that Leo would not be tempted by this, the blood god avatar still persuaded him.

Leo smiled and didn't speak, he knew that Izual seemed to be teasing him, but he didn't mean that at all. If he really wanted to let the Kingdom of God take shape at this time, Izual would be the first to object .

Leo entered this unformed kingdom of God just for the convenience of counting the loot.

In the battle of Auchindoun, because of the appearance of Illidan and Aegwynn, Leo made a small effort to take advantage of the big advantage. The battle that was originally thought to be somewhat dangerous was simplified by unexpected reinforcements.

Among Leo's trophies, the Throne of Elements was his most important thing, so he was naturally the first to take a look.

"Let's leave the Throne of Elements alone for now." After carefully looking at the Throne of Elements, Leo waved his hand, indicating that the two avatars should stop talking about the Kingdom of God. He has his own ideas. "How about these four things?"

Leo spread his palms as he spoke, and four fist-sized crystals floated in the air.

After the four crystals appeared, the red fire, blue water, green wind, and yellow soil, the four elements seemed to be called and immediately became active, and the elemental throne not far away also emitted bright light. The crystals echo each other.

The four crystals floating in the air correspond to the four series of elements, and they are all Leo's trophies in the battle of Auchindoun.

The four elemental gods blew themselves up in Auchindoun, and their bodies and the energy essence in their bodies were fully stimulated. If they were placed elsewhere, these energy would gradually dissipate in the world, and re-enter the world's energy cycle to nourish the world of Draenor However, the place where they blew themselves up was Auchindoun. After they blew up, Auchindoun was separated from the world of Draenor immediately, and these elemental energies could not return.

Auchindoun is the kingdom of the dead established by Leo. Every inch of the air inside is filled with dead air. The four elemental elements have no foothold in Auchindoun, nor can they be integrated into the energy cycle. Leo easily They are collected.

Although the four elemental elements that can be collected are reduced by one-third due to the self-destruction of the four elemental gods, isn't there still two-thirds left?
If the four elemental gods know that even if they die, they will still be cheaper to Leo, I don't know if they will come back to life.

How much energy a god has accumulated for tens of thousands of years, and how strong it can be absorbed, is a hypothesis that makes all fighters jealous just thinking about it. Now, this hypothesis is no longer a hypothesis, because Leo's hand On it, there are four gods who have been born for an unknown number of years and have accumulated thousands of years of savings.

Izual and the blood god avatar glanced over the four elemental crystals one by one with pity. They could feel how huge the energy contained in these four elemental crystals was, which is why they felt pity.

Izual is a light-type creature, and the main development direction of the blood god avatar is evil energy—an evil energy that can corrode everything. Because of their own attributes, the two avatars are not the best candidates for absorbing elemental crystals. Most of the energy would be wasted, not to mention that the absorbed energy was different from its own attributes, which could easily cause some unpredictable consequences. Izual and the blood god avatar would not leave hidden dangers in their bodies for this reason.

Two avatars, one deity, communicated with spiritual power, and finally decided on the candidate.

No one is more suitable for the crystal of the fire elemental god than Sinai Saraya. I believe that after absorbing this elemental crystal, the strength of the Black Dragon Queen will rise to a new height; Be second-guess; the same is true for the crystallization of the earth element, and Flintage does his part; the only controversial one is the crystallization of the elemental wind.

Leo prefers the storm crow that is fully fused when devouring Ansu. At this time, the number of storm crows is no longer five but one because of the fusion. With the help of Ansu's god crystal, the fully fused storm crow perfectly continues The power of the god, even the appearance has changed greatly, becoming exactly the same as Ansu, even the priests of the crow people can't tell that the storm crow is a Sibei product.

Discovering the change of the Storm Crow, Leo was very satisfied. He was planning to use the Storm Crow to take over the crow people in the world of Draenor in the name of Anzu. The power of domination is bound to skyrocket.

If the Storm Crow wants to unite the Crow People in the name of Ansu, the Storm Crow must have the power to overwhelm all dissatisfaction among the Crow People. The god avatar and Izual raised objections.

From the perspective of Izual and the blood god clone, the strength of the Storm Crow should indeed be strengthened, but it would be too violent to give him the wind element crystal for this.It is true that the Stormcrow has the attribute of the wind element, but can its absorption of the wind element in the crystal be comparable to that of Momoore, who is a creature of the wind element?
The absorption efficiency of the wind elemental crystals to the storm crow will be far lower than that of Murmoore, and Izual and the blood god avatar think it is not worth it.

Furthermore, it will take a long time for the storm crow to digest Anzu, the god of crows, before he can turn Ansu's power into his own. Stuffing things must force the Stormcrow to explode.

After being reminded by the two avatars, Leo realized that he was indeed too hasty in this matter.

The first battle of the Netherstorm eliminated the threat of Naaru and Gruul, and the first battle of Auchindon eliminated the four elemental gods. After successive victories, his mentality became a little impetuous, which is not a good sign.

Realizing this, Leo secretly shuddered.

Guarding against arrogance and impetuosity, these four are easy to say, but there are very few things that can really be done. A series of victories can easily dazzle people's minds and make people make wrong decisions in a flash.

Leo took a deep breath, but luckily he had Izual and Blood God avatar, otherwise he would have made a mistake.

He decided to leave the wind elemental crystals to Momoore. What made Leo scratch his head was that Momoore had a very stubborn temper, and the idea of ​​self-importance was deeply rooted in his mind, which could not be tamed at all. He will also rebel.

Letting Moore out, this guy attacked Leo as soon as he appeared, but unfortunately with his current strength, he couldn't even make half a wave in front of the Blood God clone and Izual.

Leo frowned, Moore in his prime was very powerful, so strong that he could fight against four elemental gods with one enemy, so strong that Leo couldn't bear to kill him, but this guy refused to surrender, What should we do with him?
Looking at Momoore who was subdued again but grinning at him unwillingly, Leo walked back and forth a few steps, is he really going to kill him?
At this moment, there was a fever on Leo's wrist, and the blessing of the Windchaser, who gathered the life essence of the wind prince Sunderland, turned into a green whirlwind and blew towards Momoore.

Leo's heart moved, and Izual and the blood god avatar immediately increased the energy suppression, completely restraining Momoore, and the latter conveyed the intention of surrender to Leo.

"I don't know what to praise, and I don't want to drink fine wine after toasting, and I just want to surrender now..." Leo snorted coldly, "It's too late!"

(End of this chapter)

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