Necromancer in another world

Chapter 993 Moore's Replacement

Chapter 993 Moore's Replacement

Life is like a tea table, on which there are countless cups, Moore is a small cup among these countless cups.

Leo originally planned to persuade him to surrender, but you should give him face, this guy, he just doesn't dump you, his high posture of preferring death to surrender is fully displayed, it really looks like that, when it comes time for the real thing, this guy But he was discouraged, and begged Leo for mercy in a hurry. Isn't this a typical toast and not to eat fine wine?
Just like what Leo said, Moore only thought of surrendering at this time, and surrendered to Leo, it was already too late.

The Blessing of the Windchaser is the essence left behind by the Wind Prince Sunderland after his death, and it is also the only proof that this Wind Prince existed in the world. Leo has always regarded it as a protective prop since he got it In use, he is right to do so, and he is not right to say it is wrong.

That's right, the hurricane armor can be generated through the blessing of the wind chaser. This armor can resist both magic attacks and physical attacks. Its existence greatly enhances Leo's protection ability.

No, the blessing of the Windchaser is not as simple as it appears on the surface. It is not just a prop, but also has life.

The Blessing of the Windchaser has life?

Yes, it does have life, and its source of life is Sunderland, Prince of the Wind.

Being able to survive the sneak attack of the Balrog Ragnaros and make Ragnaros helpless for tens of thousands of years in the future, Sunderland's life-saving skill is unparalleled in the world. In the battle of Black Rock Mountain, Leo When Sunderland used him to contain Ragnaros, he knew that he was likely to be defeated and died. How could he not stay behind?
While fighting Ragnaros, the Prince of Wind hid a small part of his soul and hid him in his body, which made Leo not really put Sunderland to death after extracting his soul, precisely because This small part of the soul still exists, and the blessing of the Wind Chaser will remain after the death of the Prince of Wind.

Outsiders don't know this, and so does Leo.

During the period when Leo wore it as a bracelet, Sunderland carefully observed, evaluated, and thought about it.Everything Leo has done, especially the fact that he has an unformed kingdom of God, terrifies him. Every time he experiences more, Sunderland's evaluation of Leo will be higher, and he will have less hope of getting rid of Leo's control one cent.

Sunderland is very clear that he can hide it for a while but cannot hide it forever. As Leo's strength increases, the chances of him being discovered become higher and higher. it is good?

Confessions are lenient, jail time is fine, resistance is strict, and going home for the New Year... Uh, it seems to be the other way around?

Well, that's about it anyway.

Instead of being exterminated after being discovered by Leo, and completely disappearing in the universe, it is better to find a chance to show his existence.

After lingering for a while, Sunderland finally made a decision.

The opportunity will come soon.

Not long after Sunderland made up his mind, the Battle of Auchindoun broke out, and the strength of Murmoor shocked Sunderland, and even more moved Sunderland's heart.

Purely in terms of strength, Sunderland knew that even if he was in his prime, he would not be a match for Moore, even if he added the Thunder God Sword Thunderfury.

Moore was seriously injured, and then Leo failed to surrender him, but Izual and the blood god clone restrained him. Looking at Momoore who couldn't move, Sunderland knew that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so he did it.

Sunderland took the initiative to reveal his figure. He was betting that Leo would not attack him, and that Leo would help him kill Moore.Moore is just an extraterrestrial creature, and Leo wants to employ people, and Sunderland, who is in the same world as him, can make him feel more at ease.

The development of the matter did not exceed Sunderland's expectations. Leo did not attack after discovering him. Instead, Izual and the blood god clone increased the energy restraint, suppressing Momoore so much that he could not mobilize even a trace of energy.

Sunderland was overjoyed to see that things were as expected.

The emaciated camel was bigger than a horse. Although Moore was seriously injured, this monster that could destroy a world was still stronger than Sunderland at this time. Unexpectedly, Leo's two avatars suppressed him, and Momoore was completely empty But he couldn't exert even the slightest bit of power, and could only watch helplessly as the miniature hurricane transformed by Sunderland melted into his body, drilled into his soul, and constantly gnawed and assimilated his own life source.

At this moment, Moore was inexplicably terrified.

He never thought that there would be a day when he would die, and he never thought that someone would dare to eat and assimilate his soul source. The shadow of death fell on Momoore's head, and he succumbed.

The proud Moore bowed his head to a human being, but what he got was a merciless rejection.

Leo originally wanted to subdue Moore, but he knew that the plan could not keep up with the changes. The appearance of the wind prince Sunderland made him change his mind.

Moore is too proud to be used by Leo. Even if he reluctantly surrenders Leo under the threat of death, he will still rebel in the end.

No one wants to leave a bomb that can explode at any time by their side, because it is playing with fire, and Leo is no exception.

Instead of trying to subdue Momoore, it is better to see what Sunderland intends to do. Prince Feng must have his own ideas when he took the initiative to expose himself at this time.

Lei Ao held his chin and looked at Momoore who kept screaming because of despair, without a trace of pity on his face.

The road is chosen by oneself, if Moore could join him earlier, how could he give Sunderland a chance, and how could he end up in such a situation?

Some people just go backwards, they will not die until the Yellow River, and they will not cry when they see the coffin.

In Moore's eyes, Leo is really hard-hearted. If he doesn't surrender him, he will let a wind elemental creature eat his soul and suck his strength. Judging by his appearance, he must have been prepared long ago. How is this human being? vicious.

"Human, I curse you..."

The moment before his soul was completely devoured by Sunderland, Moore uttered a final roar, which was full of viciousness.

Unfortunately, his roar can scare others but not Leo.

As a demigod magician, would he still be intimidated by this harmless curse?

In Lei Ao's eyes, Moore's actions were just the last struggle of the loser.

"Things that don't know good and bad should end up like this."

The blood god avatar smiled evilly, and at the same time as Izual let go of the suppression on Moore. At this time, Moore was no longer Moore, but Sunderland, the prince of wind who ate Moore's soul and obtained Moore's ability. .

Gaining a new life, the joy in Sunderland's heart cannot be felt by outsiders.

Thinking about it carefully, this prince of wind is indeed not easy.

First of all, he was sealed by the Balrog Ragnaros for an unknown number of years, and finally came out with a sigh of relief. In less than half a day, he was beaten until only a wisp of soul remained.This ray of remnant soul still falls into the hands of Leo. Leo is a warlock who is proficient in soul magic. Sunderland's remnant soul hides in the blessing of the Wind Chaser and fears all day long. His life is really miserable. Incomparable.

Now, all this is about to become a thing of the past. If Sunderland hadn't retained some sanity, he would have been unable to restrain himself from setting off a hurricane to vent his joy.

Eating Moore's soul not only restored Sunderland's strength, but also gave him more abilities. Sunderland believed that his achievements would never stop at being a prince, and with his current potential, he would eventually have One day the elemental lord Al'Akir the Windrider will be surpassed.

Before venting his excitement, Sunderland had to do one thing, and that was to get Leo's approval.

Resurrection from death, rebirth from death, rebirth after death, repeated tossing has already worn away Sunderland's pride, he does not want to repeat such days, let alone pass away with regrets, his beloved The wind-kissed elf Aishir is still waiting for him, he must not die.

If you want to survive, the most important thing is to be a hero who understands current affairs—surrender to Leo.

"A powerful human being, Sunderland is willing to work for you."

Sunderland, the proud prince of the wind, bowed his head to a human being whom he regarded as an ant. He suppressed the pride in his heart, not only to allow himself to survive, but also to be able to see it again in his lifetime. Look at his beloved Aishier, because only by living can he meet Aishir again.

Although he had known for a long time that the wind prince Sunderland would take the initiative to show up and surrender to him, Leo did not expect Sunderland to be so straightforward.When he thought about it, even if he was putting on airs, even if it was for his own face, Sunderland would still be arrogant for a while. It would take a lot of talking and talking for him to let this prince of wind do things for him.

Leo rubbed his chin, and said to Sunderland: "It's okay for you to be straightforward, anyway, it's a result anyway, and it's good for everyone to save a little trouble."

With that said, Leo took out Thunder Fury, threw it to Sunderland casually.

"Seeing that you don't have a weapon right now, Thunderfury will be ready for you."

Sunderland reached out to grab Thunderfury, and the familiar feeling from the sword made him a little excited. Although the owner of Thunderfury was no longer him, Sunderland, who had used this sword as a weapon for thousands of years, was still as strong as an arm. Make finger.

Thunderfury, the divine sword that can control thunder and lightning, has been engraved with Leo's soul brand, so he is not worried that Sunderland will ignore this sword. Besides, looking at Prince Feng's appearance, although it is not [-]% sincerity to take refuge in him, loyalty is still guaranteed.

"Sunderland, how much strength do you have left?"

He once repelled the two elemental lords by himself, and the strength of the wind prince Sunderland is impressive, but that is him in his heyday, not the current him.

Without hesitation, Sunderland replied, "Master, I only have [-]% of my strength left."

When will the mighty Prince of Wind have to respectfully call a human being his master?
Sunderland felt a bit bitter in his heart.

"That's it..." Leo flicked his wrist, and the wind elemental crystal flew to Sunderland, "You take this, and recover your strength as soon as possible, my time is very tight."

Sunderland did not take the wind element crystal immediately, but took a deep look at Leo and asked, "Aren't you afraid that I will betray you after I regain my strength?"

"Betray me?" Leo shrugged, and his figure disappeared from the Kingdom of God, leaving only one sentence: "Try it."

(End of this chapter)

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