Necromancer in another world

Chapter 995 Telling You To Find Something For Me

Chapter 995 Telling You To Find Something For Me
In a world of endless wars, people always have spiritual sustenance, and the holy light that represents light and hope is the spiritual sustenance of human beings.

The Holy Light Cathedral in Stormwind City is a place where countless believers worship the Holy Light, and enjoys an extremely lofty status among the human race.

For ordinary people, the Holy Light Cathedral is a sacred place they yearn for, but it is not for Leo.

Warlocks are of the dark attribute, and their research is to enslave demons and use dark power. The Cathedral of the Holy Light is full of light power. How could they like it?
Not only will you not like it, but you will also feel a little disgusted in your heart.

Although Leo didn't dislike the power of the Holy Light because of the existence of Izual, the angel clone, he definitely didn't like it.If it wasn't necessary, he wouldn't step into the Cathedral of the Holy Light, or even get close to it.

But now he has to come.

Leo walked in the majestic cathedral. Among the believers and priests who worshiped the light, he was dressed in black, surrounded by black mist that seemed to be absent, exuding a shocking dark atmosphere. At this time, He seemed so different.

If anyone else dared to show such a dark aura in the Holy Light Cathedral, they would have been torn to pieces by the fanatical believers long ago.

It's not that none of the believers wanted to teach Leo a lesson, but they fell silent when they saw the features of the black hair and black eyes.

With black hair and black eyes, and a tyrannical dark aura, who else is there besides Leo?

For Leo, a demigod warlock, no matter how fanatical believers are, he would not provoke them. Religious fanatics are not afraid of trouble, but Leo, a warlock, has made great contributions to the human race. He has reversed the human race with a series of victories. The unfavorable situation and the brilliant record have made countless people feel a sense of admiration from the mountains.

As long as Leo doesn't slander the Holy Light of their belief, these believers are tolerant of what he does.

This is also the prerogative of the strong.

Unaffected by the gazes of outsiders, Leo had a smile on his face, but he couldn't help but think in his heart. Scarlett clearly knew that he didn't like going to the Holy Light Cathedral, why did she call him here? Could something have happened?

With doubts, Leo saw Scarlett. The female paladin still had a golden light that repelled foreign objects, but the current situation was much better than before, without the golden light that soared to the sky, and the golden light that repelled foreign objects It also only shrinks one meter around Scarlett.

To Leo's surprise, there was another person in Scarlett's room, and Prince Anduin Jr. of Stormwind Kingdom was also there.

Of course, Leo wouldn't think that Antonin's appearance was an accident. Scarlett told her to come to the Holy Light Cathedral. She would not be ignorant of the time of her arrival. Therefore, Antonin's stay in Scarlett's room could only mean that Thing: Scarlett called herself to have something to do with Antonin Jr.

Leo's arrival made Scarlett agitated. As her mood fluctuated, the suffocating power of light seemed to expand outward. Seeing this, Scarlett hurriedly calmed down. In order to suppress the Codex of Light With the strength, she must stabilize her emotions.

Seeing Scarlett like this, Leo felt great hatred.

Damn the Code of Light, the hateful Titan, and Sargeras who killed a thousand swords, isn't this tormenting people?

If a person keeps suppressing himself forcibly, he is prone to psychological problems. Leo is very worried about Scarlett.

I heard that this method was told by Archbishop Benedictus to Scarlett. She has no doubts about this prestigious Archbishop of the Holy Light, Scarlett. Facts have also proved that Benedictus’ method is very effective. No one dared to question it.

Only Leo, and only Leo who knows the identity of Benedictus hidden in the dark, does not trust this archbishop whom everyone admires.

Would Father Twilight be so kind?

What a joke!
Leo didn't know what exactly Benedictus wanted to do, but he knew it was not a good thing.

It's just that you know that you know that without a new method to suppress the Code of Light, Leo has no choice but to do nothing.Anyway, the time is short, even if Benedictus has any plots, it is too late to display them.

Little Anton bowed to Leo, the current Leo is not the identity when he first met him, even though he was once the king of the Stormwind Kingdom, and now the prince of the Stormwind Kingdom, facing a half-human with a brilliant record God, also cannot sit on an equal footing with each other.

In this world where strength is the most important thing, the status of Leo, a demigod magician, is much higher than that of little Antonin, a prince.

Leo nodded in return. He looked at Scarlett and asked, "Are you still used to living here?"

As soon as he asked the question, Leo knew that he had asked a stupid question. Scarlett grew up in the Holy Light Cathedral, what would she not be used to here?

Seeing Leo's expression of embarrassment, which rarely appeared on Leo's face, Scarlett couldn't help laughing.

"It's nothing unusual."

Speaking of the days in the Holy Light Cathedral, she is really not used to it. In fact, she is all focused on suppressing the power of the Code of Light. How can she think so much about other things?

"Leo, Anton and I need your help with something."

When it came to business, Scarlett's face became serious, and Leo turned his gaze to little Anduin, and found that the precocious Storm Prince was looking at him expectantly.

Obviously, Scarlett said that she asked Leo to help her and Antonin. In fact, most of this matter has nothing to do with Scarlett. It was Antonin who was in trouble.

Strange thing, Anton came to me instead of looking for Varian when he encountered a problem.
Leo looked at Antonin with a questioning look, and the latter took a small step forward and told Leo the whole story: "Leo, can you help me persuade my father, I want to be a priest so that I can better understand Holy Light, not being a warrior."

Little Anton wanted to be a priest, while Varian wanted his son to be a warrior. There was a conflict between the father's expectations and his son's ideals. This is a private matter of the Wrynn family, the royal family of the Stormwind Kingdom. How can I solve it?

Leo expressed his helplessness. He felt that it was better for him not to interfere in other people's family affairs. Varian is a tough and stubborn person. It is not easy to persuade him. Leo is not willing to intervene in such thankless matters. .

Scarlett couldn't have thought of this level, or did she not survive Xiao Anton's soft and tough pains, and she had no choice but to throw this hot potato to herself?

Leo pouted, it would be too unkind for a silly girl like Scarlett to do this.

Scarlett, who was familiar with Leo, knew what he was thinking when she saw his movements. The female paladin gave him a gouged look with obvious meaning——Am I that kind of person?

After thinking for a while, Leo began to persuade: "Prince Antonin, I can understand your desire for light, but can the priest lead the army to charge into battle? The world is too chaotic now, what the people of the Wrynn royal family need most He is a strong leader, not a benevolent and kind priest. You must know that there is only one prince in the Stormwind Kingdom, but there are many priests. It is not up to you to spread the teachings of light and guide the people under your rule to yearn for the light. Do it, protect the people of the kingdom with powerful strength in times of crisis, and lead them to break through the darkness, but it can only be done by the royal family."

The current war on the local plane is endless, and the whole world is suffering from internal and external troubles. In the troubled times, the overly benevolent ruler of a country will not bring the people under his rule the life they hoped for, but will make them fall into trouble. There is only one strong Only a strong king can stabilize the situation.

From this point of view, Varian's hopes for little Antonin are not the slightest mistake.

Leo really didn't understand, little Antonin was such a smart kid, why couldn't he even understand this point?
Or was it because Varian wanted him to become a powerful warrior that he purposely wanted to be a priest? This is the legendary period of rebellion?

If other children were told by Leo, they would not say anything even if they were dissatisfied in their hearts, but Anduin is different. Precocious children have their own opinions, so don't be fooled by their handsome appearance.

Seeing that Leo did not approve of being a pastor, Anduin raised his head and argued: "I know the reality is very chaotic, but the troubled times will pass, don't they? I believe in you, Leo! I believe in you, father and Scarlett can end this mess, right?"

What can Leo say?
Do you answer that I am not as strong as you say?
In fact, in Leo's heart, he really has the idea of ​​ending this chaotic situation. A world cannot continue to be chaotic, and wars cannot continue endlessly. Tranquility and peace are the life most people yearn for.Even if the war cannot be truly ended, at least the monster of war must be driven out of the local plane.

Leo was silent, and little Anduin took advantage of the situation and said: "Since the war will end in my father's generation, why can't I become a priest? What is needed in war is a predator, and a benevolent priest is needed to heal the wounds of war." .”

This little boy has the same reasoning, you just say that you are planning for a rainy day, in order to be the king in a peaceful age.

Leo rubbed his chin, precocious children are hard to deal with, especially Antonin who is very smart and precocious.

"Anduin, your idea is not wrong, but Varian will not agree." With Varian's temper, it is no wonder that he would agree. Who made Anduin disobey him, precisely because he knew that he would It was not easy for Varian to agree, so little Antonin thought of asking Scarlett and Leo for help. Although this matter is tricky, Leo has a solution, "Prince Anduin, why are you like your father? It’s not good to go to extremes if you love to get into a dead end.”

How about little Anduin is smart, when he heard Leo say that, he immediately knew that Leo had thought of a solution, the little guy's eyes lit up, staring straight at Leo, waiting for Leo to say something Answer.

He stretched out his hand and ticked Anduin, signaling the precocious little prince to come to him. Before the latter came to him, Leo flexed his index finger and middle finger, and gave little Anduin a popcorn with a slap. The little prince held his head and looked at him inexplicably.

Tell you to find something for me!

The person who bullied the child felt great, pointed at Scarlett and said, "I said, do you look down on paladins so much? You have a ready-made teacher and you still find someone else to find a way for you?"

 A thousand chapters, hahaha...

(End of this chapter)

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