Necromancer in another world

Chapter 996 Benedictus' Temptation

Chapter 996 Benedictus' Temptation
Little Antonin and Scarlett froze for a moment. What does the paladin have to do with solving Anduin's problem?
Looking at Leo with a smile on his face, little Anduin touched his forehead that hurt from being knocked, rolled his eyeballs, and soon he understood.

Yes, why didn't I think of it?

Anduin yelled in his heart, he wanted to become a priest so that he could deeply understand the benevolence and fraternity of the Holy Light, and Varian wanted to become a powerful warrior and establish prestige among his subjects with a powerful posture. The two were originally contradictory , This is the reason why little Anduin is troubled, this precocious little prince doesn't want to have too much trouble with his father.

Because of Leo's appearance, Varian was welcomed back to Stormwind City much earlier. Little Anduin's experience is insufficient. He is not the prince who dared to contradict Varian in history. Now he is still very immature.

If you want to resolve the conflict between Anduin Jr. and Varian, you must find a solution that satisfies both parties. One must be strong, and the other must have love. It not only has powerful physical combat skills, but also can use the power of the Holy Light. Such a profession - there is!

Let little Anduin embark on the path of becoming a paladin, this is the solution Leo came up with.

Little Anduin wants to become a priest in order to have a deeper understanding of the holy light and more in-depth contact with the teachings of light. To do this, you don't have to be a priest. Paladins are also professions that use the holy light. , is equally respected.

Becoming a paladin not only fulfilled little Anduin's wish, but also did not violate Varian's wish, because a powerful paladin is a powerful warrior.

After thinking about this point, little Anduyin felt relieved, and the problem was solved.

It was obviously an easy matter to solve, but they made it extremely complicated. No wonder Leo would say that he and Varian were both on the edge of their horns.

It's just that even if I'm confused, you can't play such a heavy hand.

Touching Wuzi's sore forehead, little Anduin looked aggrieved, who made him meet Leo, a black-hearted uncle, poor little Zhengtai.

Scarlett was both angry and funny. Leo did solve the problem faced by little Anduin, but he threw another problem to Scarlett while solving this problem.

Little Anduin naturally needs a powerful paladin teacher to become a paladin. Originally, the Grand Duke Bolvar of the Stormwind Kingdom was a very good candidate, but now Bolvar leads the Fearless Expeditionary Army to Northrend and cannot stay in Stormwind. The city teaches little Anduin, so the teacher of little Anduin needs to carefully consider.

Little Anduin is the prince of the Stormwind Kingdom, his teacher must be carefully selected, not everyone can be the teacher of a royal disciple, let alone a crown prince like Anduin?
Strength is only a hard indicator. There are many paladins who can pass the test in the Stormwind Kingdom, but soft indicators such as character are difficult.

Leo played tricks at this time, and he recommended Scarlett by the way when he said his way.

Who is Scarlett?
Queen of Arathor Kingdom!

The only direct descendant of the Lothar family!
At the same time, she is also a genius-level paladin!
With these three identities, she can't be little Anduin's teacher?

Personal strength is one aspect, while Scarlett's identity is another aspect. Regardless of personal strength, family background, or status, Scarlett can be the teacher of little Anduin. State the reasons for the objection.

Even putting these aside, from the perspective of the country alone, there will be countless people who are happy to see this happen.

The master-student relationship has always been very solid. Little Anduin is under Scarlett's door. One is the crown prince of the Stormwind Kingdom and the other is the queen of the Arathor Kingdom. The relationship between the two countries will undoubtedly become much closer.

Let me ask, as far as the human race is concerned, who would not want to see such a situation happen?

Scarlett gouged out Leo's eyes, she was too busy with her own affairs, and she didn't have too much time to teach little Anduin, unless little Anduin left Stormwind and went to Stromgarde, it was almost the same, but Varian Will you agree?

Scarlett thinks this is impossible, but the fact may not be as she thought, at least little Anduin thinks this is a good idea.

The young prince said solemnly to Scarlett: "Scarlett, would you like to be my teacher?"

Scarlett was about to refuse, but when she saw Leo winking at her, the female paladin hesitated for a moment, then nodded and agreed.

Having received Scarlett's promise, little Anduin happily resigned, and he wanted to explain the matter to Varian.

The little light bulb left, leaving only Leo and Scarlett in the room.

Leo shrugged and said with a hey smile, "No one will hinder us now."

While speaking, someone's eyes kept wandering on the female paladin, seeing two red clouds flying on Scarlett's face, the female paladin knew that Leo must have some bad thoughts in his heart.

What Leo hated was that he failed to live a good life with Scarlett in the end. Less than half a minute after Antonin left, Archbishop Benedictus sent someone to the door.

He didn't dare to be careless towards the Archbishop Leo. After following the priest who led the way to Benedictus' room, Leo was very energetic.

Benedictus smiled kindly at the priest who led the way. That smile made people feel like a spring breeze. He really deserved to be the Archbishop of Shengguang. This smile alone was enough to touch the hearts of many people.

Signaling the priest to leave the door, Benedictus's face was serious, Leo frowned, and instinctively felt a little dignified.

Sure enough, those who come are not good, and those who are kind do not come, so what kind of tricks Benedictus is going to play, you might as well have a look.

Leo's expression remained unchanged, and his thoughts turned sharply. As the saying goes, soldiers come to cover up water and earth, and now he depends on what moves Benedictus will make.

"Leo, I heard you have a Twilight Dragon under your command?"

What Benedictus said made Leo frown. It is true that the existence of Dragonakos is not a secret, but until now no one has asked Leo anything in person, not even Krasus, he did not think It was strange that Benedictus would ask about this sensitive subject at this time.

The accident was an accident, Leo did not hide it, he nodded, and generously admitted: "Yes, Dragonakos, the devourer of all things, is now my subordinate, even though he is the Twilight Dragon Clan, and is the number one A twilight dragon, but he doesn't want to destroy the world now, and engage in some ridiculous twilight trial."

In front of the Twilight Father, he mocked the Twilight Judgment that everyone in the Twilight's Hammer cultist was looking forward to. Leo didn't have any good intentions. He wanted to anger Benedictus.

It is easy for a person to make mistakes under the control of anger, which is much easier to deal with than when he is calm. This is the purpose of Leo's anger at Benedictus.

Will Benedictus let Leo get his way?

With the wisdom of the Archbishop of Shengguang, it was not so easy to be recruited. There was no abnormality on his face, but his face was still solemn: "Are you sure to control Dragonakos? You must know that he was created by the black dragon to deal with the other four systems. The killing tool of the giant dragon, if there is an accident, the consequences will be disastrous."

The old fox pretended to be quite like it.

Leo couldn't help but sneer at Benedictus's concerned expression in his eyes. If he didn't know Benedictus's secret identity, he would really think that the archbishop was concerned about his ability to control To live in Dragonakos, not to test his control over the Twilight Dragon Prince.

"Don't worry, I'm sure there will be no accidents."

Leo looked full of confidence, Benedictus could pretend, so why couldn't he?
After staring at Leo for a while, Benedictus withdrew his gaze and said with a reassurance, "It's best if you are sure. If you need help from the Holy Light Cathedral, you can come to me directly."

A trace of gratitude flashed across Leo's face, and he solemnly nodded in gratitude: "Thank you Archbishop."

If I were in trouble and came to you, it would never be help.

Leo didn't even believe what Benedictus said. If he didn't want to scare the snake, and he didn't have any evidence, Leo would have removed the nail that was nailed into the highest level of the human race.

Watching Leo leave, Benedictus's face sank, and his originally kind face became terrifying. He reached out and patted the table in front of him twice. A bookshelf in the room suddenly moved to the side, and the entrance of a secret room Here it comes.

The Countess of Prestor walked out from the secret room, and a bit of hatred could be seen on her face. This hatred was not directed at Benedictus but at Leo who had left.

Benedictus specifically asked Leo to ask about the Twilight Dragon Prince Dragonakos, not only to find out whether Leo can control the Twilight Dragon enough, in addition to the above purpose, he also has another The purpose is to prove one thing.

Onyxia, whose pseudonym was the Countess of Prestor, had a look of resentment on her face, and said to Benedictus in a venomous tone: "It seems that the information is correct, that woman named Sinestra is my black dragon." Queen of the family, Leo not only resurrected Dragonakos, but also the queen of my family."

No wonder Onyxia was annoyed, thinking that Leo used Sinasaraya to scare her badly back then, when she thought that she was scared to death by a human, Onyxia felt ashamed and sent him Cited as a lifelong humiliation, she must kill Leo if she has the chance.

"Don't be impulsive!" Benedictus waved his hand, signaling Onyxia to calm down, "Obviously, Leo already knew who you and I are, but he didn't expose it, but instead helped you escape In this crisis, this person has a very heavy heart, and we have to figure out what he wants to do."

If other people had known the identities of Onyxia and Benedictus, they would have exposed them long ago, but Leo kept it a secret. Benedictus felt that this was very strange. He didn't know Leo's purpose. He didn't dare to make a random shot before, and with Leo's current strength, even if Benedictus made a shot, he wouldn't be sure to take him down.

The only one in Twilight's Hammer who is sure to take down Leo is Deathwing, but this crazy black dragon king cannot be ordered by others.

(End of this chapter)

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