Necromancer in another world

Chapter 997 Aegwynn's Invitation

Chapter 997 Aegwynn's Invitation

Leo is busy!

Yes, he is very idle now, uncomfortably idle.

Although both the local world and the world of Draenor are full of wars, and countless people are busy rushing about the wars that have already happened or are about to happen, but Leo just has nothing to do right now.

The alliance's army is led by Sarah, the King of Darkness, and the main force of the entire Northern Expedition army is still floating on the sea at this time. It has the token of Neptulon obtained from the water element of Hydraxia - the Cape of the Wave Rider, The danger of sea navigation is minimized, and the sea that others regard as daunting will not embarrass them, and Leo has nothing to do even if he passes by.

Expedition to Draenor?
Arathor's army is under the command of Amaron, and Leodo doesn't need to worry about it.

As for the war between the Hellfire Peninsula and the demon army, Leo has already appointed a commander with sufficient capabilities. This person's commander-in-chief ability is not inferior to that of Amaron.

In addition to the above three places, such as Stranglethorn Valley, the two new islands and other places have special officials in charge. When his subordinates are too busy to touch the ground, the marshal Leo can't find anything to do. .

Lying on the seat reclined, Leo looked gloomy and kept muttering: "It's boring, it's really boring, this invincible life is really lonely like snow..."

"Is it really that boring?"

A sudden voice sounded, and Leo's body suddenly sat up. At this time, a space crack opened in the room, and Aegwynn stepped out of it.

Seeing that it was the God of Dharma, Leo's tense nerves relaxed, and he just said, how many people in this world can approach him without him noticing?
Shrugging his shoulders, Leo stretched out his hand and gestured to Aegwynn to sit down, and said, "Master Aegwynn, please don't be so elusive, please give me some time to prepare, if I take a bath If you run over, then I am at a big loss?"

Aegwynn was stunned. No one had ever dared to speak to her like this before, even if she was as strong as a female magician, she couldn't react for a while.

Seeing that Aegwynn was choked speechless by his own words, someone who satisfied his bad taste laughed triumphantly.

Aegwynn shook his head helplessly, Leo really dared to say something.

Without taking up Leo's words, Aegwynn got down to business: "What do you think of the Bronze Dragon?"

Bronze dragon?
Leo didn't answer right away. Sanoli had reminded him before that Quicksand Scale would take action against him, a human being who wreaks havoc on the world's trajectory. At this time, Aegwynn came to ask him his opinion on the Bronze Dragon, which probably had something to do with it. .Thoughts swirled in his mind, and Leo understood that what he said next would largely determine the direction of the matter. If he answered well, he might be exempted from fighting the bronze dragon.

"The bronze dragon's ability to manipulate time is amazing, but it's just too rigid."

Acting rigidly, this is Leo's evaluation of the bronze dragon.

These bronze dragons can clearly see certain things that will happen in the future, these things will cause harm to them, bring catastrophe to the whole world, and cause the death of hundreds of millions of lives, but they have no intention of changing it at all. Instead, they strictly let things go in the direction they saw, in the name of exercising the mission entrusted to them by the Titans.

They don't care about things themselves, and they hinder others from doing things, but whenever there is a difference from the so-called historical track they have seen, they will make so-called corrections, even if this derailment will save countless lives.

It's fine if you want to die, and you don't allow others to save themselves, you have to drag everyone to die together, Leo really wants to push these bronze dragons to the ground and beat them up hard.

"Your evaluation is quite pertinent." Aegwynn's words showed her attitude, and she didn't like the bronze dragon very much, at least those stubborn bronze dragons who only knew to execute the orders of the titans were not liked by her, "The Dragon of the Quicksand Lin has a lot of opinions on you, but under my efforts, Queen Soli Domi of the Bronze Dragon Clan came forward to suppress the voice of opposition in the clan, and Quicksand Lin will not take any action against you for the time being, but this is conditional."

Leo spread his hands and said indifferently, "Tell me."

Now is not the time to quarrel with the Bronze Dragon. If the other party's conditions are not too much, Leo doesn't mind agreeing.

"Because of your appearance, there are many problems in the timeline maintained by the bronze dragon. The enemy of the bronze dragon, the eternal dragon, is planning a certain conspiracy. If you can help them restore the timeline and stop the conspiracy of the eternal dragon, Solly Domi will be able to suppress the voice of opposition from the Quicksand Scale, so that the Bronze Dragon Clan will not stand against you."

Leo didn't agree right away, those rigid bronze dragons in the Quicksand Scale wanted to get rid of him as an alien, even if the bronze dragon queen Soli Domi came forward, they might not give face.

But now these bronze dragons with scales of quicksand have agreed, and the meaning is hard to say.

Leo dares to be [-]% sure that repairing the timeline and stopping the conspiracy of the Eternal Dragon is by no means as simple as talking about it. The Bronze Dragon must have encountered a big problem that cannot be solved, otherwise these arrogant people will look at people with their nostrils How could the bronze dragon ask outsiders for help?
"With your ability, this is not too difficult." Seeing Leo's hesitant expression, Aegwynn persuaded, "We must try our best to win the support of others."

The human race is now at a critical moment of its rise. In order to reduce resistance, it is the right approach to make more friends and less enemies.In fact, Aegwynn also understands that it is extremely difficult to make the Bronze Dragon ask for help from outsiders, and even make the stubborn Quicksand Scale agree not to take action against Leo, the troublemaker, but what can she do?
To be an enemy of a bronze dragon is to be an enemy to an army of bronze dragons, and to be an enemy to the entire Quicksand Scale is to be an enemy to an army of countless bronze dragons. Although Leo is strong, he is only one person after all, let alone he is not A person who has nothing to worry about, Scarlett, Passonia, etc. are his dead spots.

Don't think that the bronze dragons can't play tricks. In fact, in order to eliminate the aliens in their eyes, these giant dragons will do everything possible. When Leo is not strong enough to shock the entire Quicksand Scale, it is possible not to have a conflict with them Conflict don't conflict.

Leo remained silent, not because he didn't dare to answer, but because he was waiting for Aegwynn to speak.

Aegwynn has no objection to wanting to make friends with the bronze dragon Leo, but it is impossible to let him do things without helping him at all. This female magician will always do her best.

"Don't worry, you won't be left alone to restore the timeline. Our lineage of guardians and the bronze dragon will assist you."

That's what I've been waiting for.

Leo nodded slowly when he heard the words, and agreed: "If Lord Aegwynn and other bronze dragons help, this matter is not unnegotiable."

Repairing the timeline and stopping the conspiracy of the Eternal Dragon is what the Bronze Dragon is supposed to do. You can't just leave the shopkeeper behind just because Leo has gone, and leave things to Leo alone. Aegwynn is the contact person, and her The line of guardians cannot stay out of the matter, this is a must, and it is also the most basic condition for Leo to agree to go to the cave of time to help the bronze dragon restore the time axis.

"This is no problem." Aegwynn stood up and raised his hand to open a space crack. "Then I will reply to Queen Soli Domi, and you come to the Cavern of Time as soon as possible."

After finishing speaking, Aegwynn didn't care how Leo would reply, stepped into the space crack, and disappeared into the room.

Leo curled his lips, Aegwynn is really hot-tempered, I said, even if you want to leave, at least take me with you.

When Aegwynn returned to the Cavern of Time, Leo agreed to help the Bronze Dragon restore the time axis and stop the plot of the Eternal Dragon. Don't you want to go to the Cavern of Time?
Since everyone has the same destination, why can't they go together?

Is it because I molested her before that Aegwynn took revenge in this way?

Leo rubbed his chin, he thought it must be like this, said a thousand words and ten thousand, the female dharma is also a woman, right?
Thinking of this, Leo felt that something was wrong, Aegwynn wouldn't give himself little shoes to wear, it seemed that it was very scary to offend such a woman.

Well, these are just insignificant things, the key is that this time to go to the Cavern of Time to help the Bronze Dragon repair the damaged timeline, not only to fight against the Bronze Dragon's mortal enemy, the Eternal Dragon, but also to beware of your comrades in arms at all times.Don't put your life to the front, the bronze dragon with the scales of quicksand will blacken you hard at the back, and when you and the dragon of eternity are both defeated, they will come out and clean up both sides, so Leo won't cry to death?

If possible, Leo really didn't want to go to the Cavern of Time.Just thinking so, Aegwynn invited him personally, how could he really not go?
Of course not!

Even if you don't give Bronze Dragon face, you have to give Aegwynn face, right?
In fact, the Cavern of Time may be extremely dangerous to others, but not to Leo. As long as he is careful, there will be no major problems.Instead of being distracted by the little thought of the bronze dragon, it's better to think carefully about the problem of repairing the timeline and the eternal dragon.

Leo carefully recalled the memory about the Cavern of Time, his eyes gradually brightened.

"Repairing the time axis will inevitably lead to entering the torrent of time, that is to say, I will enter the so-called historical track that the bronze dragon wants to maintain." Leo Tuo pouted his chin, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, "So, am I entering what has already happened? In historical events, or in a future that never happened?"

Whether it is going back to the past or entering the future, it is a brand new experience for Leo, and he can't help but look forward to it.

Time travel seems to be a very interesting thing.

"Come on!"

Leo yelled, and a dragon blood guard walked in immediately. Since Leo sent Viri to the world of Draenor, the dragon blood guard guarding outside the bedroom naturally changed.

"Tell Edlaide that I will go out soon, so there is no need to send over the kingdom's government affairs, and let them handle it by themselves."

 Poor me, the plane in the early morning, what a tragedy...

  Go out first, if I have free time, I will code and write more tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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