Chapter 227 Entering Star Valley (1)

There are still 68 people who survived in the mountains and forests.

After hearing Aoxue's words, the 68 people's first reaction was to set up flying swords and run away immediately!
A few people even took out escape talismans purchased at a high price, burned them, and tried to use the power of the talisman to escape!

But Aoxue's consciousness had already locked on everyone, Xue Yingyan floated out quietly, split into 63 white flames, and when they touched everyone, they instantly turned into ashes!

scream!Shout out!curse!

But it all dissipated in the blink of an eye.

There were only five people who just kept the posture of wanting to flee just now, and looked at Aoxue in fear!

At this time, the Aoxue in their eyes has turned into a Rakshasa rebirth!
Aoxue ordered: "The five of you can go back to your respective sects and tell your brothers and friends in the same sect that anyone who wants to come to pick up my Aoxue's things should first think about how long they want to live! Let's go!"

Zi Chuanli suddenly said: "Wait!"

The hearts of the five people who had let go were raised again. They regretted this muddy water for a long time. They didn't get anything, but they became the mouthpiece of this female Rakshasa!

"Excuse me, my lord...what else can I order?..." One of them mustered up his courage and asked, his eyes fixed on Zi Chuanli. If Zi Chuanli made a move, he was ready to flee immediately!

"There is no other order, but you need to leave something behind!" Zi Chuanli said indifferently, five golden lights suddenly shot out from his eyes, piercing into the eyes of the five people.

The five people only felt a slight soreness in their eyes, but after the panic passed, they found nothing unusual.

"According to what she said, if you tell half a lie, the poison in your eyes will recur, causing your skin to fester and your bones to be turned into ashes!"

The five people tremblingly replied: "We must tell the truth!"

At first they moved away from Aoxue and Zi Chuanli step by step, gradually they ran faster and faster, and at the end they panicked and raised their swords, and finally got away from this nightmarish mountain forest!
Aoxue looked down at the blood-stained ground, there were no magic worms at this time, so she had to do it herself!
Lin Qianxing was careful, knowing that Aoxue didn't like seeing blood stains, so she recommended herself, "I'll do it!"

Lin Qianxing waved his hand and muttered a few words silently, and saw the weeds and wild flowers on the ground suddenly swaying, turning the soil continuously, gradually burying all the bloodstains, and restoring the previous scene.

Aoxue looked at Tianlei Longlong in the distance, and said, "Senior brother, I'm going to see Mo Hu and the magic worm."

Zi Chuanli said: "Even if you go, you won't be able to help! Why don't you wait for a while!"

Aoxue said: "Tianlei, what am I afraid of?"

The sky thunder that Lei Yaoer attracted last time had no effect on her, now is a good time to prove whether she can resist the sky thunder, and can also adapt to the situation to help Mo Hu and the magic worm!
Aoxue didn't say much, stepped on Feijian directly, and left with Xiaoxuan and Xiaoqing.

Lin Qianxing looked at the direction Aoxue left, and said suddenly: "She values ​​the people around her the most, you ask her to wait patiently, how can she do that?"

Zi Chuanli turned to Lin Qianxing, "Then you are by her side, are you also asking for her help?"

"I am her senior brother. Needless to say, Aoxue will help me. What about you? If I remember correctly, you have nothing to do with her! Are you so confident, Zi Chuanli?"

"You are just a dry star dryad. If you dare to harm Aoxue, I can kill you at any time."

"You can see my true face, Zi Chuanli, you are not an ordinary person, but Aoxue is heartbroken for Yunfeng now, and what you want will never succeed!" Lin Qianxing refused to budge!

Zi Chuanli smiled coldly, "I won't bother you!"

(End of this chapter)

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