Chapter 228 Entering Star Valley (2)

Zi Chuanli and Lin Qianxing, when their eyes collided, there was a sound of wind and thunder, and suddenly two gusts of wind blew up around them, and the wind gradually increased.

The slender blades of grass around the two of them swayed unsteadily, petals fell one after another, and a murderous aura suddenly appeared!

During the stalemate, Aoxue's voice was suddenly heard not far away, "You two also want to be the messengers?"

Lin Qianxing was stunned, put away his spiritual energy, jumped on the flying sword and rushed away.

Zi Chuanli, on the other hand, smiled faintly, and flew up out of thin air, a little faster than Lin Qianxing, with white clothes and black gauze blowing up with the wind, a little more graceful.

Seeing the two men catching up, Aoxue didn't ask any more questions, but said, "It seems that you two are too busy, you should have more rivals!"

Zi Chuan left the road, "Has Mo Hu succeeded?"

Aoxue laughed, "He is my spiritual pet, do you think he will fail?"

Sure enough, when they arrived at the place where the dark clouds gradually dissipated, they could see Mo Hu lying on the ground, showing his original shape. There were not many wounds on his body, but his expression was a little tired.

When Mo Hu saw Aoxue appear, he jumped up immediately, and instantly changed into a human form, he was a little more heroic than before, and hurriedly said, "Snow Lord, I succeeded! I will fly to the fairy world immediately, and I will wait for you, Snow Lord You have to hurry up!"

Aoxue nodded, and replied, "Don't worry, Mohu, if you go to the Immortal Realm, you can stay in the Immortal Beast Garden at ease, and I will look for you! But you are a mysterious beast with a master, so you are not allowed to fall into the arms of others!"

Mo Hu smiled brilliantly, "What nonsense did Master Xue say? I'll wait for you!"

The night sky suddenly brightened, and flowers flew down, accompanied by bursts of fairy music, and the air was filled with strange fragrances.

And the Venus on Mo Hu's forehead has disappeared, turning into a crescent moon, shining brightly.

Mo Hu's body gradually flew up into the sky, looking at Aoxue reluctantly, without this master, it would take him at least 3000 years to return to the fairyland, but now, he actually stepped into the fairyland with ease, even the thunder calamity can easily response!

How can these two words of gratitude be expressed?

Looking at Mo Hu's reluctant gaze, Aoxue's eyes were slightly moist. After being together for many days, Mo Hu has always cared about her. Of course, he will be a little bit reluctant to enter the fairy world at this time, but she will also step into the fairy world soon, and the reunion will be soon. will come!
After the light in the sky disappeared, everything returned to calm.

Aoxue immediately turned to the direction of the magic worm, he is a monster, it must be very difficult to survive the catastrophe!
When the three of Aoxue arrived at the deep pool, Aoxue was surprised to find that the water in the deep pool was constantly churning, and above the deep pool, three blood-colored clouds gathered!

The three blood clouds were not of normal size, and there was no thunder in the largest blood cloud. It seemed that the magic worm had passed through a thunderstorm!
The second blood cloud thundered loudly, and the lightning gathered more and more, gathering into a blue-purple lightning, and struck straight into the deep pool!

The blood jade worm jumped out of the water, vomited a blood light and hit the lightning sky, but the blood light shattered in one blow, and it couldn't resist the power of the sky!

The magic worm spat out seven blood glows in succession before repelling the second catastrophe!

But his body was almost transparent, and Aoxue looked at it distressedly, but there was nothing he could do to help.

If Tianjie finds that there is one more person to make a move, it will automatically increase its power!

So the magic worm can only fight by itself!
The third catastrophe finally fell!
The magic worm can't stop the approaching of the catastrophe even if it tries its best!

At this moment, a bell suddenly flew in midair. The sound of the bell was clear and sweet, blocking the third catastrophe!

And the three blood clouds dissipated, and all the catastrophes disappeared!

The magic worm will enter the corresponding demon world. Seeing that the guide has arrived, he hurriedly said, "Master! Don't forget to find me in the demon world!"

"Be careful with the magic worm!" Aoxue instructed, if the owner of the magic worm is discovered to be a fairy in the demon world, it will cause a lot of trouble!
Seeing the magic worm disappear in a sea of ​​blood, Aoxue stared blankly at the direction where the bell flew, and a figure appeared there!
The cloud and mist parted, and a person who surprised Aoxue appeared.

"Old Gu Wangxing, I made a rash move before, and I want to invite the three of you to visit Wangxing Valley!"

Gu Mochizuki's younger brother?

How could he be here?

(End of this chapter)

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