Chapter 269 Nightmare Demon King (2)

"You're talking nonsense!" The horrible and disgusting face of the Nightmare Ghost King suddenly became more distorted, and he denied it!
Aoxue said: "If I remember correctly, Madam Ruohua is very beautiful, and she escaped from the world of demons and ghosts 1 years ago and came to the world of comprehension. Although I don't know how she is now, your words reveal your thoughts If it wasn't for her? Why didn't you start planning 2 years ago? 8000 years ago? 5000 years ago, but you chose to come to this cultivation world after she disappeared! You must have suffered a lot too!"

Two cold lights shot out from the eyes of the Nightmare Ghost King, "Aoxue, you are really smart!"

When he came to the realm of comprehension 800 years ago, he was severely injured by the aura of the realm of comprehension. He hid in the one-horned forest and regained his strength after going through a lot of hardships. Reached an agreement with the Golden Eyed Demon King!
But he didn't find any news about Mrs. Luanhua!
It seems that after she escaped from the ghost world, she never came to the cultivation world.

But he clearly remembered that there was a cultivator who was really close to Mrs. Luanhua at that time.

No matter what method he used, he couldn't find any news about the cultivator and Mrs. Luanhua!
Until the ghost world's eyeliner reported back, Mrs. Gui Ji died, and the Nightmare Ghost King was replaced by the Purple Owl King.And I also heard that there were two strange people beside Mrs. Guiji. I heard that Mrs. Guiji called them Aoxue and Zichuanli, and said that one of them was the blood of Mrs. Ruohua!
The Nightmare Evil Ghost King was very excited, so after seeing the fireworks from Liu Yan, he left the many corpses and rushed here as soon as possible.

If this Aoxue is Mrs. Luanhua's daughter...

He had carefully looked at Aoxue just now, but Madam Ruohua was as soft as water, very gentle, while Aoxue had a stubborn and cold demeanor, which made him a little confused.

"Aoxue, who are your parents?"

Aoxue was taken aback, at the moment when the sword was on the verge of breaking out, the Nightmare Ghost King actually asked this question, and immediately said, "This has nothing to do with you!"

Yan Evil Ghost King unexpectedly showed unprecedented hesitation, he stared at Aoxue flying backwards and backed away until he was beside Yunfeng and the others, and then said: "Let's go!"

The four figures suddenly disappeared into the sky.

Aoxue was startled, she thought there was going to be a hard fight, but she even threw out the lost powder, and they left?
At this time, there are a lot of cultivators approaching in the distance!

After a while, they arrived at Aoxue's side, there were about 40 people, and the leader was Lin Qianxing!
Seeing that it was Aoxue, Lin Qianxing seemed relieved, "Aoxue, where did you go? Even Xiaoxuan couldn't find you!"

Aoxue said: "Brother, behind you is...?"

Lin Qianxing said dejectedly: "These are the surviving addresses of all sects! Now Guangsheng Continent is almost full of blood, and the sect masters are madly attacking their own disciples, causing heavy losses! Junior Sister Yan and I split up and sneaked among the various sects , Contacted about hundreds of disciples. Xiaoxuan is with Junior Sister Yan, and she should be here soon!"

"You didn't find the senior brother, and there are third and fourth senior brothers?" Aoxue asked in surprise.

Lin Qianxing smiled bitterly, with a very sad expression on his face, "Aoxue, I thought I was a good judge of people, but I didn't expect that I was still deceived by others. Fourth Junior Brother, he has already been killed by Third Junior Brother!"

Aoxue was stunned, "Why?"

"Fourth junior brother is also from the demon world! He has concealed it for hundreds of years without revealing any flaws!"

"How did the third senior brother find out?"

Lin Qianxing said, "Do you still remember the time when the army of monsters attacked? Fourth Junior Brother actually told the army of monsters about the distribution of us and all the sects, and in the Valley of Beasts, he was also constantly attracting fierce beasts to attack at the same time. The other sect disciples who entered. The third junior brother discovered it by accident. After dissuading him several times, the fourth junior brother was still obsessed with his obsession. The last time you went out after practicing, the third junior brother led the fourth junior brother into the trap and killed him! Originally, the third junior brother was He wanted to come back and plead guilty to the master, but now that the Shengfengmen existed in name only, he went to the secret room by himself, facing the wall and thinking about his mistakes."

(End of this chapter)

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