Chapter 270 Nightmare Demon King (3)

"Eldest brother is also missing?"

"Eldest brother, I don't know where to practice. If you hear the news, you should come back." Lin Qianxing was faintly worried.

Aoxue said, "If he enters the One Horn Forest, he might not be able to get out for a while."

Suddenly Aoxue tilted her head, and a black shadow suddenly rushed into her arms from the southwest.

"Xiao Xuan!"

"Snow Lord, you finally appeared!" Xiaoxuan appeared in his original form, because only in this way is the fastest speed.

Aoxue lightly stroked the fur on its back, and said with a smile, "Don't you want me to appear?"

Xiaoxuan blamed aggrievedly, "You actually left me and left!"

Yan Qianfei also arrived later, seeing the situation, said: "Aoxue, where have you been? Xiaoxuan rushed back like crazy just now. He was still in human form, but he turned into a black smoke in the blink of an eye!"

Aoxue said: "Senior sister, I have something to leave, thank you for helping me take care of Xiaoxuan!"

Yan Qianfei glanced at Xiaoxuan, and said: "It's not considered to be taken care of, he is not bad, it's the kind of pitiful waiting for you, which makes people very helpless!"

Xiaoxuan retorted: "How can I be pitiful? I'm just afraid that something will happen to Xuezhu!"

"Don't worry, Xiaoxuan, how could I leave you behind? By the way, Senior Sister, how is your journey going?"

Yan Qianfei said: "Blood is everywhere, and the corpses have all turned into skeletons, as if being sucked dry of flesh and blood. It's really horrible."

Aoxue said: "I saw the culprit just now, he is the ghost king of the ghost world, he uses the vitality of the practitioners to increase his strength."

Lin Qianxing was startled, "Then junior sister, you repelled him?"

Aoxue shook her head, "He was very strange, he asked who my parents were, and then left!"

Yan Qianfei was very worried, "How should we deal with him?"

Aoxue thought for a while, and said: "I'll go to inquire about the news of the Nightmare Evil King, Senior Brother and Senior Sister, where are you staying?"

Lin Qianxing pointed to the direction of Jietian Peak to the north of Shengfengmen, "It's extremely hidden there, and we have also set up a few formations to settle down temporarily."

"Okay, I'll find you guys after I've done my inquiries!" Aoxue was about to leave, but Yan Qianfei stopped her.

"Junior Sister, have you heard any other news?"

Aoxue smiled, "Senior Sister, you mean Yun Feng, right? I saw him just now."

"You didn't persuade him to come back?"

"Senior sister, everyone has their own ambitions." After Aoxue finished speaking, she turned around and left with Yujian.

Yan Qianfei sighed, and Lin Qianxing rushed to Jietian Peak with the other disciples they gathered together.
In the cave of the Nightmare Ghost King, Aoyue, Yan Ruolan, and Yun Feng were standing in front of the Nightmare Ghost King.

The Nightmare Evil Ghost King sat on the stone couch, staring at Aoyue with cold eyes, just now he mentioned Aoxue to several people, only then did he know that Aoyue was actually her sister.

Then Aoxue is most likely not Madam Ruohua's daughter, he asked indifferently, "Then Aoxue is really your sister?"

Aoyue trembled in her heart, "Yes, master. She is my seventh sister."

"Born from the same parents as you?"

"No, her mother has already died!" Aoyue didn't know what the Nightmare King wanted to ask, so she could only answer truthfully. She was afraid that he would throw some more snakes and insects on her.

The Nightmare Ghost King asked sharply, "Are you telling the truth?"

"Sentence-sentence-true...!" Aoyue was terrified.

Nightmare Evil Ghost King remembered another name, "Then Zi Chuanli, who among you three knows?"

Aoyue and Yunfeng were startled, wondering why the Nightmare Evil King mentioned this name!

"Zichuanli is Aoxue's helper, they are often together!" Aoyue replied hastily.

"Whose son is he?"

Aoyue said in horror, "I don't know, but his strength is extraordinary, and he covers his face with a black veil all day long."

Nightmare Evil Ghost King's facial features are distorted, it seems that Zi Chuanli may be Mrs. Luanhua's son!
As long as you can see him, you can be sure.

"You said he was often with Aoxue? Why didn't you see him just now?" Yan Evil Ghost King asked.

Aoyue replied tremblingly: "The subordinates really don't know. But when Aoxue was in danger a few times, it was Zi Chuanli who rescued her!"

There was a burst of terrifying laughter from the mouth of the evil ghost king, "Dangerous situation? Help? Hohohohohohoho..."

(End of this chapter)

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