Chapter 271 Nightmare Demon King (4)

Aoxue landed directly in front of Zi Chuanli's Heisha cave.

Zi Chuanli stood in front of the cave, looked at Aoxue falling from the sky, and did not speak first.

His face seemed a little lonely, and there was an inexplicable sadness in his eyes.

Aoxue asked anxiously, "Zi Chuanli, do you know the Nightmare Evil King?"

Zi Chuanli nodded, "I know. But Aoxue, haven't you noticed any changes in your body since you came back from the ghost world?"

Aoxue was startled, her spiritual sense swept her whole body, but found nothing, and said, "I haven't changed anything."

"Then why am I in such pain?" Zi Chuanli asked back.

"Pain?" Aoxue didn't understand what Zi Chuanli meant.

Zi Chuanli looked deeply at Aoxue, and said, "Every time you rush out of my sight, I feel very painful. This is even more so after returning from the ghost world! My eyes always want to find your existence , my ears want to hear your voice from time to time. And my body can't help but want to rush out, can you tell me why?"

Aoxue was stunned on the spot, Zi Chuanli was expressing his heart to her?

Zi Chuanli said to himself, "They said I was in love, Aoxue, do you know what love is? Did you feel it when you were in the God Realm? Do you know what love is? Why do I feel this way? Pain? This pain is more painful than the past I have forgotten!"

Aoxue turned around, turned her back to Zi Chuanli, and said in a calm tone, "Zi Chuanli, love will only make your heart demons arise, and love will make your cultivation stagnate, and it will also prevent you from practicing meditation. You have already After wasting thousands of years, do you still want to let it influence you, so that you will never be able to return to the God Realm?"

Zi Chuanli smiled wryly, "God Realm? If God Realm didn't exist without you, it would be just another empty prison! Aoxue, I don't understand why you always refuse to face up to my heart. Could it be that in your heart, Is he the only one?"

Aoxue's shoulders trembled a little, and she said, "Zi Chuanli, don't think about impossible things! If I make you suffer, I'm sorry, and I'll leave!"

She stepped on the flying sword and left quickly.

Zhui Lei looked at Zi Chuanli who was still standing in front of the cave, and was angry, "Why can't he give up on her?"

Ziyou lay lazily on the ground, and said: "Zui Lei, you have never been attracted to anyone, how could you understand that feeling?"

"Do you understand?"

"Anyway, I know better than you! Love is the most poisonous poison. Once it is contaminated, no one can escape it, not even the great god king!" Ziyou came to a conclusion.

Chasing Lei was about to refute, when he suddenly heard Zi Chuanli calling him, he could only give Ziyou a look, and walked out of the cave.
Aoxue stepped on the flying sword, a little absent-minded.

She saw and remembered everything Zi Chuanli did for her.

However, she is very clear that if she really lets go of her personal feelings, then she will have no chance to ascend to the fairy world again!

She is already trying her best to suppress the troubles caused by the matter of Yunfeng. If there is another disturbance because of Zi Chuanli, then her inner demon will become an irresistible opponent!

When crossing the catastrophe, the inner demon will make her never recover!

No, you can't be influenced by Zi Chuanli!

What she should do at this time is to calm down her state of mind and practice with all her strength!
But for some reason, the eyes of Zi Chuanli just now flashed before her eyes, the eyes of hope in grief.

Xiaoxuan said: "Master Snow, you can't be..."

Aoxue interrupted Xiaoxuan's words, "No, I didn't! Xiaoxuan, I want to become stronger, I want to ascend to immortality, and I want to have no distractions, do you understand?"

Xiaoxuan said helplessly: "You can deceive others, but how can you hide it from me who is closely related to you? Xiaoqing, what do you think?"

Xiaoqing said sullenly: "I just heard that the master's sister just couldn't help herself!"

"Even Xiaoqing can hear it." Xiaoxuan said again, "Master Snow..."

Aoxue's blood stagnated suddenly, and she couldn't control her body at all!She fell from the flying sword and fell into a prison made of light in midair!

Aoxue was shocked, and only heard the laughter of the evil ghost king in her ear, "So you are so vulnerable!"

(End of this chapter)

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