Chapter 276 Life or Death (1)

How long has it been since Aoxue came to the cultivation world, and her speed is far faster than her own!
Yan Qianfei's heart palpited for a while, but she couldn't allow her to think about it at this time, and immediately called out the red weaving flute pattern bird, holding double thorns, with a solemn expression.

Aoxue recruits Xiaoxuan and Xiaoqing to separate Yan Qianfei from left and right!

Among the three, Yan Qianfei is weaker, Aoxue wants to ensure her safety!

The three of them stared straight at the dozens of heads rushing over, their faces were not as kind and smiling as before, but full of bloodlust and madness!
Today's battle, no matter who loses, will be a great tragedy!

But the three of Aoxue had no choice.

Either life or death!
Aoyue and Yan Ruolan followed far behind, full of pride!

The moment the Nightmare Evil Ghost King died, the two of them had already sensed it, and the heads of the sects also commotioned for a moment.

But Aoyue quickly took control of the situation, and under the guise of the ghost king's order, drove all the heads to kill Aoxue!

This is their only chance!
If the controlling power of the Nightmare Ghost King gradually disappears, those masters will return to normal!
Therefore, if Aoxue can be killed at this time and the hatred in her heart is relieved, with the strength of the two of them, no matter where they go, no one will dare to underestimate them! ——
Aoxue and Yuanying are next to each other on the left, Yan Qianfei is in the middle, and Lin Qianxing is on the right.

In front of them, fierce fire, lightning, wind, water waves, all kinds of spells rushed towards them!

Accompanied by the howling sound of weapons and the sound of magic weapons breaking through the sky, the sky was dark!
Lin Qianxing has many branches and is flexible and changeable. He can see the magic weapon to repel the attack when he sees the opportunity!
Moreover, his own magic weapon on the branch is puffing out clouds and mist again, emitting bursts of strange fragrance!
The Celestial Immortal Staff in Aoxue's hand emitted streaks of silver light from time to time, rushing into the swarming crowd!

As long as the silver light hits the legs, feet and other parts of the body of those masters, their actions will be slowed down!
But Yuan Ying didn't care about it, he opened his bow to shoot arrows, and every ice arrow shot would hit the chest of a certain head!
This is the first time since Aoxue's rebirth, she is distracted to control the two bodies, she is a bit powerless, so Nascent Soul is also a little disobedient!
But in this critical time, the other party's death is one's own life!
No one would blame them for being cruel, after all, the hands of every sect master were covered with the blood of his disciples!

But there are only four of them, while the opponent has five or sixty people!
Gradually, Yan Qianfei first showed signs of fatigue, Xiaoxuan protected her left and right, retreated behind Aoxue and Lin Qianxing, and took a short rest!

At this time, Lin Qianxing and Aoxue almost became a triangle, they formed a small circle, blocking Yan Qianfei in the center, and they fearlessly resisted the continuous attacks!
Li Yan withdrew with a palm, and a raging fire suddenly came!

The fire Lin Qianxing didn't stop it in time, it directly burned his trunk, scorching a piece of bark!
Aoxue immediately sent out a force of ice and snow, making it cling to Lin Qianxing's wound, temporarily relieving the pain!
But in this way, it was a bit late for her to attack Head Yang.

There was a crackling sound between the palms of Master Yang, and the light of lightning flashed between them. With a push of both hands, the light of lightning came directly towards Aoxue.

Aoxue couldn't dodge back because Yan Qianfei was behind her!

With a thought in her mind, the Nascent Soul and the Nascent Body merged into one, and wanted to forcefully accept this piece of electric light!

Aoyue's eyes are wild, take it!pick it up!Silly girl, this is not an ordinary lightning glow at all, but a real sky thunder and lightning glow accumulated by borrowing a magic weapon!
As long as Aoxue's hand touches the electric light, it will immediately become burnt!
Aoyue was expecting that kind of scene to happen, she stared at Aoxue intently!

The electric light came in no time, Aoxue stared wide-eyed, looking at the purple-blue electric light in front of her, she seemed to have smelled that burnt smell!

A figure stopped in front of her, abruptly picking up the electric glow!

The figure's back immediately festered!
Aoxue stared intently, the person in front of her made her feel depressed!
Yun Feng slapped Master Yang with his backhand, and Master Yang flew upside down without making a sound, and fell straight to the ground, obviously dead!

"Are you okay? Aoxue."

(End of this chapter)

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