Chapter 277 Life or Death (2)

"Thank you!" Aoxue said indifferently, and rushed to the heads who were still fighting endlessly!
But Yun Feng followed him like a shadow, attacking fiercely and viciously, not long after, more than a dozen masters died in his hands!
Aoxue noticed that those were all the heads of unknown sects, her heart suddenly moved, Yu Jian flew to Lin Qianxing, and asked, "Second senior brother, do we want to kill them all?"

If Yun Feng had joined, the battle situation would have been very different!

Yun Feng's strength is definitely beyond the Tribulation Period!

Because two people who are both in the Transcending Tribulation Stage fight, it takes at least half an hour to decide the winner!

But he won too smoothly!
As long as Aoyue and Yan Ruolan don't come to stop them, Yun Feng might be able to kill all the heads alone!
But in this way, the entire Guangsheng Continent will become a lifeless place of resentment!

Aoxue's heart moved, and she realized that this place is not far from the Unicorn Forest.

Those masters are under the control of the ghost king, but the nightmare ghost king is dead now, and his control over them will gradually weaken. As long as they can be introduced into the one-horned forest, they may return to normal in a short time!

That's better than killing everyone!

Aoxue made a decisive decision and turned to Yunfeng, "I want to introduce them to the Unicorn Forest!"

Not far away, Aoyue and Yan Ruolan's eyes were burning, they didn't expect Yunfeng to help Aoxue, and immediately flew to catch up.

Aoxue and Lin Qianxing fought while retreating, Yunfeng and Yan Qianfei assisted at the side, finally before Aoyue and Yan Ruolan arrived, the group all entered the Unicorn Forest!
In the dark unicorn forest, a biting cold wind blows from time to time.

Lin Qianxing had already recovered her human form, and she was able to shuttle through the woods very quickly.

Aoxue contacted them through Xiaoxuan who was beside Yan Qianfei!
Yun Feng has disappeared.

The three of them split up and ran in different directions. As long as they can consume all the demonic energy on the violent and bloodthirsty leader, it will be considered a success!

But Aoyue and Yan Ruolan are chasing Aoxue closely!

Aoxue simply found a slightly open woodland and stayed there, Xiaoqing had returned to her side, showing the original shape of a one-horned flame wolf, looking fiercely at Aoyue and Yan Ruolan who followed closely!
Aoxue struck first, "Aoyue, you and I are no longer sisters, if you die today, I will never feel guilty!"

Extreme resentment flashed across Aoyue's face, "Aoxue, you deserved to die a long time ago! It's a miracle that you didn't die during the trial that day! Since childhood, everyone who saw you and me who were similar in age would praise you Like a little fairy, but I will always be ignored by them! When I grow up, my spiritual root is better than you, but everyone still praises you, saying that you are unparalleled! Even if I frame you in every possible way, they will forgive you in the end!

In the world of comprehension, you overwhelm me in everything!In the end, he knocked me out and ignored him, causing me to fall into the hands of the ghost king and suffer all kinds of torture!If I don't kill you, how can I get rid of the hatred in my heart?Aoxue, you are destined to be like this, don't blame me for being cruel! "

Yan Ruolan didn't say a word, but the resentment in her eyes had already been revealed.

Never die!

Aoxue knows that the strength of Aoyue and Yan Ruolan in front of her can surpass her alone!

But the person who died in the end was definitely not her Aoxue!

"Xiao Qing, you and I will be fire-breathing dragons together!" Aoxue ordered, and immediately drew out all Xue Yingyan from the dantian!
This day will be Aoyue and Yan Ruolan's last day in this world!
Aoxue's expression was indifferent, and she softly shouted: "The flames are colorful!"

When the four words were spat out from Aoxue's lips one by one, with an incomparably fierce aura, accompanied by Xue Yingyan, who was rising in the wind, slammed into Aoyue and Yan Ruolan fiercely!
At the same time, Xiaoqing's two flames also rushed towards Aoyue and Yan Ruolan aggressively!
Black energy burst out from Aoyue's body, like a black dragon coiling around her body, she bit the tip of her tongue, a mouthful of blood merged with the black dragon, and the black dragon immediately fiercely met Xiaoqing's two flames!

And beside Yan Ruolan, thousands of firebirds suddenly appeared, also meeting Aoxue's Xue Yingyan!

A storm immediately appeared in the center of the forest, with violent turbulence and loud bangs. Countless trees were uprooted from the soil, the ground was cracked everywhere, and the dirt and branches flew towards the three people in the center of the storm at high speed!
(End of this chapter)

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