Chapter 289 Nanluo Immortal Mansion (2)

"Senior brother, what's the meaning of this?" Aoxue didn't know why Bu Chenqing said that, did he still want some benefits?

Bu Chenqing said, "The Immortal Emperor already knew about you rushing to the Immortal Beast Mountain, and he was furious!"

Aoxue said: "Could it be that Immortal Beast Mountain can't go?"

Bu Chenqing said: "Immortal Emperor Nanluo doesn't like the Ink-top Galaxy Beast the most, but you have a good conversation with him, why can't the Immortal Emperor be annoyed?"

Aoxue's heart skipped a beat, only to realize that she was too careless.

In the area belonging to the Immortal Emperor, not only the Immortal Emperor Nanluo, but all the Immortal Emperors can see what happened within the scope of their own strength!
Those with advanced cultivation bases can check with their spiritual sense, and those with lower cultivation bases can use the fairy treasure!

She must pay attention in the future!
Otherwise, every move will be known by others, so how can we talk about secrets?
Nanluo Immortal Mansion floats in the air, the pavilions are shrouded in clouds and mist, and the pillars in front of the Immortal Mansion go straight into the sky.

The aura of Nanluo Immortal Mansion is stronger than other places, Aoxue followed Bu Chenqing to the gate of Immortal Mansion.

Bu Chenqing knocked on the door three times in a row, and the door that looked like a white black stone opened slowly.

It was only after stepping into the real Immortal Mansion that Aoxue felt the unique, majestic and oppressive aura!

The main halls, side halls, and even corner houses that can be seen around are all exquisite and amazing.

Just listening to the midair, a voice asked, "Is this a new immortal?"

"Returning to the Immortal Emperor, it is the new Immortal." Bu Chenqing replied respectfully.

Seeing that Aoxue hadn't moved, Bu Chenqing hurriedly stretched out his hand to tug Aoxue, and Aoxue followed suit and replied, "The new Immortal Aoxue pays homage to the Immortal Emperor."

"Bring her to the palace lightly."

"Yes, Immortal Emperor."

Along the way, Aoxue met many fairies, all of them seemed to be fourteen or fifteen years old, very handsome, with a certain bearing.On the contrary, those fairies, whose appearance is only considered to be of the highest quality, pass by with flower baskets from time to time, and never show any surprise when they see Aoxue.

Stepping outside the hall lightly, Bu Chenqing said: "You go in! The Immortal Emperor only allows you to go in alone."

Aoxue slightly frowned, the reason why the Immortal Emperor made it so mysterious.

She gently pushed open the hall door and stepped into the smoky Qingdeng Hall, where candles were burning and glowing red.

The palace is not illuminated by bright pearls, could it be that the Immortal Emperor has fallen so low?
When Aoxue walked not far from the high seat, a figure suddenly appeared, sitting on the high seat, looking at Aoxue.But there was a screen in front of him, Aoxue couldn't see the appearance of Immortal Emperor Nan Luo clearly.

"The appearance is excellent, what's your name?"

Aoxue suppressed her unhappiness, bowed her head and replied, "Xiaoxian Aoxue."

"Aoxue?" Immortal Emperor Nanluo pondered, "Aoxue, why did you go to the Immortal Beast Mountain?"

"Xiaoxian is looking for the mysterious beast in the lower realm."

"Do you know that after an immortal goes to heaven, he must first go to the immortal mansion to record it, and then he can follow orders and go out to do things?" Immortal Emperor Nan Luo seemed displeased.

"Xiaoxian doesn't know." Aoxue replied briefly, and didn't speak again.

Immortal Emperor Nan Luo said: "Since you have found the mysterious beast, you can stay in the Immortal Mansion with peace of mind, and you are not allowed to enter or leave at will."

Aoxue suddenly raised her head and said, "Excuse me, Immortal Emperor." She seemed to see Immortal Emperor Nan Luo's behavior flustered, but she didn't think about it, and then said: "Xiaoxian still has something to do."

"What's the matter?"

"Xiaoxian still has to look for two profound beasts. After finding them, she will naturally come to the Immortal Mansion to devote herself to cultivation. I hope the Immortal Emperor will approve."

Immortal Emperor Nan Luo snorted coldly, "No."

Aoxue said in amazement, "Why not?"

"It's just because your current cultivation level is far below me, and the strong in the fairy world are respected. If you want to do whatever you want, you can talk about it after you surpass me!" Immortal Emperor Nan Luo got up and left.

Aoxue was stunned in the hall, but Bu Chenqing came in suddenly, pulled her out of the hall, and scolded, "How dare you argue with the Immortal Emperor! The Immortal Emperor said one thing, you should obey and practice!"

"No! They are waiting for me, I must go!" Aoxue said firmly.

Mohu has been bullied, Xiaoxuan's whereabouts are unknown, and the magic worm doesn't know what's going on in the demon world. How can she cultivate in this fairy mansion with peace of mind?
(End of this chapter)

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