Chapter 290 Lavida as a teacher (1)

Bu Chenqing said, "Don't be stubborn, near Nanluo, the Immortal Emperor is the supreme ruler!"

Aoxue chuckled, "Sorry, I can't obey!"

Aoxue turned around and called out the blue beast, stepped on the back of the blue beast, and drove it away.

Even if she doesn't know the direction of the Demon Underworld, she still has to search around to find the Blood Jade Demon Worm as soon as possible!
But the blue beast ran to the gate of Nanluo Xianfu, but couldn't take a step forward.

Surprised, Aoxue walked down to touch the door, and a soft force quickly bounced her back.


Immortal Emperor Nan Luo actually imposed a ban!

Aoxue snorted coldly, she was not afraid of any restrictions and obstructions!
Restriction is nothing more than a formation!It's just set up with fairy power.

As long as she finds the hole in the formation, she can naturally break it!

Aoxue concentrated for a moment, then sensed a weakness somewhere, immediately a burst of immortal power escaped from the palm of her hand and slammed into that weak spot.

The restriction should have been broken in response, but instead Aoxue felt a huge impact gushing from the weak point!

Aoxue was not on guard, and was immediately hit by the impact and took several steps back, her heart was churning with blood, and it was difficult to calm down.

Then her eyes went dark, her whole body seemed to be enveloped, her body couldn't move for a moment, and then there was a biting cold!

Aoxue was shocked, knowing that she had been tricked!

That weak point must have been deliberately set up by the Immortal Emperor to lure her to break through it, and then use magic weapons to trap her!

Sure enough, after the cold, Immortal Emperor Nan Luo's voice sounded outside the darkness, "Aoxue, you disobeyed the emperor's order, and now I am punishing you to live in this sleepy day for a hundred years!"

century?A hundred years in the fairy world is enough to be a thousand years in the cultivation world!
If she was really trapped here for a hundred years, why would she still talk about going to Xiaoxuan, Mo Chong and Xiaoqing?

Anger rose in Aoxue's heart, as soon as her body was a little loose, she immediately concentrated on hitting the soft place nearby!

This sleepy day unexpectedly returned the attack to Aoxue again.

After trying many times in a row, Aoxue's blood surged up and it was difficult to calm down.

Immortal Emperor Nan Luo actually trapped her!

No, she must leave!

Mo Hu said, "Master Xue, don't be impatient. Let's recover together first, and when the time comes, we will gather our strength and we will surely be able to open this difficult time!"

"Okay!" Aoxue gritted her teeth to hold her breath, took out the elixir to restore her own strength, and checked Mo Hu's situation from time to time.

Fortunately, Mo Hu was born as a fairy beast with extraordinary aptitude, and soon he recovered [-]% to [-]%.

Aoxue couldn't remember how long it had passed, but when her body was back to her best condition and Mo Hu was strong enough to fight the enemy, they joined forces and started attacking in one place!
Gradually, the strength of the rebound became weaker and weaker, and Aoxue and Mo Hu immediately became full of energy.

Immortal Emperor Nan Luo was talking with three disciples in the main hall when a burst of white light suddenly burst out from his body!
Then, Aoxue and Mo Hu appeared in front of the four of them!
Immortal Emperor Nan Luo's expression changed, and he reprimanded: "Aoxue, how dare you damage this emperor's magic weapon!"

Aoxue and Mo Hu stood next to Immortal Emperor Nanluo without any fear, "Although you are an immortal emperor, you can't do whatever you want. I have asked you, but you not only refused, but trapped me. Could it be The Immortal Emperor doesn't care about things?"

Immortal Emperor Nan Luo was about to reprimand him, when suddenly one of the three in the hall laughed lightly, "Master, this is the first time I've seen someone dare to refute you old man!"

Aoxue turned her head to look, it was a young man with handsome features, and the two women beside him were all beautiful.There was no restraint on the man's face, but the two women were a little worried.

Hearing the man's laughter, Immortal Emperor Nan Luo actually lost most of his anger, "Lang Yi, this is a new immortal a few days ago. I think she has ordinary aptitude, so you should accept her! Don't let me see her again!"

Lang Yi raised his thick eyebrows, "Master, what you say is right?"

"Natural arithmetic!"

"Well, she will become my senior disciple of Lang Yi." Lang Yi turned to Aoxue, "Let's go!"

Aoxue is a little confused, isn't the new immortal a disciple of the Immortal Emperor?
Then she called Bu Chenqing Senior Brother that day, why didn't he correct her?

(End of this chapter)

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