Chapter 291 Lavida as a teacher (2)

Mo Hu secretly said with his spiritual sense: "Master Xue, seeing that the Immortal Emperor has a bad temper, staying here, it is difficult to escape, why not leave with this person first, and then worry about it."

Aoxue vaguely felt that something was wrong, was it because the Immortal Emperor was too angry today, or because of Langyi's strange expression?
Lang Yi raised his bright eyes, "What? Why did I ask you to invite me as a teacher?"

Aoxue was stunned for a moment, walked down the steps slowly, looked back at Immortal Emperor Nan Luo, and then left with Lang Yi.

After the two left, the woman in light red clothes asked respectfully, "Master, what is the origin of that woman, and why did you ask Senior Brother to accept her as a disciple?"

Immortal Emperor Nan Luo replied indifferently: "Herring, do you know? If she can't get away today, I won't let Langyi take her in. This Aoxue is not easy."

Qingyu was puzzled, Langyi could be said to be the number one expert under Immortal Emperor Nanluo, he had never accepted an apprentice for thousands of years, but now he accepted Aoxue, there must be something inside.

Immortal Emperor Nan Luo said: "Baihe, you and Herring follow secretly, and then report the situation to me."

"Yes!" Baihe and Herring retreated quietly.

Immortal Emperor Nan Luo suddenly said: "Are you satisfied with this?"

A hoarse voice sounded, "How can I be worried about what you do? I hope she will realize her wish as soon as possible."

"You have kept it from me and refused to reveal her origin, so aren't you afraid that I will investigate?" Immortal Emperor Nan Luo asked back.

The hoarse voice said: "What's the use of checking? She's just... that's all, leave!"

Immortal Emperor Nan Luo shouted in dissatisfaction, "You haven't told me what you pretended to say to me that day!"

"Normal words."

Immortal Emperor Nan Luo shook his head, got up and disappeared suddenly, and the hall returned to silence.
Langyi took Aoxue straight to the west side of Nanluo Xianfu, and did not stop until Lianyue Peak, said: "That is the Shixian Mansion, do you want to visit it?"

Aoxue couldn't help asking: "Why did you accept me as a disciple?"

Langyi smiled faintly, "Aoxue, why ask why? With me, you have great freedom, you can do whatever you want. Do you still want to ask the truth?"

Aoxue looked at Langyi puzzled, and Langyi said again, "There is a map leading to the demon world in my Immortal Mansion, you go and get it, and then go! Remember to report my name in front of people, and naturally no one will embarrass you you!"

After all, Langyi actually left directly.

Aoxue summoned Mo Hu and entered the cave of Lianyue Peak, but she went through four traps, eight mazes, and three traps in a row. After half an hour, she entered the cave of Langyi.

Lang Yi disappeared in mid-air, watching Aoxue destroy his protective magic circle, feeling extremely distressed, "This girl is quite capable, and she can enter the cave in half an hour! She really shouldn't be underestimated!"

When Aoxue took the map and left the cave, Langyi hid her figure again. According to Aoxue's current strength, she would not feel that someone was spying on her.

But what surprised Langyi was that Aoxue didn't leave immediately, but chose a place full of aura to meditate and practice. The Jinjing Mohu beside her was also quietly lying beside her, but his eyes were extremely sharp as he turned.

Langyi guessed that Aoxue wanted to try her best to improve her strength before going to the demon world.

He looked at it for a while and felt very bored, so he ran away quietly.

But he didn't notice that when he left, Aoxue opened his eyes and glanced at him.

"Okay, he's gone!" Aoxue said with a smile.

Lang Yi thought that Aoxue couldn't feel him, but unexpectedly, there was a faint cold fragrance on his body, which had already drifted out of the air, revealing his tracks.

"Mo Hu, let's go too!" Aoxue checked the map, if she wanted to go to the Demon Underworld, she would naturally go to the Three Essences Ancient Cave.

But according to the map, she has to pass through an area of ​​nearly several thousand centimeters.

And among these thousands of miles, there are many places that no one has ever been to in the fairy world, and they are all marked in red letters.

Safer places that can be walked are marked with blue letters, but it may take ten and a half months to complete the places marked by blue letters.

If you want to arrive as soon as possible, you can only follow the scarlet letter!
(End of this chapter)

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